Large-leaved avens is an erect forb, up to 1m tall, with stiff, coarse hairs on its stem. Flower petals are yellow, 4-7mm, somewhat exceeding the sepals, style with basal segment slightly glandular, the terminal segment minutely hairy. Achenes minutely hairy throughout, with coarse, stiff hairs about the summit, beak with short-stalked glands, the receptacle is glabrous. Basal leaves are large and have long petioles, the terminal segment is rotund to kidney-shaped, 5-12cm wide, often with 3 lobes. Lateral leaves are few and much smaller, interspersed with several to many minute leaflets, upper leaves are short-petioled to sessile, deeply 3-lobed or 3-foliolate.
Distinguished from Geum laciniatum by having pedicels closely puberelent rather than spreading pubescence and by having beak of achene with short-stalked glands. Distinguished from Geum macrophyllum var perincisum by having less dissected leaves with the terminal leaflet of the middle stem leaves 3-cleft to about the middle and with the lobes merely toothed.