LAKE BEULAH MANAGEMENT DISTRICT: Lake Beulah Groundwater Modeling & Mapping


The LBMD will undertake a project to understand the hydrology and hydrologic response of the Lake Beulah subwatershed. Piezometers will be installed at various locations around the lake, inlet/outlet monitoring will be conducted and a water budget for Lake Beulah will be established. The project deliverable for this grant will be the submittal of two paper copies and one electronic copy (on a CD-ROM) of the final report to the WDNR. The final report will contain the following elements: 1) Summarized raw data for the piezometers; 2) Summarized inflow/outflow data; 3) Estimates of precipitation, evaporation and overland flow; 4) Modeling of groundwater contribution and aerial distribution to Lake Beulah; 5) a discussion of the accuracy of the model and 6) Results of simulations conducted on the model to evaluate impacts to the lake and groundwater during stresses (such as a high capacity well withdrawal).

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Grant Awarded
The LBMD will undertake a project to understand the hydrology and hydrologic response of the Lake Beulah subwatershed. Piezometers will be installed at various locations around the lake, inlet/outlet monitoring will be conducted and a water budget for Lake Beulah will be established. The project deliverable for this grant will be the submittal of two paper copies and one electronic copy (on a CD-ROM) of the final report to the WDNR. The final report will contain the following elements: 1) Summarized raw data for the piezometers; 2) Summarized inflow/outflow data; 3) Estimates of precipitation, evaporation and overland flow; 4) Modeling of groundwater contribution and aerial distribution to Lake Beulah; 5) a discussion of the accuracy of the model and 6) Results of simulations conducted on the model to evaluate impacts to the lake and groundwater during stresses (such as a high capacity well withdrawal).
Hydrologic Budget Development
Water Quality Modeling