GOLDEN SANDS: LMI-Petenwell Flowage Water Quality Monitoring


Golden Sands Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc. proposes to complete the second year of funding for water quality modeling of the Petenwell Flowage. The models being used in applying the methodology on Petenwell Flowage include: 1) the Flux Reservoir loading Model, 2) Profile Model, 3) Bathtub Model. Implementation of this plan will provide information on the following: 1) water/nutrient budget for the Petenwell Flowage, 2) sources of nutrients, 3) effects of nutrient reduction, and 4) prediction of the total maximum daily loads necessary to reach desired target nutrient levels. A working Model will be provided as well as a finel report will be available for interested parties.

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Golden Sands Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc. proposes to complete the second year of funding for water quality modeling of the Petenwell Flowage. The models being used in applying the methodology on Petenwell Flowage include: 1) the Flux Reservoir loading Model, 2) Profile Model, 3) Bathtub Model. Implementation of this plan will provide information on the following: 1) water/nutrient budget for the Petenwell Flowage, 2) sources of nutrients, 3) effects of nutrient reduction, and 4) prediction of the total maximum daily loads necessary to reach desired target nutrient levels. A working Model will be provided as well as a finel report will be available for interested parties.
Water Quality Modeling
Nutrient Budget Development
Water Quality Modeling
Golden Sands Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc. proposes to complete the second year of funding for water quality modeling of the Petenwell Flowage. Implementation of this plan will provide information on the following: 1) water/nutrient budget for the Petenwell Flowage, 2) sources of nutrients, 3) effects of nutrient reduction, and 4) prediction of the total maximum daily loads necessary to reach desired target nutrient levels. A working Model will be provided as well as a final report will be available for interested parties.