SAWYER COUNTY: Osprey Lake EWM Planning


Sawyer County in cooperation with the Osprey Lake Property Owners Association will sponsor a project to develop an aquatic plant management plan and conduct and education project. Project goals includes: 1) Develop a document to guide plant management efforts on Osprey Lake; 2) Educate land owners on invasive and native plant issues; 3) Educate land owners on best management practices for shoreline management and how it may affect EWM; 4) Establish no-wake time periods in lake to reduce boater impacts; 5) Improve boat landing to reduce transport risk of EWM. Project deliverables include: 1) Produce a comprehensive APM plan; 2) Provide maps (including EWM beds) to the lake association for management; 3) Results of pre and post monitoring surveys of EWM beds including an evaluation of control activities success and native plant response; 4) Provide documentation that the above goals were completed. Specific conditions: 1) The WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of all project data and or reports/plans generated (APM Plan); 2) Follow department protocol when conducting the pre and post monitoring; 3) Provide lake maps to the lakes coordinator and enter them into SWIMS; 4) Contact Erin Henneger (715-346-4978) and Laura Herman (715-365-8998) at UW-Extension to learn about the Clean Lakes/Clean Waters Program and AIS monitoring programs.

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