LITTLE ST GERMAIN LAKE P & R DISTRICT: Little St. Germain AIS Control Project


Little St Germain Lake P&R District is sponsoring an AIS ACEI grant on Little St Germain Lake and Muskellunge Creek, in Vilas County. This project was submitted as a four year project that will focus on CLP and EWM management, and AIS education, prevention and monitoring. The goal is to reduce the treatable CLP to less than 20 acres and treatable EWM to less than 15 acres. This will allow the P&R District to continue management of AIS with minimal state financial assistance. It should be noted that this project was not funded in whole and may need to apply for future grants to achieve the goals, activities, and deliverables listed within this scope. Project activities include: 1)Annual chemical treatments of CLP and EWM; 2)Annual pre/post treatment monitoring and analysis; 3)Annual volunteer AIS monitoring and hand removal; 4)Purchase GPS unit and marker buoys for volunteer monitoring; 5)Recruit volunteers and implement a CB/CW program; 6)Entry of inspection forms 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept web site; 7)Annual 2,4-D residual monitoring; 8)Point-intercept (PI) aquatic plant survey and aquatic plant community mapping; 9)Develop annual project report and a final report. Project deliverables include: 1)Chemical control of CLP and EWM; 2)Pre/post treatment, residual monitoring and PI survey data; 3)Hand removal of CLP and EWM, including annual mapping of these areas; 4)Completed entry of inspection 3200-120 and monitoring forms onto Dept website; 5)GPS unit and marker buoys; 6)Annual reports and final report summarizing AIS management during project and future AIS management suggestions, CB/CW activities, AIS monitoring and AIS educational activities. Specific Conditions: Annual report and final report needs Dept review and approval. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of final report, all annual reports, maps, and survey data (includes: pre/post treatment, residual, and PI).

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Aquatic Invasives Control
Activities & Recommendations
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