Scientific Name Common Name Global Rank State Rank Federal Status WI Status Animal Group

Blanding's Turtle (Emydoidea blandingii)








Photo by Gregor Schuurman


Counties with Mapped NHI Occurrences

Blanding's Turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) is a Special Concern species in Wisconsin, utilizes a wide variety of aquatic habitats including deep and shallow marshes, shallow bays of lakes and impoundments where areas of dense emergent and submergent vegetation exists, sluggish streams, oxbows and other backwaters of rivers, drainage ditches (usually where wetlands have been drained), sedge meadows, and wet meadows adjacent to these habitats. This species is semi-terrestrial, and individuals may spend quite a bit of time on land. They often move between a variety of wetland habitats during the active season, which can extend from early-March to mid-November. They overwinter in standing water that is typically over 3 feet deep with a deep organic substrate but will also use both warm and cold-water streams and rivers where they can avoid freezing. Blanding's turtles generally breed in spring, late summer, or fall. Nesting occurs from mid-May through early-July depending on spring temperatures. They strongly prefer to nest in sandy soils and may travel up to 300m from a wetland or waterbody to find suitable nesting sites. This species appears to display nest site fidelity, returning to its natal site and nesting in a similar location annually. Young hatch from early-August through mid-October and take 17-20 years or more to reach maturity. See the species guidance document for avoidance measures and management guidance from the Natural Heritage Conservation Program.


Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) are associated with habitats (or natural communities) and places on the landscape. Understanding relationships among SGCN, natural communities and ecological landscapes help us make decisions about issues affecting SGCN and their habitat and how to respond. Download the Wildlife Action Plan association score spreadsheet to explore rare species, natural communities and ecological landscape associations

Conservation actions respond to issues or threats, which adversely affect species of greatest conservation need (SGCN) or their habitats. Besides actions such as restoring wetlands or planting resilient tree species in northern communities, research, surveys and monitoring are also among conservation actions described in the Wisconsin Wildlife Action Plan because lack of information can threaten our ability to successfully preserve and care for natural resources.