WHITEFISH LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOC: Whitefish Lake Aquatic Invasive Species Education & Prevention Project


The Whitefish Lake POA has drafted an Aquatic Plant Management (APM) Plan. This grant will be used to implement AIS education and control measures identified in the plan. Project goals includes: 1) Eradicate/minimize Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) growth; 2) Prevent the introduction and spread of other aquatic invasive species; 3) The lakes\2019 diverse native plant communities are preserved; 4) Lake residents understand the importance of native aquatic plants, the means to protect them, and the threat of AIS; 5) Restoration and preservation of native shoreline vegetation; 6) Protect lake water quality and plant communities by minimizing runoff of pollutants from waterfront property. Project deliverables include: 1) Establish a volunteer adopt a shoreline monitoring program; 2) Listing of workshops and presentations; 3) Example newsletter articles; 4) Clean Lakes/Clean Boat monitoring program implemented (dates, volunteer numbers, and hours); 5) Watercraft inspection results (data collected); 6) Treatment summaries for EWM control; 7) Signs/information centers erected at all boat landings; 8) Inventory and report of existing shoreline characteristics; 9) Buffer restoration demonstration sites; 10) Detailed water quality study (hydrologic and phosphorus budget). Specific project conditions: 1) The information collected by the watercraft inspectors should be entered into the department database; 2) The department pre and post treatment monitoring protocol should be followed; 3) Obtain APM permit for any AIS herbicide treatment; 4) Provide annual summary reports (electronic and hard copy) of implementation activities including pre and post monitoring data; 4) Contact Erin McFarlane (715-346-4978) and Laura Herman (715-365-8998) at UW-Extension to learn about the Clean Lakes/Clean Waters Program and AIS monitoring programs if you have not done so.

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Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Education
Reports and Documents
Activities & Recommendations
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Monitor Invasive Species
Educate and engage residents
Grant Awarded
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment, Inventory
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment or Inventory