Pleasant Valley and Smith-Conley Channel and Sediment Stability - SCR 09_11


The USGS, WDNR, and the County LCD will repeat cross-section surveying and pebble counts at 5 sites in Pleasant Valley Watershed and conduct surveying on 10 sites in the Smith-Conley Watershed (control site) as part of the Pleasant/Kittleson Valley Buffers Intitiative, which began two years ago. This project compliments the channel assessment and habitat evaluation done in cooperation with the DNR and UW-Madison. To date, 5 sites have been surveyed twice in the Pleasant Valley watershed (2008 and 2009) and rapid channel assessments have been conducted at about 30 sites each in the Pleasant Valley and Smith-Conley subwatersheds. The rapid assessment includes detailed measurements of eroding banks and soft fine-grained sediment deposits.


Collect stream morphological data in order to determine the affects of TMDL implementation in a small subwatershed. This project will help determine the stream's response to sediment loads before, during, and after implementation of BMPs designed to reduce sediment loss from fields.


1) Cross sections with permanent endpoints 2) Excel spreadsheet of cross sections, pebble counts, longitudinal profiles, and rapid geomorphic assessment results, estimates of bank erosion, historical overbank sediment, and in-channel fine sediment. 3) Google maps website for displaying geomorphic data. 4) PowerPoint presentation updates at partnership meetings and possibly a regional conference. 5) Analyze trace element samples to help determine the stream's response to sediment loads before, during, and after implementation of BMPs. We will gain empirical data that will link our biological and habitat measurements with long-term physical measurements. All data will be made available on WATERS.

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Reports and Documents
PowerPoint of targeted phosphorus reduction approach
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Activities & Recommendations
TMDL Monitoring
Various sites in Pleasant/Kittleson Valley and Smith-Conley subwatersheds will be surveyed.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Monitoring of these two streams will take place in order to comply with the EPA SP-12 measure to show improved water quality conditions. Each stream has had major rehabilitation of the watershed and stream corridor. This monitoring will determine whether or not these streams are meeting their natural attainable use and can subsequently be removed from the state's list of impaired waters.