BIG ROCHE-A-CRI LAKE DISTRICT: Big Roche-a-Cri Lake Management Planning


Assess the lake district's demographic profile. Determine the long range and short term goals of the Lake District. Obtain a basic contour map of the lake showing water depth and bottom or weed conditions. Map the watershed. Develop a lakefrontproperty owners guidebook which includes building recommendations and landscaping recommendations. The grantee will disseminate information to the public by fact sheet, public meetings, local newspaper articles and land use recommendations. Projectresults will be reposited at the Adams County Library and the Town of Preston Town Hall.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Assess the lake district's demographic profile. Determine the long range and short term goals of the Lake District. Obtain a basic contour map of the lake showing water depth and bottom or weed conditions. Map the watershed. Develop a lakefrontproperty owners guidebook which includes building recommendations and landscaping recommendations.
Develop/Distribute Brochures/Literature
Informational Meetings
Issue News/Media Release
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Watershed Mapping or Assessment