TOWN OF MERTON: Moose Lake Sediment Analysis


Conduct a sediment core analysis to determine the following: (1) The historical trophic level of Moose Lake and the relative rate of eutrophication. (2) The rate of sedimentaiton. (3) The factors which have contributed to the historical changes in water quality. The sponsor will use the information to educate residents about the factors affecting the lake's water quality. Project results will be disseminted to the public by public meeting and newsletter. The Department will prepare a final report summarizing the above tasks for the sponsor and will incorporate the information into the Upper Rock River Basin Plan Update.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Reports and Documents
Lakes Planning Report. A sediment core was collected from the deepest part of the lake with a gravity corer.
Activities & Recommendations
Lakes Planning Grant
Grant Awarded
Conduct a sediment core analysis to determine the following: (1) The historical trophic level of Moose Lake and the relative rate of eutrophication. (2) The rate of sedimentaiton. (3) The factors which have contributed to the historical changes in water quality. The sponsor will use the information to educate residents about the factors affecting the lake's water quality. Project results will be disseminted to the public by public meeting and newsletter. The Department will prepare a final report summarizing the above tasks for the sponsor and will incorporate the information into the Upper Rock River Basin Plan Update.
Project Deliverable
Conduct a sediment core analysis to determine the following: (1) The historical trophic level of Moose Lake and the relative rate of eutrophication. (2) The rate of sedimentaiton. (3) The factors which have contributed to the historical changes in water quality. The sponsor will use the information to educate residents about the factors affecting the lake's water quality. Project results will be disseminted to the public by public meeting and newsletter. The Department will prepare a final report summarizing the above tasks for the sponsor and will incorporate the information into the Upper Rock River Basin Plan Update.
Informational Meetings
Develop/Distribute Newsletter
Data analysis, report production
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment