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List of Actions

Abandoned Container
Environmental Repair (ERP)
Facility Wide
General Property (GP)
Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST)
Legacy Sediment
Liability Exemption (VPLE)
Materials Management
No RR Action Required (NAR)

Abandoned Container Actions
Code Name Description
1 Abandoned Container Activity Start Date Date an Abandoned Container is discovered or date reported to DNR if actual date of discovery is unknown.
11 Activity Closed Date DNR sends a letter approving the final closure of an activity based on data provided and compliance with NR 726 and 727. No further investigation or remediation is required at this time.
99 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous action - See Action Comments
201 DNR Cost for Immediate Response Action Date that DNR incurred costs in response to a potential hazardous substance discharge where no responsible party was identified or was willing and able to respond.
203 DNR Cost Recovery Complete for Immediate Response Action Date repayment was received or DNR made a decision not to pursue cost recovery after DNR incurred costs for an immediate response action to a potential hazardous substance discharge
ERP Actions
Code Name Description
1 Notification of Hazardous Substance Discharge Date DNR received notice of a discharge of a hazardous substance under s. 292.11 Wis. Stats. Discharge was discovered during an environmental assessment or laboratory analysis of soil, sediment, groundwater or vapor samples. Includes historic contamination.
2 Responsible Party (RP) letter sent Date of DNR letter to responsible party (RP) notifying them of state law responsibilities associated with the investigation and cleanup of a hazardous substance discharge to the environment.
3 Notice of Noncompliance (NON) Issued Date Responsible Party (RP) is sent a Notice of Noncompliance (NON) as a result of their failure to comply with state law. Identifies the specific violation and requests a response within a given time period.
4 Enforcement Conference Held Date of meeting between Responsible Party (RP) and DNR to discuss a violation of state law and the necessary response(s). Includes Discussion of the consequences of not taking the required action, including referral to Department of Justice.
7 Environmental Consultant Hired Date DNR received notification that an environmental consultant has been retained to proceed with site cleanup.
10 Drycleaner Historical Discharge Date Date of historical discharge from a dry cleaning operation (if other than Notification date).
11 Activity Closed Date DNR sends a letter approving the final closure of an activity based on data provided and compliance with NR 726 and 727. No further investigation or remediation is required at this time.
12 Activity Previous Case Closure Date Date of a previously issued case closure letter when an activity has been reopened
13 Activity Reopened Date DNR provided written notice that additional response actions and/or monitoring is required per NR 727 for an activity that previously received a closure determination from the Department.
14 Notice of Violation (NOV) Issued Date Responsible Party (RP) is sent a Notice of Violation (NOV) stating that a violation exists & the violator is responsible. Advises of possible prosecution & forfeitures. Requires response within a specified time. More specific than a Notice of Noncompliance (NON).
15 Notice of Intent to File Deed Affidavit for Contamination Date DNR sends a responsible party and/ or property owner a letter of intent to file a deed affidavit on the property for a notice of contamination.
18 Administrative or Consent Order Issued Date the Administrative or Consent Order is issued by Enforcement, defining what formal legal action is being taken by the DNR. The administrative or consent order establishes findings of fact, conclusions of law, and order provisions.
19 Closure Submittal Incomplete - Administrative Withdrawal Date DNR sends a written response indicating that a closure review request will not be reviewed for technical merit. The submittal is administratively incomplete and requests for further information have not been met.
20 Potential Responsible Party (PRP) Letter Sent Date of DNR letter requesting additional information to determine who may be responsible under state law associated with the investigation and cleanup of a hazardous substance discharge to the environment.
21 Contested Case Hearing Held Date a contested case hearing is held to challenge an Administrative or Consent order
22 Closure Submittal Incomplete - RP Voluntary Withdrawal Date DNR is informed by the RP or Consultant that they wish to voluntarily withdraw a closure submittal from the review process prior to receiving an official response from DNR.
23 Referral to Department of Justice (DOJ) Date that a case is referred to the Wisconsin Department of Justice for further enforcement action
24 Long Term Monitoring Plan Received (non-Fee) Date DNR Received a long term monitoring plan and no review was requested.
25 Long Term Monitoring Plan Received (fee) Date DNR Received a long term monitoring plan and a fee was paid for DNR review.
26 Long Term Monitoring Plan Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that a long term monitoring plan is not approved.
27 Long Term Monitoring Plan Approved Date DNR provided notice that a long term monitoring plan has been approved. This may include Long Term Monitoring Plans (not reports) for sites included on the EPA Superfund: National Priority List (NPL).
28 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Rpt Received Date DNR received a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) report.
29 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Rpt Received Date DNR received a Phase II (including 2.5, 3 etc.) Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) report.
30 Site Investigation Workplan (SIWP) Notice to Proceed (NTP) Date DNR provided a notice to proceed (NTP) with site investigation activities. This is not an official approval of the workplan and no fee was collected for review. An NTP may be via email or phone call.
33 Tank System Site Assessment (TSSA) Report Received Date DNR received a tank system site assessment (TSSA) regarding tank closure or change in services for an above-ground or underground tank system.
35 Site Investigation Workplan (SIWP) Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a site investigation workplan (SIWP) which states the objectives of the site investigation to determine the degree and extent of contamination.
36 Site Investigation Workplan (SIWP) Approved Date DNR provided notice that a site investigation workplan (SIWP) has been approved and site investigation activities can proceed as planned.
37 Site Investigation Report (SIR) Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a site investigation report (SIR) to determine degree & extent of contamination and form a basis for choosing the appropriate remedial action.
38 Site Investigation Report (SIR) Approved Date DNR provided notice that a site investigation report (SIR) has been approved and the degree & extent of contamination has been defined for all or part of a cleanup activity at a site.
39 Remedial Action Options Report (RAOR) Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a remedial action options report (RAOR). It identifies and evaluates options to prevent, minimize, stabilize or eliminate threats from discharged hazardous substances and to restore the environment to the extent practicable.
40 Remedial Action Options Report (RAOR) Approved Date DNR provided notice that the remedial action options report (RAOR) was approved
41 Remedial Action Report Received [OBSOLETE] Date the DNR receives the Remedial Action Report detailing remedial action efforts for an activity.
42 Remedial Action Report Approved [OBSOLETE] Date the Remedial Action Report is approved in writing by DNR staff.
43 Site Activity Status Update Received Date DNR received an update regarding site activities. This may include Long Term Monitoring reports (not plans) for sites included on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
46 Impacted Right-of-Way (ROW) Notification Contamination has impacted one or more rights-of-way (ROW). The affected right-of-way (ROW) holders have been notified by the DNR.
48 Preventive Action Limit (PAL) NR140 Exemption at Closure DNR has approved site closure with an exemption under NR 140 allowing site closure with groundwater contamination above the preventive action limit (PAL).
49 Temporary Emergency Water Supply Provided Date DNR approved a temporary emergency water supply (bulk or bottled water) necessary for a responsible party and/or adjacent properties per NR 738.
50 Groundwater Use Restriction Potentially Filed Historical action that may represent a Groundwater Use Restriction filing was recorded or that site conditions would merit a deed filing at closure. Groundwater (and/or soil) continuing obligations may have later been applied through the Closure Letter. Documentation should be reviewed to confirm.
51 Deed Affidavit Recorded at Closure Date Deed Affidavit was recorded with the Register of Deeds. Recorded at the time of closure to give notice of residual soil contamination or for monitoring wells needing abandonment. Notice of conditions required under code rather than as a property-specific condition(s).
52 Deed Restriction for Residual Soil Contamination Recorded Deed Restriction was recorded at the Register of Deeds, due to residual soil contamination, to ensure that land use does not pose a health threat. If the soils are made accessible, additional action is required.
53 Deed Affidavit for Contamination (NR 728) Recorded Date a deed affidavit is recorded by the DNR at the Register of Deeds. Contamination exists and property owner/RP is not proceeding or is unable to proceed with investigation and cleanup. Informs public of contamination and environmental liability associated with the property.
54 Site Management Transferred to DATCP Date DNR Remediation and Redevelopment Program transferred the project management and jurisdiction associated with the investigation and cleanup of a hazardous substance discharge to the environment over to Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection (DATCP).
55 Site Specific Soil Cleanup Standard (NR720) at Closure DNR has approved site closure based on site specific soil standards for residual contaminant levels (RCLs) under NR 720.
56 Continuing Obligation(s) Applied Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with one or more continuing obligations to give notice of residual contamination; require or restrict certain actions to protect the public or environment; minimize human or environmental exposures.
59 Environmental Enforcement Action Completed Date DNR indicates no further enforcement action on this subject will be taken at this time.
61 Landspreading Request Received (fee) Date DNR received a request for approval to landspread contaminated soil under NR 718 and a fee has been paid for DNR review.
62 Landspreading Request Approved Date DNR sent written approval to landspread contaminated soil under NR 718.
63 Inject/Infiltrate Request Received (fee) Date DNR Received a request for Injection and/or Infiltration under NR 812 inject (through well/borehole) or infiltrate (through vertical pipes/galleries) any material (including clean water) to enhance soil or groundwater remediation. A fee has been paid for DNR review.
64 Inject/Infiltrate Request Approved Date DNR provides notice that a request to inject into soil or groundwater under NR 812 has been approved. Infiltration approval is provided under a general WPDES permit or by a DNR project manager if WPDES permit is not necessary.
65 Landspreading Request Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that the landspreading request is denied or there is a request for further work.
66 Continuing Obligations (COs) Apply at Off-site Property(ies) Closure or on-going cleanup was approved at this site with one or more continuing obligations (COs) applied to an off-site affected property(ies) as part of the approved remedy.
67 Site Specific Soil Cleanup Standard Request (fee) Date DNR received a request for a review of site specific soil cleanup standards for residual contaminant levels (RCLs) under NR 720. A fee has been paid for DNR review.
68 Site Specific Soil Cleanup Standard Request (non-fee) Date DNR received a request for a review of site specific soil cleanup standards for residual contaminant levels (RCLs) under NR 720. A fee is not required for review.
69 Inject/Infiltrate Request Not Approved Date DNR provides a determination that an injection and/or infiltration request has not been approved by the department
70 Emergency Response Start Date when the threat of fire or explosion is discovered, or drinking water supplies are threatened or contaminated.
71 Emergency Response End Date when the threat of fire or explosion has ended, or drinking water supplies are no longer threatened.
72 Site Specific Soil Cleanup Standard Request Approved Date DNR provided notice that a request to apply a site specific soil cleanup standards for residual contaminant levels (RCLs) under NR 720 is approved.
73 Site Specific Soil Cleanup Standard Request Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that a request to apply a site specific soil cleanup standards for residual contaminant levels (RCLs) under NR720 is not approved
76 Activity Transferred to DSPS (formerly Commerce) Oversight of medium or low risk petroleum cleanup has been transferred to the WI Dept of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS). DSPS was part of the Dept of Commerce until 2011.
77 Free Product Removal Start Date free product removal is started for the activity.
78 Free Product Removal End Date free product removal ends for the activity.
79 Case Closure Review Request Received Date DNR Project Manager received a request to review Case Closure - (Form 4400-202). A fee was paid for DNR review.
80 Closure Not Recommended Date DNR sends a letter in response to a request for closure review. Letter outlines the reasons DNR cannot recommend site closure at this time.
81 Site Investigation Workplan (SIWP) Not Approved Date DNR provides notice that a site investigation workplan (SIWP) is not approved and further work is requested before proceeding with additional Site Investigation activities at the site.
82 Remedial Action Options Report (RAOR) Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that the remedial action options report (RAOR) was not approved. The RAOR should be modified or another action selected.
83 No Further Action Required per NR 708.09 Date DNR determined that no further action is required and the Activity is closed per NR 708.09. The Responsible Party (RP) has taken limited actions but was not required to conduct an NR 716 investigation. The site is not closed out under NR 726. No letter was issued unless a fee was paid.
84 Remaining Actions Needed Date DNR sends a letter outlining the remaining actions needed to achieve final closure. The site will not be formally closed until receipt of documentation. This action was formerly known as conditional closure.
85 NR 720.19 Performance Based Closure [OBSOLETE] Closure using soil performance standards in place of RCLs for soil. Deed restrictions and/or maintenance may be needed. Public notice required to be posted by RP.
86 Activity Closed with site specific conditions. [OBSOLETE] Date the DNR sends a letter notifying RP that the site has been closed with site specific conditions described. For example, soil contamination may exist but if dug up, it would not pose a direct contact threat.
87 Closure Self Certified by Consultant Activity closed by consultant (self-certified closure) and without NR726/DNR closeout review. The DNR sends a letter acknowledging receipt of the letter of compliance and final report within 30 days and will retain these for a minimum of five (5) years.
89 DSPS (formerly Commerce) Transferred Back to DNR Date the WI Dept of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) transfers oversight of activity back to the DNR. DSPS was part of the Dept of Commerce until 2011.
90 SER First In/First Out (FIFO) Review Process Started Date DNR southeast region (SER) review process of first in/first out (FIFO) is completed for a submittal.
91 SER First In/First Out (FIFO) Review Process Complete Date DNR southeast region (SER) review process of first in/first out (FIFO) is started for a submittal.
92 Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Report Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Report (Form 4400-194). Includes O&M reports for sites on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
93 Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Report Approved Date the Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Report (Form 4400-194) is approved or conditionally approved by DNR staff. Includes O&M reports for sites on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
94 Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Report Not Approved Date DNR provides notice that an Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Report is not approved or further work is requested. Form 4400-194.
95 Deed Instrument Terminated A previously recorded deed instrument (notice, affidavit, restriction) has been terminated at this site. A subsequent deed filing has been recorded because the conditions are no longer present or the deed instrument was replaced by another legally enforceable document (e.g., closure letter addendum)
97 Technical Assistance Request Received (fee) Date DNR received a request for technical assistance and a fee has been paid.
98 Technical Assistance Provided Date DNR provided fee-based technical assistance on a portion of a site investigation or cleanup.
99 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous action - See Action Comments
101 Continuing Obligation Modification Approval Date of DNR response letter that approves a request to modify continuing obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval.
104 Continuing Obligations Satisfied - No Longer Apply Date of DNR response letter that approves work completed to satisfy all continuing obligations imposed at the time of closure/remedial action/interim action approval. Continuing obligations no longer apply at this site.
105 Continuing Obligation Modification Request Not Approved Date of DNR response letter that does not approve a request to modify or remove continuing obligations from a property.
106 CO Modification Request Withdrawn Date DNR is notified that a request to modify one or more Continuing Obligations at a site has been withdrawn.
110 DERF - Potential Claim Form Approved Date DNR approved the potential claim form for a site in the Drycleaner Environmental Response Fund (DERF)
111 DERF - Site Investigation Scoping Report Received Date DNR received the site investigation scoping report for a site in the Drycleaner Environmental Response Fund (DERF)
112 DERF - Change Order Received Date DNR received change orders for a site in the Drycleaner Environmental Response Fund (DERF).
113 DERF - Bid Review Request Received Date DNR received request for bid reviews for a site in the Drycleaner Environmental Response Fund (DERF).
114 PFAS Scoping Statement Received Date DNR received a Scoping Statement for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) related information for this Activity.
116 PFAS Sampling Required Date DNR requested a workplan for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling or the Responsible Party (RP) voluntarilly submitted a workplan.
117 Information on PFAS Use Received in Lieu of Workplan Date DNR received additional information to support reasons that a Responsible Party (RP) feels that Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling is not needed. PFAS sampling workplan was not submitted.
118 PFAS Sampling Not Required At This Time Date DNR provided response to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Information Submitted in Lieu of Workplan stating that information provided by RP is adequate to indicate that PFAS sampling is not required at the site at this time.
119 PFAS Sampling Completed - Not Detected Date DNR received Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling results that indicated that PFAS compounds were not detected at the site at this time.
120 PFAS Sampling Completed - Actionable Levels Detected Date DNR received Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling results that indicated that PFAS compounds were detected at the site that require or drive action.
121 PFAS Sampling Completed - Non-Actionable Levels Detected Date DNR received Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling results that indicated that PFAS compounds were detected at the site, but no action is required to address PFAS levels at this time.
122 Interim Action Plan Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a plan outlining a non-emergency immediate action that will be taken to halt a hazardous substance discharge and to minimize the harmful effects to public health, safety or the environment.
123 Interim Action Plan Received (fee) Date DNR received a plan outlining a non-emergency immediate action that will be taken to halt a hazardous substance discharge and to minimize the harmful effects to public health, safety or the environment. A fee was paid for DNR review
124 Interim Action Plan Approved Date DNR provided notice that a Interim Action Plan has been approved.
125 Interim Action Plan Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that a Interim Action Plan was not approved and may require further work.
126 Interim Action Report Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a report documenting an emergency or non-emergency immediate action taken under NR 708 to halt a hazardous substance discharge and to minimize the harmful effects to public health, safety or the environment.
127 Interim Action Report Received (fee) Date DNR received a report documenting an emergency or non-emergency immediate action taken under NR 708 to halt a hazardous substance discharge and to minimize the harmful effects to public health, safety or the environment. A fee was paid for DNR review.
128 Interim Action Report Approved Date DNR provided notice that an Interim Action Report has been approved.
129 Interim Action Report Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that an Interim Action Report is not approved and further work may be required.
130 DNR Regulatory Reminder Sent Date DNR sent written notification to Responsible Parties and/or other interested parties reminding them of a regulatory obligation.
135 Site Investigation Workplan (SIWP) Received (fee) Date DNR received a request to review a site investigation workplan (SIWP) which states the objectives of the site investigation to determine the degree and extent of contamination. A fee has been paid for DNR review.
137 Site Investigation Report (SIR) Received (fee) Date DNR received a request to review a site investigation report (SIR) to determine degree & extent of contamination and form a basis for choosing the appropriate remedial action. A fee was paid for DNR review.
140 Site Investigation Report (SIR) Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that a site investigation report (SIR) has not been approved and further work is required to determine the degree & extent of contamination for all or part of a cleanup activity at a site.
143 Remedial Action Options Report (RAOR) Received (fee) Date DNR received remedial action options report (RAOR) and a fee was paid for review. It identifies and evaluates options to prevent, minimize, stabilize or eliminate threats from discharged hazardous substances and to restore the environment to the extent practicable.
146 Remedial Action Plan Go Ahead (Notice to Proceed) [OBSOLETE] Date the DNR allows the RP to proceed without approval of the Remedial Action Plan. Either written or by phone call.
147 Remedial Action (RA) Design Report Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a Remedial Action (RA) Design Report to document the proposed design of the remedial action or system. This includes the RA Design Report for sites included on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
148 Remedial Action Design Report Received (fee) Date DNR received a remedial action design report to document the proposed design of the remedial action or system. A fee has been paid for DNR review.
149 Remedial Action (RA) Design Report Approved Date DNR approved the Remedial Action (RA) Design Report and the Responsible Party (RP) was notified via written or verbal communication. The approval may include continuing obligations. Includes RA Design reports for sites on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
150 Remedial Action (RA) Design Report Not Approved Date DNR notified the Responsible Party (RP) via written or verbal communication that the Remedial Action (RA) Design Report is not approved or further work is requested. This includes the RA Design report for sites included on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
151 Remedial Action (RA) Documentation Report Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a Remedial Action (RA) Documentation Report to document the remedial system construction or how the RA was carried out and may include documentation of effectiveness. (aka: construction documentation, as-built report in NR 724 or construction completion for the NPL).
152 Remedial Action Documentation Report Received (fee) Date DNR received a remedial action documentation report and a fee was paid for review. It documents the remedial system construction or how the remedial action was carried out and can include documentation of effectiveness (aka: construction documentation or as-built report - NR 724.15).
153 Remedial Action (RA) Documentation Report Approved Date DNR approved the Remedial Action (RA) Documentation Report and the Responsible Party (RP) was notified via written or verbal communication. This includes the construction completion reports for sites included on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
154 Remedial Action (RA) Documentation Report Not Approved Date DNR notified the Responsible Party (RP) via written or verbal communication that the Remedial Action (RA) Documentation Report is not approved or further work is requested. Includes the construction completion report for sites included on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
155 Notification of Continuing Obigations to be Applied Date DNR or Responsible Party provided 30-day notice to affected property owners of intent to impose Continuing Obligations on a property.
156 Continuing Obligation(s) Apply - Sub-Activity Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved at a Facility Wide (FW) Activity with one or more COs to give notice of residual contamination & may require or restrict certain actions to minimize & protect human or environment exposures. Sub-Activity COs are reviewed & approved as part of the FW remedy.
164 Voluntary Lien Acceptance Document Sent Date DNR sent property owner a letter outlining the options to file a lien on the subject property voluntarily. This document provides a sign-off acceptance process to return to DNR.
165 Voluntary Lien Acceptance Document Recieved Date DNR receives a signed acceptance from a property owner to voluntarily allow DNR to proceed with filing a lien on the subject property.
166 Voluntary Lien Acceptance Withdrawn Date DNR is notified that a property owner no longer wants to participate in the voluntary filing of a lien on their property. The owner has paid the fees or costs owed to the department. If not paid, the department may pursue further action.
167 Lien Draft Sent Date DNR sends a draft of a lien to be filed on a subject property. The property owner has (60) days to respond. The department will proceed with the filing.
168 Notice of Intent to File a Lien Date DNR notified the responsible party/property owner that the DNR intends to file a lien on their property for costs owed to the Department.
170 Registry of Waste Disposal Site Screening Completed Date DNR Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program conducted a screening of a site listed on the former Registry of Waste Disposal Sites to determine if the site should be archived or require further listing in the SHWIMS database.
179 Case Closure Review Request Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a case Closure Review Request for a site where the fee has previously been paid or no fee is required (i.e. Voluntary Party Liability Exemption).
180 Closure Reconsideration Requested Date DNR received a request to reconsider a previous Closure Not Recommended determination.
181 Continuing Obligation Modification Request Received (fee) Date DNR received a request to modify or remove continuing obligations that were imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. A fee has been paid for DNR review.
182 Case Closure Review Request Received - Fee Required Date the case closure review request was received; however, no fee has been submitted. DNR will not review the request for closure until the fee has been paid.
183 No Further Action per NR 708.09 Request (fee) Date DNR issues a No Further Action (NFA) letter in accordance with NR 708 and a fee was paid.
184 Remaining Actions Needed Status No Longer Applies Date DNR sends a letter indicating that the remaining actions needed outlined in a prior letter have not been met and that the site is returned to active status.
185 Continuing Obligation(s) Compliance Audit Complete Date DNR completed a compliance audit of continuing obligations that were previously approved and applied to this activity to assure compliance. Audit activities include a site review and visit by DNR staff.
186 Continuing Obligation(s) Compliance Audit Follow-up Needed Date DNR provided notice to a property owner that follow-up is needed after a continuing obligations compliance audit was completed for an activity.
187 Continuing Obligation(s) Compliance Audit Follow-up Complete Date DNR determined that all follow-up needed as part of a DNR compliance audit of continuing obligations has been completed for an activity.
188 Maintenance/Inspection Rpt for Continuing Obligation Rcvd Date DNR received a maintenance or inspection report for a site where submittal of the report was a requirement for continuing obligation(s) at this site. Submittal frequency is site-specific.
189 Closure Fee Paid Prematurely - Applied to Site Investigation Date DNR determined that a request for case Closure was submitted prematurely and the site investigation is not complete. The fee that was paid for case closure review will be applied to a site investigation response to account for staff time. Closure fees will need to be paid in the future.
190 Remaining Actions Needed Requirements Met or Docs Received Date DNR received all documentation of actions required in the remaining actions needed letter and begins to prepare a final closure letter.
191 CO Modification Notification Received (non-fee) Date DNR received notification and plans to modify existing Continuing Obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. No fee is required for this review and a notice to proceed (NTP) will be provided
192 Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Report Received (fee) Date the Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Report is received and a fee was paid for DNR review. Form 4400-194.
193 CO Modification Notice to Proceed (NTP) Date DNR provided a written Notice to Proceed (letter or email) to modify/remove existing Continuing Obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. DNR has determined that the proposed plan of action is acceptable but may take an undetermined amount of time to complete.
194 CO Modification Final Documentation Received Date DNR receives final documentation supporting the modification/removal to continuing obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. This may include new maintenance plan, photos, etc.
195 Semi-Annual/PECFA Cost Reporting (NR700) Requirement Met Date DNR received submittal of completed online semi-annual report form, meeting the requirements of NR 700.
198 Request for Additional Information (Fee-Based or Closure) Date DNR requests additional information in order to make a determination on a fee-based or closure submittal.
199 Additional Information Received (Fee-Based or Closure) Date DNR received the additional information that it had requested in order to make a determination on a fee-based or closure submittal.
200 Push Action Taken Date DNR took an action, either written or verbal to get an inactive site moving again, including request for status update.
201 DNR Cost for Immediate Response Action Date that DNR incurred costs in response to a potential hazardous substance discharge where no responsible party was identified or was willing and able to respond.
203 DNR Cost Recovery Complete for Immediate Response Action Date repayment was received or DNR made a decision not to pursue cost recovery after DNR incurred costs for an immediate response action to a potential hazardous substance discharge
205 Site Investigation Start - State Lead DNR hired a contractor to start an investigation because the responsible party is unknown, or is unable or unwilling to investigate.
206 Site Investigation End - State Lead DNR hired a contractor that has completed an investigation because the responsible party is unknown, or was unable or unwilling to investigate.
207 Remedial Design Start - State Lead DNR hired a contractor to begin design of a remedial action because the responsible party is unknown, or was unable or unwilling to take remedial action.
208 Remedial Design End - State Lead DNR hired a contractor that designed a remedial action because the responsible party is unknown, or was unable or unwilling to take remedial action.
209 Remedial Construction Start - State Lead DNR hired a contractor that started construction of a remedial action because the responsible party is unknown, or was unable or unwilling to take remedial action.
210 Remedial Construction End - State Lead DNR hired a contractor that completed construction of a remedial action because the responsible party is unknown, or was unable or unwilling to take remedial action.
211 Operation & Maintenance Start - State Lead DNR hired a contractor to begin operation of a remedial action because the responsible party is unknown, or was unable or unwilling to take remedial action.
212 Operation & Maintenance End - State Lead DNR hired a contractor that completed operation of a remedial action because the responsible party is unknown, or was unable or unwilling to take remedial action.
213 DERF - Interim Action Workplan Received Date DNR received an Interim Action Workplan for a site in the Drycleaner Environmental Response Fund (DERF). Details actions to be taken to contain or stabilize the contamination, includes a temporary engineering control. Workplan must include an Site Investigation schedule.
214 DERF - Interim Action Workplan Approved Date DNR approved the Interim Action Workplan for a site in the Drycleaner Environmental Response Fund (DERF)
215 DERF - Interim Action Workplan Not Approved Date DNR notifies the responsible party and/or agent that the Interim Action Work plan or requests further work is not approved for a site in the Drycleaner Environmental Response Fund (DERF)
216 DERF - Contained-in Rulings Review Request Received Date DNR received a request for review of contained-in rulings/determination of special vs. hazardous waste received for a for a site in the Drycleaner Environmental Response Fund (DERF).
217 DERF - Cost Reimbursement Application Received Date DNR received an application for cost reimbursement for a site in the Drycleaner Environmental Response Fund (DERF)
218 DERF - Cost Reimbursement Application Approved Date DNR approved the application for cost reimbursement for a site in the Drycleaner Environmental Response Fund (DERF)
219 DERF - Cost Reimbursement Application Not Approved Date DNR notifies the responsible party and/or agent that an application for cost reimbursement is not approved for a site in the Drycleaner Environmental Response Fund (DERF)
220 Continuing Obligation - Soil at Industrial Levels Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement that land use remain industrial. Soil standards that are appropriate for industrial land use were used for the approval.
221 Continuing Obligation Removed - Soil at Industrial Use Level The continuing obligation for industrial land use has been satisfied through subsequent response actions to allow for non-industrial land use. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
222 Continuing Obligation - Maintain Cap Over Contaminated Area Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain a cap or cover to protect against exposure to contaminated soil (direct contact) or to reduce the movement of residual contamination in soil or groundwater.
223 Continuing Obligation Removed - Maintain Cap The Continuing Obligation to maintain a cap or cover to protect against exposure has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
224 Continuing Obligation - Structural Impediment to Cleanup Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to conduct further investigation and cleanup as necessary following the removal of a structural impediment that impeded the original investigation.
225 Continuing Obligation Removed - Structural Impediment The continuing obligation for a structural impediment has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site
226 Continuing Obligation - Vapor Intrusion Response Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain vapor intrusion response.
227 Continuing Obligation Removed - Vapor Intrusion Response The continuing obligation for vapor intrusion response has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
228 Continuing Obligation - Site Specific Condition Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain a site-specific response under NR 726.
229 Continuing Obligation Removed - Site Specific Condition The continuing obligation for site specific condition(s) has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
230 Continuing Obligation - Maintain Liability Exemption for LGU DNR directed a local government unit or economic development corporation to conduct an interim action to maintain their liability exemption under s. 292.11(9)(e) 4, Wis. Stats.
231 Continuing Obligation Removed - Liability Exemption for LGU The maintenance of the liability exemption under s. 292.11(9)(e) 4, Wis. Stats. has been removed.
232 Continuing Obligation - Residual Soil Contamination Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the Continuing Obligation to address residual soil contamination at or above the Residual Contamination Level (RCL) or Site Specific Residual Contaminant Level (SSRCL) per rules, when moved.
233 Continuing Obligation Removed - Residual Soil Contamination The continuing obligation for residual soil has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation no longer applies to the site.
234 Continuing Obligation - Monitoring Well Needs Abandonment Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to abandon a groundwater monitoring well, in accordance with ch. NR 141, that were not able to be located at the time of closure or have been approved for continued use.
235 Continuing Obligation Removed - MW Needs Abandonment The continuing obligation to abandon a groundwater monitoring well, in accordance with ch. NR 141, has been satisfied through subsequent response actions and has been removed from the site
236 Continuing Obligation - Residual GW Contamination Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the Continuing Obligation for residual groundwater contamination in excess of ch. NR 140 groundwater enforcement standard, to obtain DNR approval before well construction or reconstruction.
237 Continuing Obligation Removed - Residual GW Contamination The continuing obligation for residual groundwater contamination has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. This continuing obligation no longer applies to the site for groundwater.
238 Continuing Obligation - Inspection Reports Required Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with one or more Continuing Obligations and this includes a requirement to submit maintenance or inspection reports.
239 Continuing Obligation Removed - Maintenance/Inspection Rpt The continuing obligation to submit maintenance or inspections reports has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
240 Continuing Obligation - Sediment Engineering Control Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain an engineering control to protect against exposure to contaminated sediment or to reduce the movement of residual contamination in a water body.
241 Continuing Obligation Removed - Sediment Engineering Control The Continuing Obligation to maintain a sediment engineering control has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
246 Impacted Right-of-Way (ROW) Notification No Longer Applies Affected right-of-way (ROW) holders were previously notified that contamination had impacted one or more right-of-ways. Site conditions have changed and the notification(s) no longer apply.
254 DATCP Transferred Site Management Back to DNR Date the activity was transferred back from DATCP.
261 CO Modification for Offsite Impacted Property Date DNR received a request to modify or remove continuing obligations that were imposed at an off-site affected property at the time of closure/cleanup approval.
262 CO Modification for Offsite Property Complete Date of DNR response letter regarding a request to modify or remove continuing obligations that were imposed at an off-site affected property at the time of closure/cleanup approval.
266 CO(s) No longer apply at Off-site Properties All Continuing Obligations that were applied to Off-site affected properties as part of the remedy for closure or on-going cleanup at this site no longer apply. Off-site affected property owner(s) have been notified.
279 Case Closure Review Request Rcvd - Resubmittal Fee Required Date DNR received a closure resubmittal request with fee and a fee was paid for a previous review.
280 Closure Not Approved - Director Decision Date DNR issues a Final Closure Not Approved letter to a Responsible Party after meetings have been held to discuss site specific issues and the DNR RR Director has made the Closure Not Approved determination. The letter outlines all formal appeal options per Wis. Stat. ch. 227
281 Closure Reconsideration Meeting Date DNR held a meeting with a Responsible Party (or their Representative) to discuss a Closure Not Recommended determination by the Department.
282 Closure Reconsideration Decision Letter Date DNR RR Program Supervisor or Director issues a letter regarding the decision made after a closure reconsideration meeting was held to discuss the site specific issues.
285 CO Compliance Audit Complete - Vapor Only Date DNR completed an audit of a focused subset of vapor continuing obligations at this site.
288 DERF - Cost Reimbursement Paid Date Drycleaner Environmental Response Fund (DERF) Manager sends check to applicant for payment of claim.
301 Superfund NPL, NPL Proposed or Alternative Approach Site Sites on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL) whether current or deleted, sites proposed for the NPL and sites in the Superfund alternative (SAS) approach process.
302 Superfund: Site Investigation Federal Consent Order [OBSOLETE] Date final RI/FS consent order is issued (signed by all parties). This order may also require other work such as RD/RA.
303 Superfund Site Assessment Action Taken - Not on NPL or SAS A Superfund Site Assessment Action has been taken on this site. Site is not proposed for inclusion or on the National Priorities List (NPL) or a Superfund alternative (SAS) approach site. Superfund removal-only sites are not included in this category.
304 Superfund: Site Investigation Federal Consent Decree [OBSOLETE] Date final RI/FS Consent Decree is lodged. This is updated once the order is subsequently entered. This may require other work, such as RD/RA.
305 Superfund Enforcement Documents - See Description Date of Superfund Enforcement Document. Includes Consent Order (CO), Consent Decree (CD), Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) or MOU/MOA for the final Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS), Remedial Design/Remedial Action (RD/RA) or other enforceable documents under EPA Superfund.
306 Superfund: Superfund: Site Investigation ER Contract [OBSOLETE] Date Solid Waste Plan Approval (if it exists) is issued to incorporate changes resulting from RI/FS or investigation work.
307 Superfund Final Remedial Investigation (RI) Approval Date the final Remedial Investigation (RI) report is approved by the lead agency for a site in the EPA Superfund Program.
308 Superfund: Alternatives Array Submittal [OBSOLETE] Date first draft of an Alternatives Array is received by the lead agency.
309 Superfund: Support Agency ARARs provided [OBSOLETE] Date the support agency provides a list of ARARs for remediation alternatives to the lead agency.
310 Superfund Final Feasibility Study (FS) Submittal Date the final feasibility study (FS) is submitted to the lead agency for a site in the Superfund Program.
311 Superfund Proposed Plan (PP) Issued Date the proposed plan for cleanup of a site in the Superfund program is issued to the public and media.
312 Superfund Proposed Plan Public Meeting Date a public meeting is held to provide information regarding the proposed plan for cleanup of a site in the Superfund program.
313 Superfund Site Assessment Pre-CERCLA Screening (PCS) Date DNR submits the Pre-CERCLA Screening Checklist to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
313 Superfund: Federally Funded Consultant Hired [OBSOLETE] Date U.S. EPA funded consultant is hired for an RI/FS at a State-Lead Fund financed site.
314 Superfund Decision Document (ROD or ESD) - See Description Date lead agency finalizes (signs) the Record of Decision (ROD), ROD Amendment or Explanation of Significant Difference (ESD).
315 Superfund Site Assessment Transmittal Memos Date of transmittal memo between DNR and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding Superfund Site Assessment (SAS) actions.
315 Superfund: ROD [OBSOLETE] The record of decision approving the remedial action is final.
316 Superfund Site Assessment DNR Planning Documentation Date DNR completes a plan regarding Superfund Site Assessment actions. This includes Quick Score (QS), sampling workplans, health and safety plans and scopes of work (SOW).
316 Superfund: Remedial Design Federal Consent Order [OBSOLETE] Date final RD consent order is issued (signed by all parties). This order may also require other work, such as RA.
317 Superfund Site Assessment Site Reassessment (SR) Date of final Site Reassessment (SR) report to determine whether further attention is needed under the Superfund (SF) Program. New information is gathered and evaluated on a site previously assessed. May include sampling, revised Quick Score, Site Decision Form (SDF)
317 Superfund: Remedial Design Federal Unilateral Order [OBSOLETE] Date final RD unilateral order is issued by U.S. EPA. This order may also require other work, such as RA.
318 Superfund: Remedial Design Federal Consent Decree [OBSOLETE] Date final RD Consent Decree is lodged. This date should be updated when the order is entered. This order may require other work, such as RA.
318 Superfund Site Assessment Integrated Assessment (IA) Date DNR and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) complete a joint Removal Assessment. Information collected as part of this effort will be used to determine if additional Superfund Site Assessment actions are needed.
319 Superfund Site Assessment HRS Scoring Package Superfund Site Assessment Action has been taken on this site and a Hazard Ranking System (HRS) Scoring Package was generated. The HRS package may have been completes by US EPA or WI DNR.
319 Superfund: Remedial Design Contract [OBSOLETE] Date ER contract for RD is finalized (signed by all parties). This contract may require other work, such as RA.
320 Superfund: Remedial Design State SW Plan Modification [OBSOLETE] Date Solid Waste Plan Approval (if it exists) is modified to incorporate changes resulting from remedial design work.
321 Superfund: Final Design Plans Submittal [OBSOLETE] Date final design plans for the selected remedy are submitted to the lead agency.
322 Superfund: Construction Start [OBSOLETE] Date construction of selected remedy begins. This could be the date of a construction kickoff meeting, award of contract, or mobilization start date.
323 Superfund: Construction Completion and Final Inspection [OBSOLETE] Date construction is essentially complete and the final inspection by the lead agency occurs.
324 Superfund: Final Construction Completion/As-Built Report App [OBSOLETE] Date construction is totally complete and the as-built (construction completion) report is approved by the lead agency.
325 Superfund: Operation & Maintenance Start - State Lead [OBSOLETE] Date O&M of any remedial features start, in the judgment of the lead agency. Date that starts any 5-yr review clock. May occur before or after 323, 324.
326 Superfund Five Year Review Report Signed Date a five year review report is submitted to the lead agency for a site where remedial action took place under the Superfund (SF) program
327 Superfund: Operation & Maintenance Revision [OBSOLETE] Date lead agency approves or requires revisions to the O&M (except long term monitoring) at a site during the O&M period.
328 Superfund: Operation & Maintenance End - State Lead [OBSOLETE] Date O&M of all remedial features (except long term monitoring) has ended or is projected to end in the judgment of the lead agency.
329 Superfund: Long Term Monitoring Start [OBSOLETE] Date that long term monitoring starts either as follow-up to remedial action or in lieu of one. This is not the same as monitoring done in conjunction with site investigations.
330 Superfund: Long Term Monitoring Revision [OBSOLETE] Date lead agency approves or requires revisions to the long term monitoring at an activity.
331 Superfund: Long Term Monitoring End [OBSOLETE] Date long term monitoring ends for the activity.
332 Superfund Site Deleted from NPL Date the Activity is officially removed from the Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL) by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This is the date of publication in the federal register.
334 Monitoring Well Transferred to Another Site Date DNR approves the transfer of responsibility for filling and sealing the monitoring well(s) to another site, DNR program or agency.
335 Transferred Monitoring Well(s) Abandoned Date DNR is notified that a monitoring well(s) that was previously transferred to another site, WI DNR program or state agency at the time of closure has been properly abandoned.
336 Superfund IC Plan or ICIAP Approved Date the final Superfund Institutional Control (IC) Plan or Institutional Control Implementation and Assurance Plan (ICIAP) is approved by the lead agency for a site in the EPA Superfund Program.
337 Superfund Institutional Control Audit Completed Date DNR completed an Institutional Control (IC) Audit for a site in the EPA Superfund Program.
345 RCRA Corrective Action 2020 Site Cleanup subject to Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) corrective action that have been identified by EPA to have the goal of a final cleanup remedy in place by the year 2020.
346 RCRA Corrective Action Site Cleanup subject to Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) corrective action that have been identified by EPA.
350 Superfund Site Assessment Preliminary Assessment (PA) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved the preliminary assessment report based on readily available information about waste generation and disposal, hazardous substances, sample locations, etc.
351 Superfund Site Assessment Site Inspection (SI) Date Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approves final site inspection report. Report includes evaluation of sample data, review of information, development of work plans and project plans. Information is used to determine if site should move forward in the Superfund Site Assessment Program.
352 Superfund Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection [Obsolete] Date the final preliminary investigation/site inspection report is approved by EPA.
353 Superfund Site Assessment Expanded Site Inspection (ESI) Date the final Expanded Site Inspection (ESI) Report is approved by the EPA. Performed following Preliminary Assessment (PA) and Site Inspection (SI) activities to collect additional samples to score for the Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL) eligibility determination.
354 Superfund Site Assessment Other Cleanup Authority (OCA) Date the EPA approves Wisconsin's recommendation for other cleanup authority (OCA) when a site scores >28.5 on the federal hazard ranking system (HRS). Rather than more work through Superfund, WI will use state authority. The site may be returned to the Superfund process if necessary.
355 Superfund No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP) Date the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approves Wisconsin's recommendation for No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP), based on results of a site assessment action or a removal action.
356 Superfund Removal Action Taken The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the responsible party (under an EPA order) has taken action to remove and dispose of hazardous materials that posed an imminent and substantial endangerment to human health or the environment.
364 VAL and/or VRSL Exceeded Indoor air data at or above Vapor Action Level (VAL) and/or other vapor/groundwater data at or above Vapor Risk Screening Level (VRSL) at the property.
365 VAL and/or VRSL Exceeded No Longer Applies Sufficient data supports mitigation no longer needed at property and/or no additional remedial action required.
366 VAL and/or VRSL Exceeded at Off-Site Property or ROW Indoor air data at or above Vapor Action Level (VAL) and/or other vapor/groundwater data at or above Vapor Risk Screening Level (VRSL) detected at one or more off-site properties or right-of-ways (ROW).
367 VAL and/or VRSL Exceeded Off-Site or ROW No Longer Applies Sufficient data supports mitigation no longer needed at an off-site property and/or no additional remedial action required.
368 VMS Construction & Commissioning Doc Rpt Rcvd (fee) Date DNR received a Vapor Mitigation System (VMS) construction and commisioning documentation report. May also include Operation, Monitoring & Maintenance (OM&M) Plan. Includes documentation of the VMS construction and verification of effectiveness. A fee has been paid for DNR review.
369 VMS Construction & Commissioning Doc Rpt Rcvd (non-fee) Date DNR received a Vapor Mitigation System (VMS) construction and commisioning documentation report. May also include Operation, Monitoring & Maintenance (OM&M) Plan. Includes documentation of the VMS construction and verification of effectiveness.
370 VMS Construction & Commissioning Doc Rpt Approved Date DNR provided notice that a Vapor Mitigation System (VMS) construction & commissioning documentation report has been approved. Notice from DNR includes Continuing Obligations applied at source property and/or off-site property.
371 VMS Construction & Commissioning Doc Rpt Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that a Vapor Mitigation System (VMS) construction & commissioning documentation report has not been approved.
399 Superfund Remedial Draft Document Date a draft document was submitted for a site in the EPA Superfund Remedial process, including Remedial Investigations (RI), feasibility studies, Remedial Design (RD), construction documentation.
400 Transferred to DNR WMM Program Date WI DNR Remediation and Redevelopment Transferred this Activity to Waste and Materials Management for project management.
401 Historic Fill Case by Case Exemption Request (fee) Date DNR received a request for an exemption to NR 506 for development of a historic fill site (site established before 1970 and never licensed) and review fee received.
402 Historic Fill Case by Case Exemption Issued Site-specific approval for construction on a historic fill site. Waste disposal on site before 1970 with no waste disposal license.
403 Historic Fill Expedited Exemption Request (fee) Date DNR received a request for an expedited exemption to NR 506 for development of a historic fill site where there is no significant environmental contamination and the site has been evaluated as low risk for potential health and safety issues.
404 Historic Fill Expedited Exemption Issued Date DNR provides written notice to approve an expedited exemption to NR 506 for development of a historic fill site where there is no significant environmental contamination and the site has been evaluated as low risk for potential health and safety issues.
405 Historic Fill Exemption Not Approved Date DNR provides written notice that a historic fill exemption request has not been approved or further information/evaluation may be required.
444 DNR WA Program Transferred Site Management back to RR Date DNR Waste and Materials Management (WA) Program Transferred the project management and jurisdiction of this Activity back to the Remediation and Redevelopment Program
450 Sediment Plan & Compliance Schedule Submitted Date DNR receives a Plan & Compliance Schedule as part of the financial assurrance for a sediment engineering control.
451 Sediment Plan & Compliance Schedule Approval Date DNR approved the Plan & Compliance Schedule as part of the financial assurrance for a sediment engineering control.
452 Sediment Financial Assurance Received Date DNR received proof of, or request for release of, financial responsibility made payable to or established for the benefit of the department or for the maintenance and repair of a sediment engineering control.
453 Sediment Financial Assurance Approved Date DNR received proof of financial responsibility made payable to or established for the benefit of the department for the maintenance and repair of an engineering control for the remediation of sediments.
454 Sediment Financial Assurance - Release of Funds Date DNR approved a request for the release of funds for the maintenance and repair of a sediment engineering control. Includes request for partial or final release of financial assurance and approval or determination by DNR.
455 Sediment Third Party Agreement - Transfer of Responsibility Date DNR received the legally enforceable agreement between the Responsible Party (RP) and another party to comply with requirements, limitations, or conditions for maintenance of an engineering control or investigation and remediation of residual contamination if a structural impediment is removed.
458 Sediment - Project Agreement/Amendment Date DNR received a sediment project agreement or ammendment. Includes the original project agreement, attachments, appendices, exhibits, and amendments.
460 Sediment Area of Concern (AOC) De-listing Date the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officially de-listed a sediment cleanup project as an Area of Concern (AOC).
500 PECFA New Cost Cap Established Responsible party notified that a new cost cap for a Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) reimbursement is being established.
501 PECFA Bidding to Establish Cost Cap Responsible party notified that bidding to establish a Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) reimbursement cost cap will be done. See comments for bid details.
502 PECFA Bidding Completed Responsible party notified that a Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) bid has established the total allowable reimbursement. See comments for details.
504 PECFA Cost Request Received Date DNR received a request for pre-approval of a scope of work and associated costs under the Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA).
505 PECFA Cost Request Approved Date DNR approved a request for pre-approval of a scope of work and associated costs under the Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA).
506 PECFA Cost Request Not Approved Date DNR does not approve a request for pre-approval of a scope of work and associated costs under the Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA).
507 PECFA Cost Request Additional Information Requested Date DNR requested additional information be submitted before a request for pre-approval of a scope of work and associated costs under the Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) can be processed.
508 PECFA Cost Cap Adjustment Date DNR reduced or revoked a previously approved Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) cost cap approval.
611 Local Government Unit (LGU) Liability Exemption Applies Date DNR is notified by a local government unit (LGU) that they own the property and it meets the statutory criteria for exemption from liability for environmental contamination.
612 Local Government Unit (LGU) Exemption no longer applies Date DNR is notified that a Local Government Unit (LGU) no longer owns property and/or no longer meets the statutory criteria for the local government unit liability exemption.
620 DNR BEAP Assessment Completed DNR assessed this property for contamination under the Brownfields Environmental Assessment Program (BEAP) federal funding that was available from 1996 to 2000. DNR completed a Phase I and/or Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) in compliance with ASTM standards.
700 Database Fee Paid for Groundwater Continuing Obligation(s) Date fee received for residual groundwater contamination and related continuing obligations.
710 Database Fee Paid for Soil Continuing Obligation(s) Date fee received for residual soil contamination and related continuing obligations.
711 Database Fee for Soil Does Not Apply Database processing fee for soil was received but residual soil or other conditions in accordance with 292.12 are not required.
712 Database Fee for Groundwater Does Not Apply Database processing fee for groundwater (GW) was received but residual GW or other conditions in accordance with 292.12 are not required.
730 CO Packet created for Recorded Groundwater Use Restriction Date DNR created a Continuing Obligations (CO) Packet for a site closure where a Groundwater Use Restriction (GWUR) was required and recorded at the Register of Deeds. DNR Staff created the packet from available file material. A copy of the deed filing can be found in the CO Packet
779 Case Closure Review Fee Received Date DNR received fee for case closure review. Case closure is reviewed for administrative completeness.
804 Traditional Superfund Assessment Work conducted under Superfund Site Assessment Program (PA, SSI, EST, etc.).
805 Historic Waste Site Any deposit of waste material, other than by homeowner on their own property, where an operating license was never issued by the DNR under Wis. Admin Code NR500. This includes, but is not limited to, foundry waste, municipal-type solid waste, coal ash, and some demolition wastes.
806 Registry of Waste Disposal Site - SHWIMS Archived Date DNR Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program determined a site listed on the former Registry of Waste Disposal Sites should be archived and does not require further listing in the SHWIMS Database. This determination was based on specific site screening criteria.
807 Registry of Waste Disposal Site - SHWIMS Listing Date DNR Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program determined a site listed on the former Registry of Waste Disposal Sites, does require further listing in the SHWIMS database. This determination was based on specific site screening criteria.
850 Materials Management Immediate Action Report Recvd w/o Fee Date DNR received an NR708.05 Immediate Action report summarizing Materials Management activities. A fee for review is not required unless a No Further Action letter is requested.
854 Materials Management Plan Request Recvd with Fee Date DNR received a request to approve a management plan for the movement of soil under NR718 and a review fee has been paid. Submittal must include all documents to be complete (soil management plan, letter of acknowledgement, maintenance plan, etc.).
856 Materials Management Final Documentation Received w/o Fee Date construction completion report is received if materials management is part of an interim action (authority under NR 708.15) – or a Remedial Action report (authority under NR 724.15).
857 Materials Management Plan Approved Date DNR approved a materials management plan for the movement of soil under NR718 and correspondence was provided.
858 Materials Management Final Documentation Received with Fee Date construction completion report is received if materials management is part of an interim action (authority under NR 708.15) – or a Remedial Action report (authority under NR 724.15).
859 Materials Management Request Withdrawn Date notification is given that a proposed material management activity will not be conducted.
861 Materials Management Plan Not Approved Date DNR did not approve a materials management plan for the movement of soil under NR718 and correspondence was provided for the reason(s) the plan was not approved.
863 Materials Management Plan Work Cancelled Date DNR determined or was notified that approved material management activity will not be conducted.
865 Materials Management Plan Documentation Report Approved Date DNR approved the management of contaminated material under NR718 and correspondence was provided.
867 Materials Management Documentation Report Not Approved Date DNR did not approve the management of contaminated material under NR718 and correspondence was provided.
998 Activity Transferred from Spill Activity Activity started as a spill but additional site investigation and remediation was needed. Activity is now categorized as an Environmental Repair Program (ERP) or Leaking Underground Tank (LUST) activity.
Facility Wide Actions
Code Name Description
1 Facility Wide Activity Start Date Date DNR and Responsible Party (RP) entered into a negotiated agreement to meet site-specific needs for the entire facility associated with the investigation and cleanup of a hazardous substance discharge to the environment.
3 Notice of Noncompliance (NON) Issued Date Responsible Party (RP) is sent a Notice of Noncompliance (NON) as a result of their failure to comply with state law. Identifies the specific violation and requests a response within a given time period.
4 Enforcement Conference Held Date of meeting between Responsible Party (RP) and DNR to discuss a violation of state law and the necessary response(s). Includes Discussion of the consequences of not taking the required action, including referral to Department of Justice.
11 Activity Closed Date DNR sends a letter approving the final closure of an activity based on data provided and compliance with NR 726 and 727. No further investigation or remediation is required at this time.
12 Activity Previous Case Closure Date Date of a previously issued case closure letter when an activity has been reopened
13 Activity Reopened Date DNR provided written notice that additional response actions and/or monitoring is required per NR 727 for an activity that previously received a closure determination from the Department.
14 Notice of Violation (NOV) Issued Date Responsible Party (RP) is sent a Notice of Violation (NOV) stating that a violation exists & the violator is responsible. Advises of possible prosecution & forfeitures. Requires response within a specified time. More specific than a Notice of Noncompliance (NON).
15 Notice of Intent to File Deed Affidavit for Contamination Date DNR sends a responsible party and/ or property owner a letter of intent to file a deed affidavit on the property for a notice of contamination.
18 Administrative or Consent Order Issued Date the Administrative or Consent Order is issued by Enforcement, defining what formal legal action is being taken by the DNR. The administrative or consent order establishes findings of fact, conclusions of law, and order provisions.
21 Contested Case Hearing Held Date a contested case hearing is held to challenge an Administrative or Consent order
23 Referral to Department of Justice (DOJ) Date that a case is referred to the Wisconsin Department of Justice for further enforcement action
24 Long Term Monitoring Plan Received (non-Fee) Date DNR Received a long term monitoring plan and no review was requested.
25 Long Term Monitoring Plan Received (fee) Date DNR Received a long term monitoring plan and a fee was paid for DNR review
26 Long Term Monitoring Plan Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that a long term monitoring plan is not approved.
27 Long Term Monitoring Plan Approved Date DNR provided notice that a long term monitoring plan has been approved. This may include Long Term Monitoring Plans (not reports) for sites included on the EPA Superfund: National Priority List (NPL).
37 Site Investigation Report (SIR) Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a site investigation report (SIR) to determine degree & extent of contamination and form a basis for choosing the appropriate remedial action.
38 Site Investigation Report (SIR) Approved Date DNR provided notice that a site investigation report (SIR) has been approved and the degree & extent of contamination has been defined for all or part of a cleanup activity at a site.
40 Remedial Action Options Report (RAOR) Approved Date DNR provided notice that the remedial action options report (RAOR) was approved
43 Site Activity Status Update Received Date DNR received an update regarding site activities.
46 Impacted Right-of-Way (ROW) Notification Contamination has impacted one or more rights-of-way (ROW). The affected right-of-way (ROW) holders have been notified by the DNR.
48 Preventive Action Limit (PAL) NR140 Exemption at Closure DNR has approved site closure with an exemption under NR 140 allowing site closure with groundwater contamination above the preventive action limit (PAL).
49 Temporary Emergency Water Supply Provided Date DNR approved a temporary emergency water supply (bulk or bottled water) necessary for a responsible party and/or adjacent properties per NR 738.
56 Continuing Obligation(s) Applied Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with one or more continuing obligations to give notice of residual contamination; require or restrict certain actions to protect the public or environment; minimize human or environmental exposures.
59 Environmental Enforcement Action Completed Date DNR indicates no further enforcement action on this subject will be taken at this time.
80 Closure Not Recommended Date DNR sends a letter in response to a request for closure review. Letter outlines the reasons DNR cannot recommend site closure at this time.
82 Remedial Action Options Report (RAOR) Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that the remedial action options report (RAOR) was not approved. The RAOR should be modified or another action selected.
84 Remaining Actions Needed Date DNR sends a letter outlining the remaining actions needed to achieve final closure. The site will not be formally closed until receipt of documentation. This action was formerly known as conditional closure.
92 Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Report Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Report (Form 4400-194). Includes O&M reports for sites on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
93 Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Report Approved Date the Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Report (Form 4400-194) is approved or conditionally approved by DNR staff. Includes O&M reports for sites on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
94 Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Report Not Approved Date DNR provides notice that an Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Report is not approved or further work is requested. Form 4400-194.
95 Deed Instrument Terminated A previously recorded deed instrument (notice, affidavit, restriction) has been terminated at this site. A subsequent deed filing has been recorded because the conditions are no longer present or the deed instrument was replaced by another legally enforceable document (e.g., closure letter addendum)
97 Technical Assistance Request Received (fee) Date DNR received a request for technical assistance and a fee has been paid.
98 Technical Assistance Provided Date DNR provided fee-based technical assistance on a portion of a site investigation or cleanup.
99 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous action - See Action Comments
101 Continuing Obligation Modification Approval Date of DNR response letter that approves a request to modify continuing obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval.
104 Continuing Obligations Satisfied - No Longer Apply Date of DNR response letter that approves work completed to satisfy all continuing obligations imposed at the time of closure/remedial action/interim action approval. Continuing obligations no longer apply at this site.
105 Continuing Obligation Modification Request Not Approved Date of DNR response letter that does not approve a request to modify or remove continuing obligations from a property.
106 CO Modification Request Withdrawn Date DNR is notified that a request to modify one or more Continuing Obligations at a site has been withdrawn.
130 DNR Regulatory Reminder Sent Date DNR sent written notification to Responsible Parties and/or other interested parties reminding them of a regulatory obligation.
137 Site Investigation Report (SIR) Received (fee) Date DNR received a request to review a site investigation report (SIR) to determine degree & extent of contamination and form a basis for choosing the appropriate remedial action. A fee was paid for DNR review.
140 Site Investigation Report (SIR) Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that a site investigation report (SIR) has not been approved and further work is required to determine the degree & extent of contamination for all or part of a cleanup activity at a site.
143 Remedial Action Options Report (RAOR) Received (fee) Date DNR received remedial action options report (RAOR) and a fee was paid for review. It identifies and evaluates options to prevent, minimize, stabilize or eliminate threats from discharged hazardous substances and to restore the environment to the extent practicable.
147 Remedial Action Design Report Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a remedial action design report to document the proposed design of the remedial action or system.
148 Remedial Action Design Report Received (fee) Date DNR received a remedial action design report to document the proposed design of the remedial action or system. A fee has been paid for DNR review.
149 Remedial Action Design Report Approved Date DNR approved the remedial action design report and the responsible party (RP) was notified via written or verbal communication. The approval letter may include continuing obligations.
150 Remedial Action (RA) Design Report Not Approved Date DNR notified the Responsible Party (RP) via written or verbal communication that the Remedial Action (RA) Design Report is not approved or further work is requested. This includes the RA Design report for sites included on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
164 Voluntary Lien Acceptance Document Sent Date DNR sent property owner a letter outlining the options to file a lien on the subject property voluntarily. This document provides a sign-off acceptance process to return to DNR.
165 Voluntary Lien Acceptance Document Recieved Date DNR receives a signed acceptance from a property owner to voluntarily allow DNR to proceed with filing a lien on the subject property.
166 Voluntary Lien Acceptance Withdrawn Date DNR is notified that a property owner no longer wants to participate in the voluntary filing of a lien on their property. The owner has paid the fees or costs owed to the department. If not paid, the department may pursue further action.
167 Lien Draft Sent Date DNR sends a draft of a lien to be filed on a subject property. The property owner has (60) days to respond. The department will proceed with the filing.
168 Notice of Intent to File a Lien Date DNR notified the responsible party/property owner that the DNR intends to file a lien on their property for costs owed to the Department.
179 Case Closure Review Request Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a case Closure Review Request for a site where the fee has previously been paid or no fee is required (i.e. Voluntary Party Liability Exemption).
180 Closure Reconsideration Requested Date DNR received a request to reconsider a previous Closure Not Recommended determination.
181 Continuing Obligation Modification Request Received (fee) Date DNR received a request to modify or remove continuing obligations that were imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. A fee has been paid for DNR review.
182 Case Closure Review Request Received - Fee Required Date the case closure review request was received; however, no fee has been submitted. DNR will not review the request for closure until the fee has been paid.
184 Remaining Actions Needed Status No Longer Applies Date DNR sends a letter indicating that the remaining actions needed outlined in a prior letter have not been met and that the site is returned to active status.
185 Continuing Obligation(s) Compliance Audit Complete Date DNR completed a compliance audit of continuing obligations that were previously approved and applied to this activity to assure compliance. Audit activities include a site review and visit by DNR staff.
186 Continuing Obligation(s) Compliance Audit Follow-up Needed Date DNR provided notice to a property owner that follow-up is needed after a continuing obligations compliance audit was completed for an activity.
187 Continuing Obligation(s) Compliance Audit Follow-up Complete Date DNR determined that all follow-up needed as part of a DNR compliance audit of continuing obligations has been completed for an activity.
188 Maintenance/Inspection Rpt for Continuing Obligation Rcvd Date DNR received a maintenance or inspection report for a site where submittal of the report was a requirement for continuing obligation(s) at this site. Submittal frequency is site-specific.
190 Remaining Actions Needed Requirements Met or Docs Received Date DNR received all documentation of actions required in the remaining actions needed letter and begins to prepare a final closure letter.
191 CO Modification Notification Received (non-fee) Date DNR received notification and plans to modify existing Continuing Obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. No fee is required for this review and a notice to proceed (NTP) will be provided
192 Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Report Received (fee) Date the Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Report is received and a fee was paid for DNR review. Form 4400-194.
193 CO Modification Notice to Proceed (NTP) Date DNR provided a written Notice to Proceed (letter or email) to modify/remove existing Continuing Obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. DNR has determined that the proposed plan of action is acceptable but may take an undetermined amount of time to complete.
194 CO Modification Final Documentation Received Date DNR receives final documentation supporting the modification/removal to continuing obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. This may include new maintenance plan, photos, etc.
195 Semi-Annual/PECFA Cost Reporting (NR700) Requirement Met Date DNR received submittal of completed online semi-annual report form, meeting the requirements of NR 700.
198 Request for Additional Information (Fee-Based or Closure) Date DNR requests additional information in order to make a determination on a fee-based or closure submittal.
199 Additional Information Received (Fee-Based or Closure) Date DNR received the additional information that it had requested in order to make a determination on a fee-based or closure submittal.
220 Continuing Obligation - Soil at Industrial Levels Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement that land use remain industrial. Soil standards that are appropriate for industrial land use were used for the approval.
221 Continuing Obligation Removed - Soil at Industrial Use Level The continuing obligation for industrial land use has been satisfied through subsequent response actions to allow for non-industrial land use. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
222 Continuing Obligation - Maintain Cap Over Contaminated Area Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain a cap or cover to protect against exposure to contaminated soil (direct contact) or to reduce the movement of residual contamination in soil or groundwater.
223 Continuing Obligation Removed - Maintain Cap The Continuing Obligation to maintain a cap or cover to protect against exposure has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
224 Continuing Obligation - Structural Impediment to Cleanup Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to conduct further investigation and cleanup as necessary following the removal of a structural impediment that impeded the original investigation.
225 Continuing Obligation Removed - Structural Impediment The continuing obligation for a structural impediment has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site
226 Continuing Obligation - Vapor Intrusion Response Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain vapor intrusion response.
227 Continuing Obligation Removed - Vapor Intrusion Response The continuing obligation for vapor intrusion response has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
228 Continuing Obligation - Site Specific Condition Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain a site-specific response under NR 726.
229 Continuing Obligation Removed - Site Specific Condition The continuing obligation for site specific condition(s) has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
230 Continuing Obligation - Maintain Liability Exemption for LGU DNR directed a local government unit or economic development corporation to conduct an interim action to maintain their liability exemption under s. 292.11(9)(e) 4, Wis. Stats.
231 Continuing Obligation Removed - Liability Exemption for LGU The maintenance of the liability exemption under s. 292.11(9)(e) 4, Wis. Stats. has been removed.
232 Continuing Obligation - Residual Soil Contamination Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the Continuing Obligation to address residual soil contamination at or above the Residual Contamination Level (RCL) or Site Specific Residual Contaminant Level (SSRCL) per rules, when moved.
233 Continuing Obligation Removed - Residual Soil Contamination The continuing obligation for residual soil has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation no longer applies to the site.
234 Continuing Obligation - Monitoring Well Needs Abandonment Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to abandon a groundwater monitoring well, in accordance with ch. NR 141, that were not able to be located at the time of closure or have been approved for continued use.
235 Continuing Obligation Removed - MW Needs Abandonment The continuing obligation to abandon a groundwater monitoring well, in accordance with ch. NR 141, has been satisfied through subsequent response actions and has been removed from the site
236 Continuing Obligation - Residual GW Contamination Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the Continuing Obligation for residual groundwater contamination in excess of ch. NR 140 groundwater enforcement standard, to obtain DNR approval before well construction or reconstruction.
237 Continuing Obligation Removed - Residual GW Contamination The continuing obligation for residual groundwater contamination has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. This continuing obligation no longer applies to the site for groundwater.
238 Continuing Obligation - Inspection Reports Required Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with one or more Continuing Obligations and this includes a requirement to submit maintenance or inspection reports.
239 Continuing Obligation Removed - Maintenance/Inspection Rpt The continuing obligation to submit maintenance or inspections reports has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
246 Impacted Right-of-Way (ROW) Notification No Longer Applies Affected right-of-way (ROW) holders were previously notified that contamination had impacted one or more right-of-ways. Site conditions have changed and the notification(s) no longer apply.
279 Case Closure Review Request Rcvd - Resubmittal Fee Required Date DNR received a case closure review request and a fee was paid for review - A fee was previously paid for the case closure review of this activity however, the DNR has determined the resubmittal and review of this case closure requires a new fee.
280 Closure Not Approved - Director Decision Date DNR issues a Final Closure Not Approved letter to a Responsible Party after meetings have been held to discuss site specific issues and the DNR RR Director has made the Closure Not Approved determination. The letter outlines all formal appeal options per Wis. Stat. ch. 227
281 Closure Reconsideration Meeting Date DNR held a meeting with a Responsible Party (or their Representative) to discuss a Closure Not Recommended determination by the Department.
282 Closure Reconsideration Decision Letter Date DNR RR Program Supervisor or Director issues a letter regarding the decision made after a closure reconsideration meeting was held to discuss the site specific issues.
285 CO Compliance Audit Complete - Vapor Only Date DNR completed an audit of a focused subset of vapor continuing obligations at this site.
334 Monitoring Well Transferred to Another Site Date DNR approves the transfer of responsibility for filling and sealing the monitoring well(s) to another site, DNR program or agency.
335 Transferred Monitoring Well(s) Abandoned Date DNR is notified that a monitoring well(s) that was previously transferred to another site, WI DNR program or state agency at the time of closure has been properly abandoned.
700 Database Fee Paid for Groundwater Continuing Obligation(s) Date fee received for residual groundwater contamination and related continuing obligations.
710 Database Fee Paid for Soil Continuing Obligation(s) Date fee received for residual soil contamination and related continuing obligations.
711 Database Fee for Soil Does Not Apply Database processing fee for soil was received but residual soil or other conditions in accordance with 292.12 are not required.
712 Database Fee for Groundwater Does Not Apply Database processing fee for groundwater (GW) was received but residual GW or other conditions in accordance with 292.12 are not required.
779 Case Closure Review Fee Received Date DNR received fee for case closure review. Case closure is reviewed for administrative completeness.
General Property Actions
Code Name Description
28 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Rpt Received Date DNR received a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) report.
97 Technical Assistance Request Received (fee) Date DNR received a request for technical assistance and a fee has been paid.
98 Technical Assistance Provided Date DNR provided fee-based technical assistance on a portion of a site investigation or cleanup.
99 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous action - See Action Comments
170 Registry of Waste Disposal Site Screening Completed Date DNR Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program conducted a screening of a site listed on the former Registry of Waste Disposal Sites to determine if the site should be archived or require further listing in the SHWIMS database.
185 Continuing Obligation(s) Compliance Audit Complete Date DNR completed a compliance audit of continuing obligations that were previously approved and applied to this activity to assure compliance. Audit activities include a site review and visit by DNR staff.
187 Continuing Obligation(s) Compliance Audit Follow-up Complete Date DNR determined that all follow-up needed as part of a DNR compliance audit of continuing obligations has been completed for an activity.
198 Request for Additional Information (Fee-Based or Closure) Date DNR requests additional information in order to make a determination on a fee-based or closure submittal.
