Pale purple coneflower is an erect forb, 1m tall, with a single showy flower head at the top of each stem, with many drooping, pale purple, petal-like ray flowers, each up to 3.5" long. The purplish-brown disks are broad and cone-shaped. Fruit are tan or bicolored cypselae, 2.5-5mm, with more or less smooth, usually glabrous faces. Leaves have a rough-surface, are up to 10" long and 1.5" wide, taper at either end, and have several parallel veins running along their lengths. Basal leaves are on long stalks, stem leaves are few and usually lack long stalks. It has coarse, bristly hairs on the stout stems and leaves.
It is distinguished from Echinacea angustifolia by its overall size, larger ray flowers, and white (not yellow) pollen.