BURNETT COUNTY LAND CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT: RES-Burnett Co. SIP: Enhanced Program, Marketing, CBSM & Lake Sponsorship


Burnett County LWCD will continue its county-wide Shoreline Incentives Program expansion including runoff and infiltration best management practices (BMPs), in-lake habitat improvement, and community based social marketing. Technical assistance; restoration cost-share assistance; promotion and education; recognition activities; and enrollment payments are included in the program. The County will provide an annual tax credit to enrolled participants. All enrolled shoreline restoration parcels require a Department approved restrictive covenant that permanently establishes the vegetative buffer on the parcel. Restorations will follow standards set forth in NR 191.24(3) unless mutually agreed to in writing with the regional lake coordinator before implementation occurs. The program includes storm water BMPs such as rain gardens and infiltration trenches. Maintenance, operation, and protection will be specified in a ten-year contract for each BMP site. The Department may perform site inspection and/or monitoring. Project deliverables include: final shoreline restoration plans/maps for sites where implementation is funded by the Department; pre/post photos of funded restorations; list of property owners and parcels committed to restrictive covenants or copies of signed covenants; project accomplishment/challenges summary; educational materials developed; and survey results. This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, reports, and education materials, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional lake coordinator. Grantee or consultant will provide DNR lake coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy. DNR shall receive both paper and electronic copies of the deliverables along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

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Burnett County LWCD will continue its county-wide Shoreline Incentives Program expansion including runoff and infiltration best management practices (BMPs), in-lake habitat improvement, and community based social marketing. Technical assistance; restoration cost-share assistance; promotion and education; recognition activities; and enrollment payments are included in the program. The County will provide an annual tax credit to enrolled participants. All enrolled shoreline restoration parcels require a Department approved restrictive covenant that permanently establishes the vegetative buffer on the parcel. Restorations will follow standards set forth in NR 191.24(3) unless mutually agreed to in writing with the regional lake coordinator before implementation occurs. The program includes storm water BMPs such as rain gardens and infiltration trenches. Maintenance, operation, and protection will be specified in a ten-year contract for each BMP site.
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Burnett County LWCD will continue its county-wide Shoreline Incentives Program expansion including runoff and infiltration best management practices (BMPs), in-lake habitat improvement, and community based social marketing.