BULLHEAD LAKE ADVANCEMENT ASSOCIATION, INC: Bullhead Lake Stormwater Catch Basin Study


1. Map the size of the drainage area to the lake's wetland. 2. Define the size of the wetland and its hydrological capacity during either a 10 year or 50 year storm event. 3. Design a diversion of retention area to collect runoff from agricultural land before it enters Bullhead Lake. 4. Prepare a final report including the results of tasks 1-3. 5. Disseminate project results to the public by summary report mailing and local newspaper article.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
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1. Map the size of the drainage area to the lake's wetland. 2. Define the size of the wetland and its hydrological capacity during either a 10 year or 50 year storm event. 3. Design a diversion of retention area to collect runoff from agricultural land before it enters Bullhead Lake. 4. Prepare a final report including the results of tasks 1-3. 5. Disseminate project results to the public by summary report mailing and local newspaper article.
Retention Basin - Create or Improve
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