199 Additional Information Received (Fee-Based or Closure) Date DNR received the additional information that it had requested in order to make a determination on a fee-based or closure submittal.
401 Historic Fill Case by Case Exemption Request (fee) Date DNR received a request for an exemption to NR 506 for development of a historic fill site (site established before 1970 and never licensed) and review fee received.
402 Historic Fill Case by Case Exemption Issued Site-specific approval for construction on a historic fill site. Waste disposal on site before 1970 with no waste disposal license.
403 Historic Fill Expedited Exemption Request (fee) Date DNR received a request for an expedited exemption to NR 506 for development of a historic fill site where there is no significant environmental contamination and the site has been evaluated as low risk for potential health and safety issues.
404 Historic Fill Expedited Exemption Issued Date DNR provides written notice to approve an expedited exemption to NR 506 for development of a historic fill site where there is no significant environmental contamination and the site has been evaluated as low risk for potential health and safety issues.
405 Historic Fill Exemption Not Approved Date DNR provides written notice that a historic fill exemption request has not been approved or further information/evaluation may be required.
533 WI Assessment Monies (WAM) Application Withdrawn Date DNR received notice that an applicant has withdrawn an application for the WI Assessment Monies (WAM) grant program.
600 Off-site Liability Clarification Letter Issued Date DNR issued an off-site liability clarification letter that explains which conditions must be met in order to qualify for the off-site liability exemption.
601 DNR Site Assessment Grant (SAG) Application Received Date an application was received for a DNR Brownfield Site Assessment Grant (SAG) program. The SAG program provides grants to local government for site assessment, tank removal and other actions.
602 DNR Site Assessment Grant (SAG) Small Award DNR has awarded a Small DNR Brownfield Site Assessment Grant (SAG) to a local government for assessment of contamination, demolition, tank/container removal or other actions. Small SAG Awards range from $2,000 to $30,000.
603 DNR Site Assessment Grant (SAG) Not Awarded Date of DNR determination that a DNR Brownfield Site Assessment Grant (SAG) program will not be awarded for an application.
604 Green Space & Public Facilities Grant Application Received Date DNR received an application for the Green Space and Public Facilities grant program. Grants awarded to local government for the remediation of properties that will be used as green space, recreation areas or used by the local government.
605 Green Space & Public Facilities Grant Awarded Date of DNR award letter to a local government for the Green Space and Public Facilities grant program.
606 Green Space & Public Facilities Grant Not Awarded Date of DNR letter to a local government informing them that they were not awarded a Green Space and Public Facilities grant for a specific project application.
607 Sustainable Urban Development Zone (SUDZ) Funding Received Sustainable urban development zone (SUDZ) funding was used for this site. The SUDZ program funded investigation and cleanup to promote the use of financial incentives to redevelop brownfields and to encourage municipalities to address contamination on an area-wide basis. Available from 2000 to 2002.
608 Land Recycling Loan Intent to Apply Received Date a local government submitted an Intent to Apply form to obtain a land recycling loan to investigate and remediate brownfields properties or landfills.
609 Land Recycling Loan Application Received Date a local government submitted an application for a land recycling loan to investigate and remediate brownfields properties or landfills.
610 Land Recycling Loan Awarded Date a land recycling loan was awarded to a local government to investigate and remediation brownfields properties or landfills.
613 DNR Site Assessment Grant (SAG) Large Award Date DNR awarded a Large DNR Brownfield Site Assessment Grant (SAG) to a local government for assessment of contamination, demolition, tank/container removal or other actions. Large SAG Awards range from $30,001 to $100,000)
614 DNR Site Assessment Grant (SAG) Award Declined Date Grantee notified DNR that they wish to decline a DNR Brownfield Site Assessment Grant (SAG) that they were previously awarded and had accepted.
615 DNR Federal Assessment Grant Date DNR awarded a Federal Assessment Grant
616 Ready for Reuse Loan Application Received Date DNR received a loan application for the Ready for Reuse program for environmental cleanup.
617 Ready for Reuse Grant Application Received Date DNR received a grant application for the Ready for Reuse Program for environmental cleanup.
618 Green Space & Public Facilities Grant Award Declined Date grantee notified DNR that they wish to decline a Green Space & Public Facilities grant that they were previously awarded and had accepted.
619 Leaking Underground Storage Tank ARRA Grant Awarded DNR has awarded a grant for Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) cleanup using Federal American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) funds.
620 DNR BEAP Assessment Completed DNR assessed this property for contamination under the Brownfields Environmental Assessment Program (BEAP) federal funding that was available from 1996 to 2000. DNR completed a Phase I and/or Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) in compliance with ASTM standards.
621 Ready for Reuse Grant Awarded Date DNR awarded a grant for the Ready for Reuse program for environmental cleanup.
622 Ready for Reuse Grant Not Awarded Date DNR notified applicant that the Ready for Reuse grant for environmental cleanup would not be awarded.
623 Ready for Reuse Loan Awarded Date DNR awarded a loan from the Ready for Reuse program for environmental cleanup.
624 Ready for Reuse Loan Not Awarded Date DNR notified applicant that the Ready for Reuse loan for environmental cleanup would not be awarded.
625 Ready for Reuse ARRA Grant Application Received Date DNR received an application for an environmental cleanup grant using Federal American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) funds through the DNR Ready for Reuse program.
626 Ready for Reuse ARRA Grant Awarded Date DNR awarded a grant for environmental cleanup using Federal American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) funds through the DNR Ready for Reuse program.
627 Ready for Reuse ARRA Grant Not Awarded Date DNR notified applicant that an award could not be granted for environmental cleanup using Federal American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) funds through the DNR Ready for Reuse program.
628 WI Assessment Monies (WAM) Community Grant Awarded Date DNR awarded a Wisconsin Assessment Monies (WAM) community grant.
629 WI Assessment Monies (WAM) Community Grant Award Declined Date community notified DNR that they decline awarded monies through the Wisconsin Assessment Monies (WAM) community grant program.
630 Negotiated Agreement Request Received (fee) Date DNR received a request for a negotiated agreement and a fee was paid for review.
631 Negotiated Agreement Request Rec (w/o Fee for VPLE) Date DNR receives the request for a Negotiated Agreement for a VPLE property (thus no fee was paid).
632 Negotiated Agreement Approved and Signed Date DNR and authorized party sign the negotiated agreement. A negotiated agreement is a legal contract for properties undergoing non-emergency clean-up actions. The agreement will clarify the roles and responsibilities at a contaminated site.
633 WI Assessment Monies (WAM) Application Received Date DNR received an application for a WI Assessment Monies (WAM) grant program to complete site assessment activities.
634 WI Assessment Monies (WAM) Grant Not Awarded Date DNR informed an applicant that an application for a WI Assessment Monies (WAM) grant was not eligible or did not meet the required specifications for the grant program and will not be awarded.
635 WI Assessment Monies (WAM) Contract Signed Date DNR and Awardee sign contract to complete the site assessment activities agreed to through the WI Assessment Monies (WAM) grant award process.
636 WI Assessment Monies (WAM) Contractor Service Grant Awarded Date DNR awarded a Wisconsin Assessment Monies (WAM) Contractor Services Grant.
637 WI Assessment Monies (WAM) Contractor Service Award Declined Date the awarded Wisconsin Assessment Monies (WAM) Contractor Services Grant was declined.
638 Off-Site Liability Exemption or Clarification Req Rcvd (fee) Date DNR received a request for an off-site liability exemption or clarification letter and fee was paid for review.
639 Off-Site Exemption Letter Request Rec (w/o Fee for VPLE) Date the DNR receives the Off-Site Exemption Request for a VPLE property (thus no fee was paid). The off-site exemption is a written determination exempting the party from s.292.11 (3),(4),(7)b and c.
640 Off-Site Liability Exemption Letter Issued Date DNR issued an approval of a request for an off-site liability exemption request and confirmed that contamination likely originated on another property.
641 Negotiated Agreement Request Withdrawn Date DNR was notified that applicant has withdrawn their request for a negotiated agreement.
642 Off-Site Liability Exemption Letter Request Not Approved Date DNR provides written notice that is does not approve a request for an off-site liability exemption letter.
643 Negotiated Agreement Request Not Approved Date DNR notified an applicant that their request for a negotiated agreement was not approved.
644 Off-Site Liability Exemption Letter Request Withdrawn Date DNR was notified that the applicant has withdrawn their request for an off-site liability exemption letter.
645 AAI Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report Received Date DNR received a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) that meets the standards of the US EPA Code (40 CFR, PART 312) for All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI).
646 Lease Liability Clarification Letter Request Received (fee) Date DNR received a request for a lease liability clarification letter. A fee has been paid for DNR Review to clarify the liability of a party leasing a property with pre-existing environmental contamination.
647 Lease Letter Request Received (w/o Fee for VPLE) Date DNR receives request for Lease Letter for a VPLE property (thus no fee was paid). Letter issued by DNR to party leasing property with pre-existing environmental pollution to clarify their liability.
648 Lease Liability Clarification Letter Issued Date DNR issued a written clarification that a lessee did not cause the contamination at a leased property and have taken the necessary steps to meet site-specific requirements for eligibility
649 LGU Exemption Liability Clarification Request Received (fee) Date DNR received a request for a Local Government Unit (LGU) Liability Clarification Letter and fee was paid. DNR will review documentation and provide a written determination clarifying whether the request meets the statutory requirements of the LGU exemption under Wis. Stat. ch. 292.
650 Lease Liability Clarification Letter Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that a Request for a Lease Liability Clarification Letter is not approved. Lessee did not meet site-specific requirements for eligibility
651 LGU Exemption Liability Clarification Issued (Acquire) Date DNR issued a letter to a Local Government Unit (LGU) clarifying the statutory qualification for the LGU exemption under Wis. Stat. ch. 292, as applied to a property they may acquire.
652 Lease Liability Clarification Letter Request Withdrawn Date DNR is notified that an applicant has withdrawn their request for a lease liability clarification.
653 LGU Exemption Liability Clarification Request Withdrawn Date DNR is notified that a Local Government Unit (LGU) has withdrawn their request for a written determination clarifying the statutory qualification for the LGU exemption under Wis. Stat. ch. 292.
654 Tax Cancellation Agreement Request Received (fee) Date DNR received a request for a tax cancellation agreement under Wis. Stat. ch. 75 and a fee is paid for review. Property owner and DNR must enter into this cleanup agreement for the county to cancel unpaid real estate taxes.
655 Tax Cancellation Agreement (75.105) Req Rec (w/o VPLE Fee) Date DNR receives request for Tax Cancellation Agreement (under 75.105, Stats.) for a VPLE property (thus no fee was paid). Property owner and DNR must enter into this cleanup agreement for the county to cancel unpaid real estate taxes.
656 Tax Cancellation Agreement Issued The local government cancelled some or all unpaid property taxes in exchange for a written cleanup agreement with DNR under Wis. Stat. ch. 75.
658 Tax Cancellation Agreement Request Not Approved Date DNR notified applicant that a request for tax cancellation agreement under Wis. Stat. ch. 75 is not approved.
659 WI Assessment Monies (WAM) Application Approved Date DNR and US EPA consider an application for a Wisconsin Assessment Monies (WAM) Contractor Services Grant to be complete and eligible to continue in the Award process.
660 Tax Cancellation Agreement Request Withdrawn Date DNR received notice that an applicant has withdrawn a request for a tax cancellation agreement under Wis. Stat. ch. 75.
663 Tax Assignment Agreement (75.106) Req Rec (w/o VPLE Fee) Date DNR receives request for Tax Assignment Agreement (under 75.106, Stats.) for a VPLE property (thus no fee was paid). Property owner and DNR must enter into this cleanup agreement for the count to assign tax delinquent property to a new owner.
665 Tax Assignment Agreement The local government assigned some or all unpaid property taxes to a new party in exchange for a written cleanup agreement with DNR under s. 75.106, Wis. Stats.
666 Tax Assignment Agreement Request Received (fee) Date DNR received a request for a tax assignment agreement under Wis. Stat. ch. 75 and a fee was paid for DNR review and response. Property owner and DNR must enter into this cleanup agreement for the county to assign a tax delinquent property to a new owner.
668 Tax Assignment Agreement Request Not Approved Date DNR notified applicant that their request for a tax assignment agreement (under s. 75.106, Wis. Stats.) was not approved.
669 Off-Site Liability Exemption No Longer Applies Date DNR confirms that a property no longer meets the eligibility requirements for a previously issued off-site liability exemption.
670 Tax Assignment Agreement Request Withdrawn Date DNR received notice that a property owner has withdrawn their request for a tax assignment agreement under Wis. Stat. ch. 75.
681 Qualified for Brownfield Insurance (WBIP) Letter Issued DNR has qualified this property to enroll in the WI Brownfields Insurance Program (WBIP) by approving the Phase I and Phase II environmental assessment in a general liability clarification (GLC) letter.
682 General Liability Clarification (GLC) Request Rcvd (fee) Date DNR received a request for a general liability clarification (GLC) letter and fee is paid. Letter to clarify liability for site specific matters related to environmental contamination and remediation of a property.
683 Gen Liability Clarification Ltr Req Recvd (w/o Fee for VPLE) Date DNR receives the request for General Liability Clarification letter for a VPLE property (thus no fee was paid). May issue letter to clarify liability for site specific matters related to environmental pollution and remediation of a property.
684 General Liability Clarification (GLC) Letter Issued Date DNR issued a general liability clarification (GLC) letter to clarify liability for site specific matters related to environmental contamination and remediation of a property.
685 General Liability Clarification (GLC) Request Withdrawn Date DNR is notified that an applicant has withdrawn their request for a general liability clarification (GLC) letter.
686 Lender Liability Exemption Clarification Request (fee) Date DNR received a request for a Lender Liability Exemption Letter and a fee was paid. DNR will review documentation and provide a written clarification to a lender to confirm if all statutory conditions have been met for the lender liability exemption under Wis. Stat. ch. 292.
687 Lender Phase 1 & 2 Assessment Rev Req (w/o Fee for VPLE) Date DNR receives request to review lender assessment that is older than 12 months from finalization for a VPLE property (thus no fee was paid).
688 Lender Liability Exemption Clarification Letter Issued DNR has provided a written response to a lender regarding the adequacy of a Phase I & II environmental site assessment (ESA) and that the lender liability exemption applies.
689 Lender Liability Exemption Clarification Request Withdrawn Date DNR is notified that an applicant has withdrawn their request for a lender liability exemption Letter
690 Lender Liability Exemption Foreclosure Notice Received Date DNR received notice of when a lender acquired title to real property through a mortgage foreclosure process.
695 Lender Liability Exemption Environmental Assessment Received Date DNR received an environmental assessment (within 180 days of acquiring property) to comply with requirements of the Lender Liability Exemption under Wis. Stat. ch. 292. If all conditions are met, exemption is acquired by statute and lender does not need written confirmation from DNR.
696 LGU Exemption Liability Confirmation Issued (Own) Date DNR issued a letter to a Local Government Unit (LGU) confirming that they qualify for a liability exemption, under Wis. Stat. ch. 292, as applied to a property they own. The letter may also include continuing obligations to maintain the exemption.
805 Historic Waste Site Any deposit of waste material, other than by homeowner on their own property, where an operating license was never issued by the DNR under Wis. Admin Code NR500. This includes, but is not limited to, foundry waste, municipal-type solid waste, coal ash, and some demolition wastes.
LUST Actions
Code Name Description
1 Notification of Hazardous Substance Discharge Date DNR received notice of a discharge of a hazardous substance under s. 292.11 Wis. Stats. Discharge was discovered during an environmental assessment or laboratory analysis of soil, sediment, groundwater or vapor samples. Includes historic contamination.
2 Responsible Party (RP) letter sent Date of DNR letter to responsible party (RP) notifying them of state law responsibilities associated with the investigation and cleanup of a hazardous substance discharge to the environment.
3 Notice of Noncompliance (NON) Issued Date Responsible Party (RP) is sent a Notice of Noncompliance (NON) as a result of their failure to comply with state law. Identifies the specific violation and requests a response within a given time period.
4 Enforcement Conference Held Date of meeting between Responsible Party (RP) and DNR to discuss a violation of state law and the necessary response(s). Includes Discussion of the consequences of not taking the required action, including referral to Department of Justice.
7 Environmental Consultant Hired Date DNR received notification that an environmental consultant has been retained to proceed with site cleanup.
11 Activity Closed Date DNR sends a letter approving the final closure of an activity based on data provided and compliance with NR 726 and 727. No further investigation or remediation is required at this time.
12 Activity Previous Case Closure Date Date of a previously issued case closure letter when an activity has been reopened
13 Activity Reopened Date DNR provided written notice that additional response actions and/or monitoring is required per NR 727 for an activity that previously received a closure determination from the Department.
14 Notice of Violation (NOV) Issued Date Responsible Party (RP) is sent a Notice of Violation (NOV) stating that a violation exists & the violator is responsible. Advises of possible prosecution & forfeitures. Requires response within a specified time. More specific than a Notice of Noncompliance (NON).
