WHITE LAKE MGMT DISTRICT: White Lake Comp Management Plan Project Phase 1


The White Lake project will develop Phase 1 of a comprehensive mangement plan. The project will develop a Phase 1 report that includes results and recommendations regarding these activities: 1) I&E program including semi-annual newsletter, meetings, news releases, summary brochure, 2) Historic information and data will be reviewed and summarized in the report, 3) Water quality monitoring for a year, LTTM protocol, 4) Aquatic plant survey based on results of rake transect methodology, 5) Watershed survey will include a land use survey, P loading estimates and sensitive area designation, and 6) Public access review will examine the existing status and make recommendations. The DNR will be provided with two paper copies and an electronic copy of the report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletters, public meetings, news articles, comprehensive management plan (Phase 1) and a summary brochure.

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The White Lake project will develop Phase 1 of a comprehensive mangement plan. The project will develop a Phase 1 report that includes results and recommendations regarding these activities: 1) I&E program including semi-annual newsletter, meetings, news releases, summary brochure, 2) Historic information and data will be reviewed and summarized in the report, 3) Water quality monitoring for a year, LTTM protocol, 4) Aquatic plant survey based on results of rake transect methodology, 5) Watershed survey will include a land use survey, P loading estimates and sensitive area designation, and 6) Public access review will examine the existing status and make recommendations.
Develop/Distribute Newsletter
Informational Meetings