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Lake--Deep, Hard, Drainage





Photo by Eric Epstein


Counties with Mapped NHI Occurrences

Lakes that are large (>10 acres), deep (> 18 feet), hard (alkalinity > 50 ppm), and drainage have both an inlet and outlet, and the main water source is from streams.

Muskgrasses (Chara spp.) are well-adapted to live in hard water drainage lakes and can often be found growing in dense mats along the lake bottom. These macroalgae play a valuable role in the lake's ecological community by preventing sediment re-suspension and helping to maintain clear water. Other common members of the submergent community in these lakes include cosmopolitan species such as coon-tail (Ceratophyllum demersum), common waterweed (Elodea canadensis), naiads (Najas spp.), and water celery (Vallisneria americana). Floating lilies (Nymphaea odorata and Nuphar variegata) are also common. Associated fish species vary depending on water depth and hydrology.


Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) are associated with habitats (or natural communities) and places on the landscape. Understanding relationships among SGCN, natural communities and ecological landscapes help us make decisions about issues affecting SGCN and their habitat and how to respond. Download the Wildlife Action Plan association score spreadsheet to explore rare species, natural communities and ecological landscape associations

Conservation actions respond to issues or threats, which adversely affect species of greatest conservation need (SGCN) or their habitats. Besides actions such as restoring wetlands or planting resilient tree species in northern communities, research, surveys and monitoring are also among conservation actions described in the Wisconsin Wildlife Action Plan because lack of information can threaten our ability to successfully preserve and care for natural resources.