SAWYER COUNTY: Callahan/Mud Lakes EWM Control


The Callahan Lake Protective Association in cooperation with Sawyer County Land Conservation Department (Project Sponsor) will conduct an early season herbicide treatment on 16 acres of Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM). EWM was discovered in 2005 and there is approximately 30 acres within the 585 combined lake acreage. The project includes the following goals: 1. An early season herbicide treatment on 16 acres of EWM in high traffic areas in Callahan Lake to control the spread. 2. Placement of educational signs at all boat landings. 3. Monitor the EWM throughout the year to determine efficacy of the herbicide treatment and to continue the mapping of EWM. 4. Educate lake association members about EWM, herbicide treatments, other control measures through newsletter articles and trainings. Project deliverables include: 1. The outcome of the treatment described should show evidence of declining EWM populations in treated areas with no negative effect on native aquatic vegetation and animal species. 2. EWM will be mapped prior to treatment and after treatment. The lake will be surveyed for EWM at one month and three month intervals after the herbicide treatment to determine efficacy of the treatment and regrowth. Specific conditions for this Project: 1. The Department of Natural Resources recommends that the lake association apply for an AIS education, prevention and planning grant to begin working on a future lake management plan, or an Aquatic plant management plan focusing on future management of EWM. This would include a more detailed evaluation of the aquatic plant community (pre and post monitoring point intercept plant survey). 2. The WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of all data and or reports/plans generated as a result of this project.

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Reports and Documents
Callahan and Mud Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plan Appendices Aquatic Plan Survey Report
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AIRR-032-08Callahan/Mud Lakes EWM Control
Grant Awarded
AIRR-032-08Callahan/Mud Lakes EWM Control (Mud Lake)
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