15 Notice of Intent to File Deed Affidavit for Contamination Date DNR sends a responsible party and/ or property owner a letter of intent to file a deed affidavit on the property for a notice of contamination.
18 Administrative or Consent Order Issued Date the Administrative or Consent Order is issued by Enforcement, defining what formal legal action is being taken by the DNR. The administrative or consent order establishes findings of fact, conclusions of law, and order provisions.
19 Closure Submittal Incomplete - Administrative Withdrawal Date DNR sends a written response indicating that a closure review request will not be reviewed for technical merit. The submittal is administratively incomplete and requests for further information have not been met.
20 Potential Responsible Party (PRP) Letter Sent Date of DNR letter requesting additional information to determine who may be responsible under state law associated with the investigation and cleanup of a hazardous substance discharge to the environment.
21 Contested Case Hearing Held Date a contested case hearing is held to challenge an Administrative or Consent order
22 Closure Submittal Incomplete - RP Voluntary Withdrawal Date DNR is informed by the RP or Consultant that they wish to voluntarily withdraw a closure submittal from the review process prior to receiving an official response from DNR.
23 Referral to Department of Justice (DOJ) Date that a case is referred to the Wisconsin Department of Justice for further enforcement action
24 Long Term Monitoring Plan Received (non-Fee) Date DNR Received a long term monitoring plan and no review was requested.
25 Long Term Monitoring Plan Received (fee) Date DNR Received a long term monitoring plan and a fee was paid for DNR review.
26 Long Term Monitoring Plan Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that a long term monitoring plan is not approved.
27 Long Term Monitoring Plan Approved Date DNR provided notice that a long term monitoring plan has been approved. This may include Long Term Monitoring Plans (not reports) for sites included on the EPA Superfund: National Priority List (NPL).
28 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Rpt Received Date DNR received a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) report.
29 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Rpt Received Date DNR received a Phase II (including 2.5, 3 etc.) Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) report.
30 Site Investigation Workplan (SIWP) Notice to Proceed (NTP) Date DNR provided a notice to proceed (NTP) with site investigation activities. This is not an official approval of the workplan and no fee was collected for review. An NTP may be via email or phone call.
33 Tank System Site Assessment (TSSA) Report Received Date DNR received a tank system site assessment (TSSA) regarding tank closure or change in services for an above-ground or underground tank system.
35 Site Investigation Workplan (SIWP) Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a site investigation workplan (SIWP) which states the objectives of the site investigation to determine the degree and extent of contamination.
36 Site Investigation Workplan (SIWP) Approved Date DNR provided notice that a site investigation workplan (SIWP) has been approved and site investigation activities can proceed as planned.
37 Site Investigation Report (SIR) Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a site investigation report (SIR) to determine degree & extent of contamination and form a basis for choosing the appropriate remedial action.
38 Site Investigation Report (SIR) Approved Date DNR provided notice that a site investigation report (SIR) has been approved and the degree & extent of contamination has been defined for all or part of a cleanup activity at a site.
39 Remedial Action Options Report (RAOR) Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a remedial action options report (RAOR). It identifies and evaluates options to prevent, minimize, stabilize or eliminate threats from discharged hazardous substances and to restore the environment to the extent practicable.
40 Remedial Action Options Report (RAOR) Approved Date DNR provided notice that the remedial action options report (RAOR) was approved
41 Remedial Action Report Received [OBSOLETE] Date the DNR receives the Remedial Action Report detailing remedial action efforts for an activity.
42 Remedial Action Report Approved [OBSOLETE] Date the Remedial Action Report is approved in writing by DNR staff.
43 Site Activity Status Update Received Date DNR received an update regarding site activities.
46 Impacted Right-of-Way (ROW) Notification Contamination has impacted one or more rights-of-way (ROW). The affected right-of-way (ROW) holders have been notified by the DNR.
48 Preventive Action Limit (PAL) NR140 Exemption at Closure DNR has approved site closure with an exemption under NR 140 allowing site closure with groundwater contamination above the preventive action limit (PAL).
49 Temporary Emergency Water Supply Provided Date DNR approved a temporary emergency water supply (bulk or bottled water) necessary for a responsible party and/or adjacent properties per NR 738.
50 Groundwater Use Restriction Potentially Filed Historical action that may represent a Groundwater Use Restriction filing was recorded or that site conditions would merit a deed filing at closure. Groundwater (and/or soil) continuing obligations may have later been applied through the Closure Letter. Documentation should be reviewed to confirm.
51 Deed Affidavit Recorded at Closure Date Deed Affidavit was recorded with the Register of Deeds. Recorded at the time of closure to give notice of residual soil contamination or for monitoring wells needing abandonment. Notice of conditions required under code rather than as a property-specific condition(s).
52 Deed Restriction for Residual Soil Contamination Recorded Deed Restriction was recorded at the Register of Deeds, due to residual soil contamination, to ensure that land use does not pose a health threat. If the soils are made accessible, additional action is required.
53 Deed Affidavit for Contamination (NR 728) Recorded Date a deed affidavit is recorded by the DNR at the Register of Deeds. Contamination exists and property owner/RP is not proceeding or is unable to proceed with investigation and cleanup. Informs public of contamination and environmental liability associated with the property.
54 Site Management Transferred to DATCP Date DNR Remediation and Redevelopment Program transferred the project management and jurisdiction associated with the investigation and cleanup of a hazardous substance discharge to the environment over to Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection (DATCP).
55 Site Specific Soil Cleanup Standard (NR720) at Closure DNR has approved site closure based on site specific soil standards for residual contaminant levels (RCLs) under NR 720.
56 Continuing Obligation(s) Applied Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with one or more continuing obligations to give notice of residual contamination; require or restrict certain actions to protect the public or environment; minimize human or environmental exposures.
59 Environmental Enforcement Action Completed Date DNR indicates no further enforcement action on this subject will be taken at this time.
61 Landspreading Request Received (fee) Date DNR received a request for approval to landspread contaminated soil under NR 718 and a fee has been paid for DNR review.
62 Landspreading Request Approved Date DNR sent written approval to landspread contaminated soil under NR 718.
63 Inject/Infiltrate Request Received (fee) Date DNR Received a request for Injection and/or Infiltration under NR 812 inject (through well/borehole) or infiltrate (through vertical pipes/galleries) any material (including clean water) to enhance soil or groundwater remediation. A fee has been paid for DNR review.
64 Inject/Infiltrate Request Approved Date DNR provides notice that a request to inject into soil or groundwater under NR 812 has been approved. Infiltration approval is provided under a general WPDES permit or by a DNR project manager if WPDES permit is not necessary.
65 Landspreading Request Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that the landspreading request is denied or there is a request for further work.
66 Continuing Obligations (COs) Apply at Off-site Property(ies) Closure or on-going cleanup was approved at this site with one or more continuing obligations (COs) applied to an off-site affected property(ies) as part of the approved remedy.
67 Site Specific Soil Cleanup Standard Request (fee) Date DNR received a request for a review of site specific soil cleanup standards for residual contaminant levels (RCLs) under NR 720. A fee has been paid for DNR review.
68 Site Specific Soil Cleanup Standard Request (non-fee) Date DNR received a request for a review of site specific soil cleanup standards for residual contaminant levels (RCLs) under NR 720. A fee is not required for review.
69 Inject/Infiltrate Request Not Approved Date DNR provides a determination that an injection and/or infiltration request has not been approved by the department
70 Emergency Response Start Date when the threat of fire or explosion is discovered, or drinking water supplies are threatened or contaminated.
71 Emergency Response End Date when the threat of fire or explosion has ended, or drinking water supplies are no longer threatened.
72 Site Specific Soil Cleanup Standard Request Approved Date DNR provided notice that a request to apply a site specific soil cleanup standards for residual contaminant levels (RCLs) under NR 720 is approved.
73 Site Specific Soil Cleanup Standard Request Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that a request to apply a site specific soil cleanup standards for residual contaminant levels (RCLs) under NR720 is not approved
76 Activity Transferred to DSPS (formerly Commerce) Oversight of medium or low risk petroleum cleanup has been transferred to the WI Dept of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS). DSPS was part of the Dept of Commerce until 2011.
77 Free Product Removal Start Date free product removal is started for the activity.
78 Free Product Removal End Date free product removal ends for the activity.
79 Case Closure Review Request Received Date DNR Project Manager received a request to review Case Closure - (Form 4400-202). A fee was paid for DNR review.
80 Closure Not Recommended Date DNR sends a letter in response to a request for closure review. Letter outlines the reasons DNR cannot recommend site closure at this time.
81 Site Investigation Workplan (SIWP) Not Approved Date DNR provides notice that a site investigation workplan (SIWP) is not approved and further work is requested before proceeding with additional Site Investigation activities at the site.
82 Remedial Action Options Report (RAOR) Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that the remedial action options report (RAOR) was not approved. The RAOR should be modified or another action selected.
83 No Further Action Required per NR 708.09 Date DNR determined that no further action is required and the Activity is closed per NR 708.09. The Responsible Party (RP) has taken limited actions but was not required to conduct an NR 716 investigation. The site is not closed out under NR 726. No letter was issued unless a fee was paid.
84 Remaining Actions Needed Date DNR sends a letter outlining the remaining actions needed to achieve final closure. The site will not be formally closed until receipt of documentation. This action was formerly known as conditional closure.
85 NR 720.19 Performance Based Closure [OBSOLETE] Closure using soil performance standards in place of RCLs for soil. Deed restrictions and/or maintenance may be needed. Public notice required to be posted by RP.
86 Activity Closed with site specific conditions. [OBSOLETE] Date the DNR sends a letter notifying RP that the site has been closed with site specific conditions described. For example, soil contamination may exist but if dug up, it would not pose a direct contact threat.
87 Closure Self Certified by Consultant Activity closed by consultant (self-certified closure) and without NR726/DNR closeout review. The DNR sends a letter acknowledging receipt of the letter of compliance and final report within 30 days and will retain these for a minimum of five (5) years.
89 DSPS (formerly Commerce) Transferred Back to DNR Date the WI Dept of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) transfers oversight of activity back to the DNR. DSPS was part of the Dept of Commerce until 2011.
90 SER First In/First Out (FIFO) Review Process Started Date DNR southeast region (SER) review process of first in/first out (FIFO) is completed for a submittal.
91 SER First In/First Out (FIFO) Review Process Complete Date DNR southeast region (SER) review process of first in/first out (FIFO) is started for a submittal.
92 Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Report Received (non-Fee) Date DNR received a Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Report. Form 4400-194.
93 Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Report Approved Date the Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Report is approved or conditionally approved by DNR staff. Form 4400-194.
94 Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Report Not Approved Date DNR provides notice that an Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Report is not approved or further work is requested. Form 4400-194.
95 Deed Instrument Terminated A previously recorded deed instrument (notice, affidavit, restriction) has been terminated at this site. A subsequent deed filing has been recorded because the conditions are no longer present or the deed instrument was replaced by another legally enforceable document (e.g., closure letter addendum)
97 Technical Assistance Request Received (fee) Date DNR received a request for technical assistance and a fee has been paid.
98 Technical Assistance Provided Date DNR provided fee-based technical assistance on a portion of a site investigation or cleanup.
99 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous action - See Action Comments
101 Continuing Obligation Modification Approval Date of DNR response letter that approves a request to modify continuing obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval.
104 Continuing Obligations Satisfied - No Longer Apply Date of DNR response letter that approves work completed to satisfy all continuing obligations imposed at the time of closure/remedial action/interim action approval. Continuing obligations no longer apply at this site.
105 Continuing Obligation Modification Request Not Approved Date of DNR response letter that does not approve a request to modify or remove continuing obligations from a property.
106 CO Modification Request Withdrawn Date DNR is notified that a request to modify one or more Continuing Obligations at a site has been withdrawn.
114 PFAS Scoping Statement Received Date DNR received a Scoping Statement for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) related information for this Activity.
116 PFAS Sampling Required Date DNR requested a workplan for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling or the Responsible Party (RP) voluntarilly submitted a workplan.
117 Information on PFAS Use Received in lieu of Workplan Date DNR received additional information to support reasons that a Responsible Party (RP) feels that Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling is not needed. PFAS sampling workplan was not submitted.
118 PFAS Sampling Not Required At This Time Date DNR provided response to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Information Submitted in Lieu of Workplan stating that information provided by RP is adequate to indicate that PFAS sampling is not required at the site at this time.
119 PFAS Sampling Completed - Not Detected Date DNR received Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling results that indicated that PFAS compounds were not detected at the site at this time.
120 PFAS Sampling Completed - Actionable Levels Detected Date DNR received Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling results that indicated that PFAS compounds were detected at the site that require or drive action.
121 PFAS Sampling Completed - Non-Actionable Levels Detected Date DNR received Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling results that indicated that PFAS compounds were detected at the site, but no action is required to address PFAS levels at this time.
122 Interim Action Plan Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a plan outlining a non-emergency immediate action that will be taken to halt a hazardous substance discharge and to minimize the harmful effects to public health, safety or the environment.
123 Interim Action Plan Received (fee) Date DNR received a plan outlining a non-emergency immediate action that will be taken to halt a hazardous substance discharge and to minimize the harmful effects to public health, safety or the environment. A fee was paid for DNR review
124 Interim Action Plan Approved Date DNR provided notice that a Interim Action Plan has been approved.
125 Interim Action Plan Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that a Interim Action Plan was not approved and may require further work.
126 Interim Action Report Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a report documenting an emergency or non-emergency immediate action taken under NR 708 to halt a hazardous substance discharge and to minimize the harmful effects to public health, safety or the environment.
127 Interim Action Report Received (fee) Date DNR received a report documenting an emergency or non-emergency immediate action taken under NR 708 to halt a hazardous substance discharge and to minimize the harmful effects to public health, safety or the environment. A fee was paid for DNR review.
128 Interim Action Report Approved Date DNR provided notice that an Interim Action Report has been approved.
129 Interim Action Report Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that an Interim Action Report is not approved and further work may be required.
130 DNR Regulatory Reminder Sent Date DNR sent written notification to Responsible Parties and/or other interested parties reminding them of a regulatory obligation.
135 Site Investigation Workplan (SIWP) Received (fee) Date DNR received a request to review a site investigation workplan (SIWP) which states the objectives of the site investigation to determine the degree and extent of contamination. A fee has been paid for DNR review.
137 Site Investigation Report (SIR) Received (fee) Date DNR received a request to review a site investigation report (SIR) to determine degree & extent of contamination and form a basis for choosing the appropriate remedial action. A fee was paid for DNR review.
140 Site Investigation Report (SIR) Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that a site investigation report (SIR) has not been approved and further work is required to determine the degree & extent of contamination for all or part of a cleanup activity at a site.
143 Remedial Action Options Report (RAOR) Received (fee) Date DNR received remedial action options report (RAOR) and a fee was paid for review. It identifies and evaluates options to prevent, minimize, stabilize or eliminate threats from discharged hazardous substances and to restore the environment to the extent practicable.
147 Remedial Action Design Report Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a remedial action design report to document the proposed design of the remedial action or system.
148 Remedial Action Design Report Received (fee) Date DNR received a remedial action design report to document the proposed design of the remedial action or system. A fee has been paid for DNR review.
149 Remedial Action Design Report Approved Date DNR approved the remedial action design report and the responsible party (RP) was notified via written or verbal communication. The approval letter may include continuing obligations.
150 Remedial Action (RA) Design Report Not Approved Date DNR notified the responsible party (RP) via written or verbal communication that the remedial action design report is not approved or further work is requested.
151 Remedial Action Documentation Report Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a remedial action documentation report to document the remedial system construction or how the remedial action was carried out and can include documentation of effectiveness (aka: construction documentation or as-built report in NR 724.15).
152 Remedial Action Documentation Report Received (fee) Date DNR received a remedial action documentation report and a fee was paid for review. It documents the remedial system construction or how the remedial action was carried out and can include documentation of effectiveness (aka: construction documentation or as-built report - NR 724.15).
153 Remedial Action Documentation Report Approved Date DNR approved the remedial action documentation report and the responsible party was notified via written or verbal communication.
154 Remedial Action Documentation Report Not Approved Date DNR notified the responsible party (RP) via written or verbal communication that the remedial action documentation report is not approved or further work is requested.
155 Notification of Continuing Obigations to be Applied Date DNR or Responsible Party provided 30-day notice to affected property owners of intent to impose Continuing Obligations on a property.
156 Continuing Obligation(s) Apply - Sub-Activity Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved at a Facility Wide (FW) Activity with one or more COs to give notice of residual contamination & may require or restrict certain actions to minimize & protect human or environment exposures. Sub-Activity COs are reviewed & approved as part of the FW remedy.
164 Voluntary Lien Acceptance Document Sent Date DNR sent property owner a letter outlining the options to file a lien on the subject property voluntarily. This document provides a sign-off acceptance process to return to DNR.
