VILLAGE OF SOLDIERS GROVE: Myrtle Lake Water Quality and Sediment Plan


The village of soldiers Grove proposes to conduct the following lake management activities on Myrtle Lake: 1) Map the lake to determine the water volume and area to be dredged. 2) Prepare a cross section to identify volume and exact location of sediment to be dredged. 3) Plan for use of dredged material. 4) Prepare barnyard management plan to eliminate runoff to the lake. 5) Develop stormwater runoff plan for County Highway C near Myrtle Lake.

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The village of soldiers Grove proposes to conduct the following lake management activities on Myrtle Lake: 1) Map the lake to determine the water volume and area to be dredged. 2) Prepare a cross section to identify volume and exact location of sediment to be dredged. 3) Plan for use of dredged material. 4) Prepare barnyard management plan to eliminate runoff to the lake. 5) Develop stormwater runoff plan for County Highway C near Myrtle Lake.