TOWN OF PHELPS: Town of Phelps Management Planning, Phase 2


The Town of Phelps proposes to analyze the information from the Phase 1 lakes inventory and develop recommendations for future land and water resource uses within the Town. Project deliverables are: 1)Development of a Comprehensive Land Use Plan, to include maps, recommendations and an implementation strategy. The project will be distributed through public meetings(s) and a Comprehensive Management Plan. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with two (2) copies of the final report.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Reports and Documents
The purpose of the Phelps Year 2020 Comprehensive Master Plan is to encourage orderly use and development of land in the town of Phelps. At the same time, the preparation of the plan is also intended to promote and stimulate public participation in the planning process by bringing local issues to the forefront. The plan is based on an analysis of existing conditions, market trends, public input, and determination of future needs.
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
The Town of Phelps proposes to analyze the information from the Phase 1 lakes inventory and develop recommendations for future land and water resource uses within the Town. Project deliverables are: 1)Development of a Comprehensive Land Use Plan, to include maps, recommendations and an implementation strategy. The project will be distributed through public meetings(s) and a Comprehensive Management Plan. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with two (2) copies of the final report.
Lakes Planning Grant
Project Deliverable
)Development of a Comprehensive Land Use Plan, to include maps, recommendations and an implementation strategy.
Informational Meetings