165 Voluntary Lien Acceptance Document Recieved Date DNR receives a signed acceptance from a property owner to voluntarily allow DNR to proceed with filing a lien on the subject property.
166 Voluntary Lien Acceptance Withdrawn Date DNR is notified that a property owner no longer wants to participate in the voluntary filing of a lien on their property. The owner has paid the fees or costs owed to the department. If not paid, the department may pursue further action.
167 Lien Draft Sent Date DNR sends a draft of a lien to be filed on a subject property. The property owner has (60) days to respond. The department will proceed with the filing.
168 Notice of Intent to File a Lien Date DNR notified the responsible party/property owner that the DNR intends to file a lien on their property for costs owed to the Department.
179 Case Closure Review Request Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a case Closure Review Request for a site where the fee has previously been paid or no fee is required (i.e. Voluntary Party Liability Exemption).
180 Closure Reconsideration Requested Date DNR received a request to reconsider a previous Closure Not Recommended determination.
181 Continuing Obligation Modification Request Received (fee) Date DNR received a request to modify or remove continuing obligations that were imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. A fee has been paid for DNR review.
182 Case Closure Review Request Received - Fee Required Date the case closure review request was received; however, no fee has been submitted. DNR will not review the request for closure until the fee has been paid.
183 No Further Action per NR 708.09 Request (fee) Date DNR issues a No Further Action (NFA) letter in accordance with NR 708 and a fee was paid.
184 Remaining Actions Needed Status No Longer Applies Date DNR sends a letter indicating that the remaining actions needed outlined in a prior letter have not been met and that the site is returned to active status.
185 Continuing Obligation(s) Compliance Audit Complete Date DNR completed a compliance audit of continuing obligations that were previously approved and applied to this activity to assure compliance. Audit activities include a site review and visit by DNR staff.
186 Continuing Obligation(s) Compliance Audit Follow-up Needed Date DNR provided notice to a property owner that follow-up is needed after a continuing obligations compliance audit was completed for an activity.
187 Continuing Obligation(s) Compliance Audit Follow-up Complete Date DNR determined that all follow-up needed as part of a DNR compliance audit of continuing obligations has been completed for an activity.
188 Maintenance/Inspection Rpt for Continuing Obligation Rcvd Date DNR received a maintenance or inspection report for a site where submittal of the report was a requirement for continuing obligation(s) at this site. Submittal frequency is site-specific.
189 Closure Fee Paid Prematurely - Applied to Site Investigation Date DNR determined that a request for case Closure was submitted prematurely and the site investigation is not complete. The fee that was paid for case closure review will be applied to a site investigation response to account for staff time. Closure fees will need to be paid in the future.
190 Remaining Actions Needed Requirements Met or Docs Received Date DNR received all documentation of actions required in the remaining actions needed letter and begins to prepare a final closure letter.
191 CO Modification Notification Received (non-fee) Date DNR received notification and plans to modify existing Continuing Obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. No fee is required for this review and a notice to proceed (NTP) will be provided
192 Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Report Received (fee) Date the Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Report is received and a fee was paid for DNR review. Form 4400-194.
193 CO Modification Notice to Proceed (NTP) Date DNR provided a written Notice to Proceed (letter or email) to modify/remove existing Continuing Obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. DNR has determined that the proposed plan of action is acceptable but may take an undetermined amount of time to complete.
194 CO Modification Final Documentation Received Date DNR receives final documentation supporting the modification/removal to continuing obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. This may include new maintenance plan, photos, etc.
195 Semi-Annual/PECFA Cost Reporting (NR700) Requirement Met Date DNR received submittal of completed online semi-annual report form, meeting the requirements of NR 700.
198 Request for Additional Information (Fee-Based or Closure) Date DNR requests additional information in order to make a determination on a fee-based or closure submittal.
199 Additional Information Received (Fee-Based or Closure) Date DNR received the additional information that it had requested in order to make a determination on a fee-based or closure submittal.
200 Push Action Taken Date DNR took an action, either written or verbal to get an inactive site moving again, including request for status update.
201 DNR Cost for Immediate Response Action Date that DNR incurred costs in response to a potential hazardous substance discharge where no responsible party was identified or was willing and able to respond.
203 DNR Cost Recovery Complete for Immediate Response Action Date repayment was received or DNR made a decision not to pursue cost recovery after DNR incurred costs for an immediate response action to a potential hazardous substance discharge
205 Site Investigation Start - State Lead DNR hired a contractor to start an investigation because the responsible party is unknown, or is unable or unwilling to investigate.
206 Site Investigation End - State Lead DNR hired a contractor that has completed an investigation because the responsible party is unknown, or was unable or unwilling to investigate.
207 Remedial Design Start - State Lead DNR hired a contractor to begin design of a remedial action because the responsible party is unknown, or was unable or unwilling to take remedial action.
208 Remedial Design End - State Lead DNR hired a contractor that designed a remedial action because the responsible party is unknown, or was unable or unwilling to take remedial action.
209 Remedial Construction Start - State Lead DNR hired a contractor that started construction of a remedial action because the responsible party is unknown, or was unable or unwilling to take remedial action.
210 Remedial Construction End - State Lead DNR hired a contractor that completed construction of a remedial action because the responsible party is unknown, or was unable or unwilling to take remedial action.
211 Operation & Maintenance Start - State Lead DNR hired a contractor to begin operation of a remedial action because the responsible party is unknown, or was unable or unwilling to take remedial action.
212 Operation & Maintenance End - State Lead DNR hired a contractor that completed operation of a remedial action because the responsible party is unknown, or was unable or unwilling to take remedial action.
220 Continuing Obligation - Soil at Industrial Levels Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement that land use remain industrial. Soil standards that are appropriate for industrial land use were used for the approval.
221 Continuing Obligation Removed - Soil at Industrial Use Level The continuing obligation for industrial land use has been satisfied through subsequent response actions to allow for non-industrial land use. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
222 Continuing Obligation - Maintain Cap Over Contaminated Area Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain a cap or cover to protect against exposure to contaminated soil (direct contact) or to reduce the movement of residual contamination in soil or groundwater.
223 Continuing Obligation Removed - Maintain Cap The Continuing Obligation to maintain a cap or cover to protect against exposure has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
224 Continuing Obligation - Structural Impediment to Cleanup Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to conduct further investigation and cleanup as necessary following the removal of a structural impediment that impeded the original investigation.
225 Continuing Obligation Removed - Structural Impediment The continuing obligation for a structural impediment has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site
226 Continuing Obligation - Vapor Intrusion Response Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain vapor intrusion response.
227 Continuing Obligation Removed - Vapor Intrusion Response The continuing obligation for vapor intrusion response has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
228 Continuing Obligation - Site Specific Condition Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain a site-specific response under NR 726.
229 Continuing Obligation Removed - Site Specific Condition The continuing obligation for site specific condition(s) has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
230 Continuing Obligation - Maintain Liability Exemption for LGU DNR directed a local government unit or economic development corporation to conduct an interim action to maintain their liability exemption under s. 292.11(9)(e) 4, Wis. Stats.
231 Continuing Obligation Removed - Liability Exemption for LGU The maintenance of the liability exemption under s. 292.11(9)(e) 4, Wis. Stats. has been removed.
232 Continuing Obligation - Residual Soil Contamination Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the Continuing Obligation to address residual soil contamination at or above the Residual Contamination Level (RCL) or Site Specific Residual Contaminant Level (SSRCL) per rules, when moved.
233 Continuing Obligation Removed - Residual Soil Contamination The continuing obligation for residual soil has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation no longer applies to the site.
234 Continuing Obligation - Monitoring Well Needs Abandonment Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to abandon a groundwater monitoring well, in accordance with ch. NR 141, that were not able to be located at the time of closure or have been approved for continued use.
235 Continuing Obligation Removed - MW Needs Abandonment The continuing obligation to abandon a groundwater monitoring well, in accordance with ch. NR 141, has been satisfied through subsequent response actions and has been removed from the site
236 Continuing Obligation - Residual GW Contamination Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the Continuing Obligation for residual groundwater contamination in excess of ch. NR 140 groundwater enforcement standard, to obtain DNR approval before well construction or reconstruction.
237 Continuing Obligation Removed - Residual GW Contamination The continuing obligation for residual groundwater contamination has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. This continuing obligation no longer applies to the site for groundwater.
238 Continuing Obligation - Inspection Reports Required Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with one or more Continuing Obligations and this includes a requirement to submit maintenance or inspection reports.
239 Continuing Obligation Removed - Maintenance/Inspection Rpt The continuing obligation to submit maintenance or inspections reports has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
240 Continuing Obligation - Sediment Engineering Control Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain an engineering control to protect against exposure to contaminated sediment or to reduce the movement of residual contamination in a water body.
246 Impacted Right-of-Way (ROW) Notification No Longer Applies Affected right-of-way (ROW) holders were previously notified that contamination had impacted one or more right-of-ways. Site conditions have changed and the notification(s) no longer apply.
254 DATCP Transferred Site Management Back to DNR Date the activity was transferred back from DATCP.
261 CO Modification for Offsite Impacted Property Date DNR received a request to modify or remove continuing obligations that were imposed at an off-site affected property at the time of closure/cleanup approval.
262 CO Modification for Offsite Property Complete Date of DNR response letter regarding a request to modify or remove continuing obligations that were imposed at an off-site affected property at the time of closure/cleanup approval.
266 CO(s) No longer apply at Off-site Properties All Continuing Obligations that were applied to Off-site affected properties as part of the remedy for closure or on-going cleanup at this site no longer apply. Off-site affected property owner(s) have been notified.
279 Case Closure Review Request Rcvd - Resubmittal Fee Required Date DNR received a closure resubmittal request with fee and a fee was paid for a previous review.
280 Closure Not Approved - Director Decision Date DNR issues a Final Closure Not Approved letter to a Responsible Party after meetings have been held to discuss site specific issues and the DNR RR Director has made the Closure Not Approved determination. The letter outlines all formal appeal options per Wis. Stat. ch. 227
281 Closure Reconsideration Meeting Date DNR held a meeting with a Responsible Party (or their Representative) to discuss a Closure Not Recommended determination by the Department.
282 Closure Reconsideration Decision Letter Date DNR RR Program Supervisor or Director issues a letter regarding the decision made after a closure reconsideration meeting was held to discuss the site specific issues.
285 CO Compliance Audit Complete - Vapor Only Date DNR completed an audit of a focused subset of vapor continuing obligations at this site.
334 Monitoring Well Transferred to Another Site Date DNR approves the transfer of responsibility for filling and sealing the monitoring well(s) to another site, DNR program or agency.
335 Transferred Monitoring Well(s) Abandoned Date DNR is notified that a monitoring well(s) that was previously transferred to another site, WI DNR program or state agency at the time of closure has been properly abandoned.
345 RCRA Corrective Action 2020 Site Cleanup subject to Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) corrective action that have been identified by EPA to have the goal of a final cleanup remedy in place by the year 2020.
346 RCRA Corrective Action Site Cleanup subject to Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) corrective action that have been identified by EPA.
364 VAL and/or VRSL Exceeded Indoor air data at or above Vapor Action Level (VAL) and/or other vapor/groundwater data at or above Vapor Risk Screening Level (VRSL) at the property.
365 VAL and/or VRSL Exceeded No Longer Applies Sufficient data supports mitigation no longer needed at property and/or no additional remedial action required.
366 VAL and/or VRSL Exceeded at Off-Site Property or ROW Indoor air data at or above Vapor Action Level (VAL) and/or other vapor/groundwater data at or above Vapor Risk Screening Level (VRSL) detected at one or more off-site properties or right-of-ways (ROW).
367 VAL and/or VRSL Exceeded Off-Site or ROW No Longer Applies Sufficient data supports mitigation no longer needed at an off-site property and/or no additional remedial action required.
368 VMS Construction & Commissioning Doc Rpt Rcvd (fee) Date DNR received a Vapor Mitigation System (VMS) construction and commisioning documentation report. May also include Operation, Monitoring & Maintenance (OM&M) Plan. Includes documentation of the VMS construction and verification of effectiveness. A fee has been paid for DNR review.
369 VMS Construction & Commissioning Doc Rpt Rcvd (non-fee) Date DNR received a Vapor Mitigation System (VMS) construction and commisioning documentation report. May also include Operation, Monitoring & Maintenance (OM&M) Plan. Includes documentation of the VMS construction and verification of effectiveness.
370 VMS Construction & Commissioning Doc Rpt Approved Date DNR provided notice that a Vapor Mitigation System (VMS) construction & commissioning documentation report has been approved. Notice from DNR includes Continuing Obligations applied at source property and/or off-site property.
371 VMS Construction & Commissioning Doc Rpt Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that a Vapor Mitigation System (VMS) construction & commissioning documentation report has not been approved.
450 Sediment Plan & Compliance Schedule Submitted Date DNR receives a Plan & Compliance Schedule as part of the financial assurrance for a sediment engineering control.
451 Sediment Plan & Compliance Schedule Approval Date DNR approved the Plan & Compliance Schedule as part of the financial assurrance for a sediment engineering control.
452 Sediment Financial Assurance Received Date DNR received proof of, or request for release of, financial responsibility made payable to or established for the benefit of the department or for the maintenance and repair of a sediment engineering control.
453 Sediment Financial Assurance Approved Date DNR received proof of financial responsibility made payable to or established for the benefit of the department for the maintenance and repair of an engineering control for the remediation of sediments.
454 Sediment Financial Assurance - Release of Funds Date DNR approved a request for the release of funds for the maintenance and repair of a sediment engineering control. Includes request for partial or final release of financial assurance and approval or determination by DNR.
455 Sediment Third Party Agreement - Transfer of Responsibility Date DNR received the legally enforceable agreement between the Responsible Party (RP) and another party to comply with requirements, limitations, or conditions for maintenance of an engineering control or investigation and remediation of residual contamination if a structural impediment is removed.
458 Sediment - Project Agreement/Amendment Date DNR received a sediment project agreement or ammendment. Includes the original project agreement, attachments, appendices, exhibits, and amendments.
460 Sediment Area of Concern (AOC) De-listing Date the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officially de-listed a sediment cleanup project as an Area of Concern (AOC).
500 PECFA New Cost Cap Established Responsible party notified that a new cost cap for a Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) reimbursement is being established.
501 PECFA Bidding to Establish Cost Cap Responsible party notified that bidding to establish a Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) reimbursement cost cap will be done. See comments for bid details.
502 PECFA Bidding Completed Responsible party notified that a Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) bid has established the total allowable reimbursement. See comments for details.
504 PECFA Cost Request Received Date DNR received a request for pre-approval of a scope of work and associated costs under the Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA).
505 PECFA Cost Request Approved Date DNR approved a request for pre-approval of a scope of work and associated costs under the Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA).
506 PECFA Cost Request Not Approved Date DNR does not approve a request for pre-approval of a scope of work and associated costs under the Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA).
507 PECFA Cost Request Additional Information Requested Date DNR requested additional information be submitted before a request for pre-approval of a scope of work and associated costs under the Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) can be processed.
508 PECFA Cost Cap Adjustment Date DNR reduced or revoked a previously approved Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) cost cap approval.
611 Local Government Unit (LGU) Liability Exemption Applies Date DNR is notified by a local government unit (LGU) that they own the property and it meets the statutory criteria for exemption from liability for environmental contamination.
612 Local Government Unit (LGU) Exemption no longer applies Date DNR is notified that a Local Government Unit (LGU) no longer owns property and/or no longer meets the statutory criteria for the local government unit liability exemption.
620 DNR BEAP Assessment Completed DNR assessed this property for contamination under the Brownfields Environmental Assessment Program (BEAP) federal funding that was available from 1996 to 2000. DNR completed a Phase I and/or Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) in compliance with ASTM standards.
700 Database Fee Paid for Groundwater Continuing Obligation(s) Date fee received for residual groundwater contamination and related continuing obligations.
710 Database Fee Paid for Soil Continuing Obligation(s) Date fee received for residual soil contamination and related continuing obligations.
711 Database Fee for Soil Does Not Apply Database processing fee for soil was received but residual soil or other conditions in accordance with 292.12 are not required.
712 Database Fee for Groundwater Does Not Apply Database processing fee for groundwater (GW) was received but residual GW or other conditions in accordance with 292.12 are not required.
730 CO Packet created for Recorded Groundwater Use Restriction Date DNR created a Continuing Obligations (CO) Packet for a site closure where a Groundwater Use Restriction (GWUR) was required and recorded at the Register of Deeds. DNR Staff created the packet from available file material. A copy of the deed filing can be found in the CO Packet
779 Case Closure Review Fee Received Date DNR received fee for case closure review. Case closure is reviewed for administrative completeness.
805 Historic Waste Site Any deposit of waste material, other than by homeowner on their own property, where an operating license was never issued by the DNR under Wis. Admin Code NR500. This includes, but is not limited to, foundry waste, municipal-type solid waste, coal ash, and some demolition wastes.
850 Materials Management Immediate Action Report Recvd w/o Fee Date DNR received an NR708.05 Immediate Action report summarizing Materials Management activities. A fee for review is not required unless a No Further Action letter is requested.
