DELAVAN LAKE SD: LMI-Permeable Paver Roadway - Delavan Lake Association, Inc.


The Delavan Lake Sanitary District will partner with the Assembly Park subdivision to facilitate the installation of 243,000 square feet of permeable pavers for a 25.4 acre subdivision. Approximately 5 acres of local paved roads will be removed and replaced with permeable pavers. Assembly Park will enter into a 10 year maintenance agreement with the Delavan Lake Sanitary District to retain the pavers. The project deliverables include a narrative detailing the installation of the pavers and a photo essay documenting each step of the construction project.

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Lakes Grant
Lake Protection Grant
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
The Delavan Lake Sanitary District will partner with the Assembly Park subdivision to facilitate the installation of 243,000 square feet of permeable pavers for a 25.4 acre subdivision. Approximately 5 acres of local paved roads will be removed and replaced with permeable pavers. Assembly Park will enter into a 10 year maintenance agreement with the Delavan Lake Sanitary District to retain the pavers.
Lakes Protection Grant
Runoff Grant - Urban Nonpoint Source & Stormwater Management - Construction
installation of 243,000 square feet of permeable pavers for a 25.4 acre subdivision. Approximately 5 acres of local paved roads will be removed and replaced with permeable pavers.
Project Deliverable
The project deliverables include a narrative detailing the installation of the pavers and a photo essay documenting each step of the construction project.
Partnership Project
The Delavan Lake Sanitary District will partner with the Assembly Park subdivision to facilitate the installation of 243,000 square feet of permeable pavers for a 25.4 acre subdivision. Approximately 5 acres of local paved roads will be removed and replaced with permeable pavers.