Scientific Name Common Name Global Rank State Rank Federal Status WI Status

Great Water-leaf (Hydrophyllum appendiculatum)







Photo by Ryan O'Connor


Counties with Mapped NHI Occurrences

Great Water-leaf (Hydrophyllum appendiculatum), a Wisconsin Special Concern plant, is found in rich, moist woods. Blooming occurs from May through July, fruiting June through August. The optimal identification period for this species is May through July.


Great water-leaf is an erect forb with small, close clusters of 5-parted lavender flowers borne above leaves, stamens are only slightly protruding, the calyx has a tiny appendage or tooth between the sepals. Fruits are 2-chambered capsules with 1-3 seeds. Its stem leaves are palmately 5-7 lobed, not deeply dissected, and leaflets are toothed.

It can be distinguished from H virginianum by its palmately lobed (not deeply dissected) leaves, its stem with both spreading and appressed pubescence, and its calyx with tiny appendages between the sepals.

Blooming occurs from May through July, fruiting June through August.

Biennial. The optimal identification period for this species is May through July.

Associated species include Laportea canadensis, Podophyllum peltatum, Scutellaria ovata, Lithospermum latifolium, Arabis shortii, Silene virginica, Cacalia muhlenbergii, Cryptotaenia canadensis, Circaea quadrisulcata, Geranium maculatum, Hydrophyllum virginianum, Jeffersonia diphylla, Hydrastis canadensis, Dirca palustris, Arabis shortii, and Ulmus thomasii.

Great water-leaf is found in rich, moist woods.

Avoid known individual plant locations and conduct operations elsewhere when they are least likely to cause damage. Ideally, this would involve frozen, snow-covered ground. However, in areas of the state where frozen conditions are unreliable, very dry soils late in the growing season might be the best available alternative. Consult with a biologist, if needed.

Avoid locating landings, staging areas, or access routes on or near known populations.

Avoid broadcast spraying of herbicides and use care with spot spraying.

This species requires shaded habitat conditions, maintain high forest canopy cover.

Maintain thick duff layer if possible. Minimize spread of invasive species including earthworms.

Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) are associated with habitats (or natural communities) and places on the landscape. Understanding relationships among SGCN, natural communities and ecological landscapes help us make decisions about issues affecting SGCN and their habitat and how to respond. Download the Wildlife Action Plan association score spreadsheet to explore rare species, natural communities and ecological landscape associations

Conservation actions respond to issues or threats, which adversely affect species of greatest conservation need (SGCN) or their habitats. Besides actions such as restoring wetlands or planting resilient tree species in northern communities, research, surveys and monitoring are also among conservation actions described in the Wisconsin Wildlife Action Plan because lack of information can threaten our ability to successfully preserve and care for natural resources.