FOREST COUNTY LAND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE: Forest Co Shoreland Zoning Ordinances Document & Education


Develop a single document of all of the Forest COunty zoning ordinances which are primarily related to shoreland development. Print copies of the document and provide it to the public. Provide education to the public on lake issues and the zoningprocess operating in the county. The grantee will disseminate information to the public by newslerrer, entire report and summary report mailings, public meetings and local newspaper articles. Project results will be reposited at the Crandon PublicLibrary.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Develop a single document of all of the Forest COunty zoning ordinances which are primarily related to shoreland development. Print copies of the document and provide it to the public. Provide education to the public on lake issues and the zoningprocess operating in the county.
Ordinance Development or Implementation
Develop/Distribute Newsletter
Informational Meetings
Issue News/Media Release
Information and Education