Scientific Name Common Name Global Rank State Rank Federal Status WI Status

Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis)







Photo by Kitty Kohout


Counties with Mapped NHI Occurrences

Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), a Wisconsin Special Concern plant, is found in floodplain forests. Blooming occurs throughout May, fruiting early-June through early-September. This species can be identified year-round.


Sycamore is a tree, up to 50m tall, with very small, solitary flowers with long stems. It has many achenes on spherical receptacles, its seeds are sunflower-like, seed pods are 7-8mm long and have hairs below the pod that are nearly as long as the pod itself. Leaves are alternate, broadly 3-5-lobed, sharply toothed and mostly kidney-shaped in outline. Its bark is pale greenish-gray to nearly white and peels off the trunk, which can reach 3m in diameter.

Sycamore leaves have shallower lobes than those of various maple species. They are also alternate rather than opposite.

Blooming occurs throughout May, fruiting early-June through early-September.

Perennial. This species can be identified year-round.

Associated species include Acer saccharinum, Betula nigra, Ulmus americana, Celtis occidentalis, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Gleditsia triacanthos, and Crataegus species.

Sycamore prefers moist to wet, alluvial soils and is found in floodplain forests.

Avoid locating landings, staging areas, or access routes on or near known populations.

Avoid broadcast spraying of herbicides and use care with spot spraying.

This species overwinters above ground, meaning that seasonal restrictions like conducting the a project on frozen ground will not result in avoidance. Therefore, known individual plant locations should be avoided year-round. Consult with a biologist, if needed.

Minimize disturbance to hydrology, including soil disturbance from rutting.

Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) are associated with habitats (or natural communities) and places on the landscape. Understanding relationships among SGCN, natural communities and ecological landscapes help us make decisions about issues affecting SGCN and their habitat and how to respond. Download the Wildlife Action Plan association score spreadsheet to explore rare species, natural communities and ecological landscape associations

Conservation actions respond to issues or threats, which adversely affect species of greatest conservation need (SGCN) or their habitats. Besides actions such as restoring wetlands or planting resilient tree species in northern communities, research, surveys and monitoring are also among conservation actions described in the Wisconsin Wildlife Action Plan because lack of information can threaten our ability to successfully preserve and care for natural resources.