Muskroot is an erect forb, 5-15cm tall. Its inflorescence is a terminal cluster (cyme) of yellowish-green flowers borne on a long stalk, lateral flowers with 3 sepals and 5-lobed corolla, terminal flowers with 2 sepals and 4-lobed corolla, each corolla lobe is 1.7-3mm long, symmetry more or less regular. Fruit is small, dry, fleshy, and green (drupelet) with (1-) 3-5 lenticular nutlets, the calyx is persistent on fruit. Basal leaves are alternate, long-petiolate, and three-parted; cauline leaves opposite, 3-parted, and smaller than the basal leaves.
Its delicate appearance and musky odor may distinguish this species as may its leaf organization (three-parted basal leaves and one pair of opposite, three-parted cauline leaves) or unique inflorescence.