AMNICON/DOWLING LAKE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT: Amnicon Lake Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment


The Amnicon/Dowling Lake Management and Sanitary District proposes to continue the water quality monitoring on Amnicon lake and continue their lake management planning process. Project activities include 1) monitoring lake water quality from April to November, 2) monitoring and evaluating four "Hot Spot" sites for potential harmful runoff during precipitation events, 3) monitoring eight existing shoreline wells to characterize groundwater quality and potential lake impacts, 4) install eight seepage meters around the lake and monitor quality of groundwater entering the lake, 5) evaluate previously identified areas of concern and make recommendations for the implementation of "Best Management Practices" where indicated, and 6) analyze and characterize the lake sediments. A final report will be prepared describing the project results. A paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report will be provided to the Department of Natural Resources. Information on the project will be disseminated to the public by newsletter, public meeting, and summary report mailing.

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The Amnicon/Dowling Lake Management and Sanitary District proposes to continue the water quality monitoring on Amnicon lake and continue their lake management planning process. Project activities include 1) monitoring lake water quality from April to November, 2) monitoring and evaluating four "Hot Spot" sites for potential harmful runoff during precipitation events, 3) monitoring eight existing shoreline wells to characterize groundwater quality and potential lake impacts, 4) install eight seepage meters around the lake and monitor quality of groundwater entering the lake, 5) evaluate previously identified areas of concern and make recommendations for the implementation of "Best Management Practices" where indicated, and 6) analyze and characterize the lake sediments. A final report will be prepared describing the project results.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Lake Management Plan Development
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
The Amnicon/Dowling Lake Management and Sanitary District proposes to continue the water quality monitoring on Amnicon lake and continue their lake management planning process. Project activities include 1) monitoring lake water quality from April to November, 2) monitoring and evaluating four "Hot Spot" sites for potential harmful runoff during precipitation events, 3) monitoring eight existing shoreline wells to characterize groundwater quality and potential lake impacts, 4) install eight seepage meters around the lake and monitor quality of groundwater entering the lake, 5) evaluate previously identified areas of concern and make recommendations for the implementation of "Best Management Practices" where indicated, and 6) analyze and characterize the lake sediments. A final report will be prepared describing the project results.