SILVER LAKE ASSOCIATION: LMI-Waterfront Lots Water Quality Improvements


Silver Lake Association is sponsoring a project to implement shoreline stabilization, restoration, runoff reduction, and wetland restoration practices. Project tasks: 1) Design/stabilization on approximately 10 shoreline sites; 2) Shoreline restoration design technical assistance; 3) Design/installation on approximately 6 runoff reduction sites; 4) Install woody habitat improvement (Fish Sticks) on approximately 4 sites; 5) Design/implement wetland restoration; 6) Landscaper training/education. Shoreline restorations using grant funding for plants or labor require a Department approved restrictive covenant to permanently establish the parcel vegetative buffer. Restorations will follow NR 191.24(3) standards unless mutually agreed to in writing with the DNR lake coordinator before implementation. BMPs such as rain gardens and shoreline stabilization must have maintenance, operation, and protection plans specified in a ten-year contract. Project deliverables: report and map summarizing project activities, documenting linear feet of shoreline stabilized, square feet of shoreline buffer restored, number of Fish Stick sites with numbers of trees used, number of runoff reduction sites installed; individual property shoreline restoration/stabilization plans/maps; pre/post photos of funded restorations; list of property owners and parcels committed to covenants and/or contracts; and educational materials developed. This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the DNR Lake Coordinator.

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Silver Lake Association is sponsoring a project to implement shoreline stabilization, restoration, runoff reduction, and wetland restoration practices. Project tasks: 1) Design/stabilization on approximately 10 shoreline sites; 2) Shoreline restoration design technical assistance; 3) Design/installation on approximately 6 runoff reduction sites; 4) Install woody habitat improvement (Fish Sticks) on approximately 4 sites; 5) Design/implement wetland restoration; 6) Landscaper training/education. Shoreline restorations using grant funding for plants or labor require a Department approved restrictive covenant to permanently establish the parcel vegetative buffer. Restorations will follow NR 191.24(3) standards unless mutually agreed to in writing with the DNR lake coordinator before implementation. BMPs such as rain gardens and shoreline stabilization must have maintenance, operation, and protection plans specified in a ten-year contract. Project deliverables: report and map summarizing project activities, documenting linear feet of shoreline stabilized, square feet of shoreline buffer restored, number of Fish Stick sites with numbers of trees used, number of runoff reduction sites installed; individual property shoreline restoration/stabilization plans/maps; pre/post photos of funded restorations; list of property owners and parcels committed to covenants and/or contracts; and educational materials developed.
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Information and Education
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Silver Lake Association is sponsoring a project to implement shoreline stabilization, restoration, runoff reduction, and wetland restoration practices. Project tasks: 1) Design/stabilization on approximately 10 shoreline sites; 2) Shoreline restoration design technical assistance; 3) Design/installation on approximately 6 runoff reduction sites; 4) Install woody habitat improvement (Fish Sticks) on approximately 4 sites; 5) Design/implement wetland restoration; 6) Landscaper training/education.