TRI-LAKES ASSN.: Krohn's Lake Baseline Diagnostic Study


The Tri Lakes Association proposes to conduct a baseline study and develop a comprehensive lake management plan for Krohns Lake. Specifically, the project will delineate the lake's watershed and existing land uses, estimate nutrient and sediment runoff from various land uses including the public parking area, collect baseline water quality conditions, conduct an aquatic plant survey, evaluate the potential for nutrient loading from residential septic systems, and develop a comprehensive lake management plan for Krohns Lake. The Tri Lakes Association and the Department of Natural Resources will be provided with hard copies and electronic copies of the study results and final lake management plan. Additional copies will be provided to the local library and the Kewaunee County Promotion and Recreation Department.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Reports and Documents
Lakes Planning Report. Project Number: KRL 08-3100-0616.
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
The Tri Lakes Association proposes to conduct a baseline study and develop a comprehensive lake management plan for Krohns Lake. Specifically, the project will delineate the lake's watershed and existing land uses, estimate nutrient and sediment runoff from various land uses including the public parking area, collect baseline water quality conditions, conduct an aquatic plant survey, evaluate the potential for nutrient loading from residential septic systems, and develop a comprehensive lake management plan for Krohns Lake. The Tri Lakes Association and the Department of Natural Resources will be provided with hard copies and electronic copies of the study results and final lake management plan. Additional copies will be provided to the local library and the Kewaunee County Promotion and Recreation Department.
Comprehensive Planning Studies
Lake Management Plan Development
Watershed Mapping or Assessment