MILWAUKEE RIVERKEEPER: Advancing Removal of Fish Passage Impediments in the Menomonee River Watershed


Milwaukee Riverkeeper will provide and document education and outreach to municipalities, counties and landowners on fish passage impediments that need to be addressed in the Menomonee River Watershed through one on one meetings with phase 1 results, a list of fish passage impediments and GIS data presented. Additionally, Milwaukee Riverkeeper will recommend that all projects be routed through DNR for approval. Milwaukee Riverkeeper will document fish passage impediment projects addressed by government, repair/retrofits to existing structures, projects planned for future capital The DNR will be provided two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report documenting projects by government to address fish passage impediments in the Menomonee River Watershed including the number of meetings, communications, materials developed, volunteers engaged and groups involved and grants submitted to deal with woody debris barriers.

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River Grant
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Grant Awarded
Milwaukee Riverkeeper will provide and document education and outreach to municipalities, counties and landowners on fish passage impediments that need to be addressed in the Menomonee River Watershed through one on one meetings with phase 1 results, a list of fish passage impediments and GIS data presented. Additionally, Milwaukee Riverkeeper will recommend that all projects be routed through DNR for approval. Milwaukee Riverkeeper will document fish passage impediment projects addressed by government, repair/retrofits to existing structures, projects planned for future capital The DNR will be provided two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report documenting projects by government to address fish passage impediments in the Menomonee River Watershed including the number of meetings, communications, materials developed, volunteers engaged and groups involved and grants submitted to deal with woody debris barriers.
Rivers Planning Grant
Milwaukee Riverkeeper will provide and document education and outreach to municipalities, counties and landowners on fish passage impediments that need to be addressed in the Menomonee River Watershed through one on one meetings with phase 1 results, a list of fish passage impediments and GIS data presented. Additionally, Milwaukee Riverkeeper will recommend that all projects be routed through DNR for approval. Milwaukee Riverkeeper will document fish passage impediment projects addressed by government, repair/retrofits to existing structures, projects planned for future capital The DNR will be provided two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report documenting projects by government to address fish passage impediments in the Menomonee River Watershed including the number of meetings, communications, materials developed, volunteers engaged and groups involved and grants submitted to deal with woody debris barriers.
Information and Education
Milwaukee Riverkeeper will provide and document education and outreach to municipalities, counties and landowners on fish passage impediments that need to be addressed in the Menomonee River Watershed through one on one meetings with phase 1 results, a list of fish passage impediments and GIS data presented. Additionally, Milwaukee Riverkeeper will recommend that all projects be routed through DNR for approval. Milwaukee Riverkeeper will document fish passage impediment projects addressed by government, repair/retrofits to existing structures, projects planned for future capital The DNR will be provided two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report documenting projects by government to address fish passage impediments in the Menomonee River Watershed including the number of meetings, communications, materials developed, volunteers engaged and groups involved and grants submitted to deal with woody debris barriers.
Informational Meetings
Milwaukee Riverkeeper will provide and document education and outreach to municipalities, counties and landowners on fish passage impediments that need to be addressed in the Menomonee River Watershed through one on one meetings with phase 1 results, a list of fish passage impediments and GIS data presented. Additionally, Milwaukee Riverkeeper will recommend that all projects be routed through DNR for approval. Milwaukee Riverkeeper will document fish passage impediment projects addressed by government, repair/retrofits to existing structures, projects planned for future capital The DNR will be provided two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report documenting projects by government to address fish passage impediments in the Menomonee River Watershed including the number of meetings, communications, materials developed, volunteers engaged and groups involved and grants submitted to deal with woody debris barriers.
Project Deliverable
Milwaukee Riverkeeper will provide and document education and outreach to municipalities, counties and landowners on fish passage impediments that need to be addressed in the Menomonee River Watershed through one on one meetings with phase 1 results, a list of fish passage impediments and GIS data presented. Additionally, Milwaukee Riverkeeper will recommend that all projects be routed through DNR for approval. Milwaukee Riverkeeper will document fish passage impediment projects addressed by government, repair/retrofits to existing structures, projects planned for future capital The DNR will be provided two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report documenting projects by government to address fish passage impediments in the Menomonee River Watershed including the number of meetings, communications, materials developed, volunteers engaged and groups involved and grants submitted to deal with woody debris barriers.
Fish Management, Access
Milwaukee Riverkeeper will provide and document education and outreach to municipalities, counties and landowners on fish passage impediments that need to be addressed in the Menomonee River Watershed through one on one meetings with phase 1 results, a list of fish passage impediments and GIS data presented. Additionally, Milwaukee Riverkeeper will recommend that all projects be routed through DNR for approval. Milwaukee Riverkeeper will document fish passage impediment projects addressed by government, repair/retrofits to existing structures, projects planned for future capital The DNR will be provided two paper copies and an electronic copy of the final report documenting projects by government to address fish passage impediments in the Menomonee River Watershed including the number of meetings, communications, materials developed, volunteers engaged and groups involved and grants submitted to deal with woody debris barriers.