Scientific Name Common Name Global Rank State Rank Federal Status WI Status

Hooker's Orchid (Platanthera hookeri)







Photo by Andy Clark


Counties with Mapped NHI Occurrences

Hooker's Orchid (Platanthera hookeri), a Wisconsin Special Concern plant, is found in a variety of dry to moist, mostly mixed coniferous-hardwood forests. Blooming occurs late-May through late-July, fruiting early-July through late-August. The optimal identification period for this species is early-June through early-September.

Habenaria hookeri, Habenaria hookeri var. abbreviata


Hooker's orchid is an erect forb, 2-4dm tall, with sessile flowers that are yellowish-green and ascending. Its 8-12mm lip is lance-triangular, directed outward and upcurved. Its lateral sepals are widely reflexed behind the flower, alongside the ovary and the lateral petals are lanceolate, incurved, and may or may not be adjacent to the upper sepal. The spur is 13-25mm, directed downward, and tapering to the tip. Its fruit are ridged capsules, erect, more or less sessile, and tapering on both ends, glabrous. It has two leaves that are basal, prostrate, 6-12cm, and broadly elliptic to rotund, seldom narrower.

Its bractless stem and sessile ovary are distinguishing characteristics.

Blooming occurs late-May through late-July, fruiting early-July through late-August.

Perennial. The optimal identification period for this species is early-June through early-September.

Associated species include Pinus strobus, P resinosa, Quercus rubra, Betula papyrifera, Populus tremuloides, Aralia nudicaulis, Clintonia borealis, Aster macrophyllus, Trientalis borealis, and Cornus canadensis.

Hooker's orchid is found in a variety of dry to moist, mostly mixed coniferous-hardwood forests. In northern Wisconsin it is found in areas with sandy soils, in southern Wisconsin it is found in sites with humus-rich soils.

Avoid known individual plant locations and conduct operations elsewhere when they are least likely to cause damage. Ideally, this would involve frozen, snow-covered ground. However, in areas of the state where frozen conditions are unreliable, very dry soils late in the growing season might be the best available alternative. Consult with a biologist, if needed.

Avoid locating landings, staging areas, or access routes on or near known populations.

Avoid broadcast spraying of herbicides and use care with spot spraying.

Maintain partial canopy to encourage woodland species, avoid closed-canopy conditions.

Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) are associated with habitats (or natural communities) and places on the landscape. Understanding relationships among SGCN, natural communities and ecological landscapes help us make decisions about issues affecting SGCN and their habitat and how to respond. Download the Wildlife Action Plan association score spreadsheet to explore rare species, natural communities and ecological landscape associations

Conservation actions respond to issues or threats, which adversely affect species of greatest conservation need (SGCN) or their habitats. Besides actions such as restoring wetlands or planting resilient tree species in northern communities, research, surveys and monitoring are also among conservation actions described in the Wisconsin Wildlife Action Plan because lack of information can threaten our ability to successfully preserve and care for natural resources.