854 Materials Management Plan Request Recvd with Fee Date DNR received a request to approve a management plan for the movement of soil under NR718 and a review fee has been paid. Submittal must include all documents to be complete (soil management plan, letter of acknowledgement, maintenance plan, etc.).
856 Materials Management Final Documentation Received w/o Fee Date construction completion report is received if materials management is part of an interim action (authority under NR 708.15) – or a Remedial Action report (authority under NR 724.15).
857 Materials Management Plan Approved Date DNR approved a materials management plan for the movement of soil under NR718 and correspondence was provided.
858 Materials Management Final Documentation Received with Fee Date construction completion report is received if materials management is part of an interim action (authority under NR 708.15) – or a Remedial Action report (authority under NR 724.15).
859 Materials Management Request Withdrawn Date notification is given that a proposed material management activity will not be conducted.
861 Materials Management Plan Not Approved Date DNR did not approve a materials management plan for the movement of soil under NR718 and correspondence was provided for the reason(s) the plan was not approved.
863 Materials Management Plan Work Cancelled Date DNR determined or was notified that approved material management activity will not be conducted.
865 Materials Management Plan Documentation Report Approved Date DNR approved the management of contaminated material under NR718 and correspondence was provided.
867 Materials Management Documentation Report Not Approved Date DNR did not approve the management of contaminated material under NR718 and correspondence was provided.
998 Activity Transferred from Spill Activity Activity started as a spill but additional site investigation and remediation was needed. Activity is now categorized as an Environmental Repair Program (ERP) or Leaking Underground Tank (LUST) activity.
No Action Required Actions
Code Name Description
1 Notification of Hazardous Substance Discharge Date DNR received notice of a discharge of a hazardous substance under s. 292.11 Wis. Stats. Discharge was discovered during an environmental assessment or laboratory analysis of soil, sediment, groundwater or vapor samples. Includes historic contamination.
2 Responsible Party (RP) letter sent Date of DNR letter to responsible party (RP) notifying them of state law responsibilities associated with the investigation and cleanup of a hazardous substance discharge to the environment.
20 Potential Responsible Party (PRP) Letter Sent Date of DNR letter requesting additional information to determine who may be responsible under state law associated with the investigation and cleanup of a hazardous substance discharge to the environment.
28 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Rpt Received Date DNR received a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) report.
29 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Rpt Received Date DNR received a Phase II (including 2.5, 3 etc.) Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) report.
33 Tank System Site Assessment (TSSA) Report Received Date DNR received a tank system site assessment (TSSA) regarding tank closure or change in services for an above-ground or underground tank system.
35 Site Investigation Workplan (SIWP) Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a site investigation workplan (SIWP) which states the objectives of the site investigation to determine the degree and extent of contamination.
37 Site Investigation Report (SIR) Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a site investigation report (SIR) to determine degree & extent of contamination and form a basis for choosing the appropriate remedial action.
43 Site Activity Status Update Received Date DNR received an update regarding site activities.
54 Site Management Transferred to DATCP Date DNR Remediation and Redevelopment Program transferred the project management and jurisdiction associated with the investigation and cleanup of a hazardous substance discharge to the environment over to Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection (DATCP).
61 Landspreading Request Received (fee) Date DNR received a request for approval to landspread contaminated soil under NR 718 and a fee has been paid for DNR review.
62 Landspreading Request Approved Date DNR sent written approval to landspread contaminated soil under NR 718.
97 Technical Assistance Request Received (fee) Date DNR received a request for technical assistance and a fee has been paid.
98 Technical Assistance Provided Date DNR provided fee-based technical assistance on a portion of a site investigation or cleanup.
99 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous action - See Action Comments
110 DERF - Potential Claim Form Approved Date DNR approved the potential claim form for a site in the Drycleaner Environmental Response Fund (DERF)
114 PFAS Scoping Statement Received Date DNR received a Scoping Statement for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) related information for this Activity.
170 Registry of Waste Disposal Site Screening Completed Date DNR Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program conducted a screening of a site listed on the former Registry of Waste Disposal Sites to determine if the site should be archived or require further listing in the SHWIMS database.
198 Request for Additional Information (Fee-Based or Closure) Date DNR requests additional information in order to make a determination on a fee-based or closure submittal.
199 Additional Information Received (Fee-Based or Closure) Date DNR received the additional information that it had requested in order to make a determination on a fee-based or closure submittal.
200 Push Action Taken Date DNR took an action, either written or verbal to get an inactive site moving again, including request for status update.
254 DATCP Transferred Site Management Back to DNR Date the activity was transferred back from DATCP.
303 Superfund Site Assessment Action Taken - Not on NPL or SAS A Superfund Site Assessment Action has been taken on this site. Site is not proposed for inclusion or on the National Priorities List (NPL) or a Superfund alternative (SAS) approach site. Superfund removal-only sites are not included in this category.
313 Superfund Site Assessment Pre-CERCLA Screening Date DNR submits the Pre-CERCLA Screening Checklist to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
315 Superfund Site Assessment Transmittal Memos Date of transmittal memo between DNR and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding Superfund Site Assessment (SA) actions.
316 Superfund Site Assessment DNR Planning Documentation Date DNR completes a plan regarding Superfund Site Assessment actions. This includes Quick Score (QS), sampling workplans, health and safety plans and scopes of work (SOW).
317 Superfund Site Assessment Site Reassessment (SR) Date of final Site Reassessment (SR) report to determine whether further attention is needed under the Superfund (SF) Program. New information is gathered and evaluated on a site previously assessed. May include sampling, revised Quick Score, Site Decision Form (SDF)
319 Superfund Site Assessment HRS Scoring Package Superfund Site Assessment Action has been taken on this site and a Hazard Ranking System (HRS) Scoring Package was generated. The HRS package may have been completes by US EPA or WI DNR.
350 Superfund Site Assessment Preliminary Assessment (PA) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved the preliminary assessment report based on readily available information about waste generation and disposal, hazardous substances, sample locations, etc.
351 Superfund Site Assessment Site Inspection (SI) Date Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approves final site inspection report. Report includes evaluation of sample data, review of information, development of work plans and project plans. Information is used to determine if site should move forward in the Superfund Site Assessment Program.
352 Superfund Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection [Obsolete] Date the final preliminary investigation/site inspection report is approved by EPA.
353 Superfund Site Assessment Expanded Site Inspection (ESI) Date the final expanded site inspection (ESI) report is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Performed following preliminary assessment (PA) and site inspection (SI) activities to collect additional samples to score for the National Priorities List (NPL) eligibility determination.
354 Superfund Site Assessment Other Cleanup Authority (OCA) Date the EPA approves Wisconsin's recommendation for other cleanup authority (OCA) when a site scores >28.5 on the federal hazard ranking system (HRS). Rather than more work through Superfund, WI will use state authority. The site may be returned to the Superfund process if necessary.
355 Superfund No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP) Date the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approves Wisconsin's recommendation for No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP), based on results of a site assessment action or a removal action.
401 Historic Fill Case by Case Exemption Request (fee) Date DNR received a request for an exemption to NR 506 for development of a historic fill site (site established before 1970 and never licensed) and review fee received.
402 Historic Fill Case by Case Exemption Issued Site-specific approval for construction on a historic fill site. Waste disposal on site before 1970 with no waste disposal license.
403 Historic Fill Expedited Exemption Request (fee) Date DNR received a request for an expedited exemption to NR 506 for development of a historic fill site where there is no significant environmental contamination and the site has been evaluated as low risk for potential health and safety issues.
404 Historic Fill Expedited Exemption Issued Date DNR provides written notice to approve an expedited exemption to NR 506 for development of a historic fill site where there is no significant environmental contamination and the site has been evaluated as low risk for potential health and safety issues.
405 Historic Fill Exemption Not Approved Date DNR provides written notice that a historic fill exemption request has not been approved or further information/evaluation may be required.
801 No Action Required (NAR) determination Date of DNR determination that no action is required (NAR) or limited actions were necessary when laboratory results indicated no detect to low level contamination.
803 Responsible Party Letter Rescinded per No Action Required Date of DNR letter to rescind a previous responsible party (RP) Letter which required site investigation action be taken. DNR determined that there was not a discharge to the environment or that the discharge that had previously been reported is being addressed under another activity.
804 Traditional Superfund Assessment Work conducted under Superfund Site Assessment Program (PA, SSI, EST, etc.).
805 Historic Waste Site Any deposit of waste material, other than by homeowner on their own property, where an operating license was never issued by the DNR under Wis. Admin Code NR500. This includes, but is not limited to, foundry waste, municipal-type solid waste, coal ash, and some demolition wastes.
806 Registry of Waste Disposal Site - SHWIMS Archived Date DNR Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program determined a site listed on the former Registry of Waste Disposal Sites should be archived and does not require further listing in the SHWIMS Database. This determination was based on specific site screening criteria.
807 Registry of Waste Disposal Site - SHWIMS Listing Date DNR Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program determined a site listed on the former Registry of Waste Disposal Sites, does require further listing in the SHWIMS database. This determination was based on specific site screening criteria.
850 Materials Management Immediate Action Report Recvd w/o Fee Date DNR received an NR708.05 Immediate Action report summarizing Materials Management activities. A fee for review is not required unless a No Further Action letter is requested.
854 Materials Management Plan Request Recvd with Fee Date DNR received a request to approve a management plan for the movement of soil under NR718 and a review fee has been paid. Submittal must include all documents to be complete (soil management plan, letter of acknowledgement, maintenance plan, etc.).
856 Materials Management Final Documentation Received w/o Fee Date construction completion report is received if materials management is part of an interim action (authority under NR 708.15) – or a Remedial Action report (authority under NR 724.15).
857 Materials Management Plan Approved Date DNR approved a materials management plan for the movement of soil under NR718 and correspondence was provided.
858 Materials Management Final Documentation Received with Fee Date construction completion report is received if materials management is part of an interim action (authority under NR 708.15) – or a Remedial Action report (authority under NR 724.15).
859 Materials Management Request Withdrawn Date notification is given that a proposed material management activity will not be conducted.
861 Materials Management Plan Not Approved Date DNR did not approve a materials management plan for the movement of soil under NR718 and correspondence was provided for the reason(s) the plan was not approved.
863 Materials Management Plan Work Cancelled Date DNR determined or was notified that approved material management activity will not be conducted.
865 Materials Management Plan Documentation Report Approved Date DNR approved the management of contaminated material under NR718 and correspondence was provided.
867 Materials Management Documentation Report Not Approved Date DNR did not approve the management of contaminated material under NR718 and correspondence was provided.
Off-Site Actions
Code Name Description
Spills Actions
Code Name Description
1 Spill Incident Occurred Date a hazardous substance spill occurred or date reported to DNR (or DATCP) if actual date of spill is unknown.
3 Notice of Noncompliance (NON) Issued Date Responsible Party (RP) is sent a Notice of Noncompliance (NON) as a result of their failure to comply with state law. Identifies the specific violation and requests a response within a given time period.
4 Enforcement Conference Held Date of meeting between Responsible Party (RP) and DNR to discuss a violation of state law and the necessary response(s). Includes Discussion of the consequences of not taking the required action, including referral to Department of Justice.
5 Notification of Hazardous Substance Spill Date a hazardous substance spill is reported to DNR (or DATCP)
6 Spill Activity Transferred to ERP Activity Date spill incident is transferred to an Environmental Repair Program (ERP) activity because additional environmental investigation is necessary.
9 Spill Activity Transferred to LUST Activity Date spill incident is transferred to a leaking underground storage tank (LUST) activity because additional environmental investigation is necessary.
11 Spill Activity Closed Date DNR determined that no rurther action is required at a spill activity.
14 Notice of Violation Date the RP is sent a Notice of Violation (NOV) stating that a violation exists & the violator is responsible. Advises of possible prosecution & forfeitures. Requires written response within a specified time. More specific than NON.
18 Administrative or Consent Order Issued Date the Administrative or Consent Order is issued by Enforcement, defining what formal legal action is being taken by the DNR. The administrative or consent order establishes findings of fact, conclusions of law, and order provisions.
21 Contested Case Hearing Held Date a contested case hearing is held to challenge an Administrative or Consent order
23 Referral to Department of Justice (DOJ) Date that a case is referred to the Wisconsin Department of Justice for further enforcement action
53 Deed Affidavit for Contamination (NR 728) Recorded Date a deed affidavit is recorded by the DNR at the Register of Deeds. Contamination exists and property owner/RP is not proceeding or is unable to proceed with investigation and cleanup. Informs public of contamination and environmental liability associated with the property.
54 Site Management Transferred to DATCP Date DNR Remediation and Redevelopment Program transferred the project management and jurisdiction associated with the investigation and cleanup of a hazardous substance discharge to the environment over to Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection (DATCP).
59 Environmental Enforcement Action Completed Date DNR indicates no further enforcement action on this subject will be taken at this time.
83 No Further Action Required per NR 708.09 Date DNR determined that no further action is required and the Activity is closed per NR 708.09. The Responsible Party (RP) has taken limited actions but was not required to conduct an NR 716 investigation. The site is not closed out under NR 726. No letter was issued unless a fee was paid.
97 Technical Assistance Request Received (fee) Date DNR received a request for technical assistance and a fee has been paid.
98 Technical Assistance Provided Date DNR provided fee-based technical assistance on a portion of a site investigation or cleanup.
99 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous action - See Action Comments
118 PFAS Sampling Not Required At This Time Date DNR provided response to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Information Submitted in Lieu of Workplan stating that information provided by RP is adequate to indicate that PFAS sampling is not required at the site at this time.
119 PFAS Sampling Completed - Not Detected Date DNR received Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling results that indicated that PFAS compounds were not detected at the site at this time.
121 PFAS Sampling Completed - Non-Actionable Levels Detected Date DNR received Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling results that indicated that PFAS compounds were detected at the site, but no action is required to address PFAS levels at this time.
164 Voluntary Lien Acceptance Document Sent Date DNR sent property owner a letter outlining the options to file a lien on the subject property voluntarily. This document provides a sign-off acceptance process to return to DNR.
165 Voluntary Lien Acceptance Document Received Date DNR received a signed acceptance letter from a property owner to voluntarily allow DNR to proceed with filing a lien on the subject property.
166 Voluntary Lien Acceptance Withdrawn Date DNR is notified that a property owner no longer wants to participate in the voluntary filing of a lien on their property. The owner has paid the fees or costs owed to the department. If not paid, the department may pursue further action.
167 Lien Draft Sent Date DNR sends a draft of a lien to be filed on a subject property. The property owner has (60) days to respond. The department will proceed with the filing.
168 Notice of Intent to File a Lien Date DNR notified the responsible party/property owner that the DNR intends to file a lien on their property for costs owed to the Department.
183 No Further Action per NR 708.09 Request (fee) Date DNR issues a No Further Action (NFA) letter in accordance with NR 708 and a fee was paid.
201 DNR Cost for Immediate Response Action Date that DNR incurred costs in response to a potential hazardous substance discharge where no responsible party was identified or was willing and able to respond.
203 DNR Cost Recovery Complete for Immediate Response Action Date repayment was received or DNR made a decision not to pursue cost recovery after DNR incurred costs for an immediate response action to a potential hazardous substance discharge
254 DATCP Transferred Site Management Back to DNR Date the activity was transferred back from DATCP.
777 Historic Spill This is a historic spill activity. Further review by DNR is required to confirm the activity status. Please contact DNR for file information.
VPLE Actions
Code Name Description
37 SI Report Received (w/out Fee) [OBSOLETE] Date the DNR receives the Site Investigation Report. Provides information regarding activities performed to determine degree & extent of contamination and forming a basis for choosing the appropriate remedial action.
43 Status Report Received [OBSOLETE] Date updates on progress are received. Can be 30, 60, 90 days or other interval.
50 Groundwater Use Restriction Potentially Filed Historical action that may represent a Groundwater Use Restriction filing was recorded or that site conditions would merit a deed filing at closure. Groundwater (and/or soil) continuing obligations may have later been applied through the Closure Letter. Documentation should be reviewed to confirm.
51 Deed Affidavit Recorded at Closure Date Deed Affidavit was recorded with the Register of Deeds. Recorded at the time of closure to give notice of residual soil contamination or for monitoring wells needing abandonment. Notice of conditions required under code rather than as a property-specific condition(s).
52 Deed Restriction for Residual Soil Contamination Recorded Deed Restriction was recorded at the Register of Deeds, due to residual soil contamination, to ensure that land use does not pose a health threat. If the soils are made accessible, additional action is required.
56 Continuing Obligation(s) Applied Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with one or more continuing obligations to give notice of residual contamination; require or restrict certain actions to protect the public or environment; minimize human or environmental exposures.
80 Closure Not Approved [OBSOLETE] Date closure is denied or further work is requested.
81 Site Investigation Workplan Not Approved [OBSOLETE] Date the Site Investigation Workplan is denied or further work is requested by DNR staff for a site that has paid a fee for DNR review.
84 Conditional Closure [OBSOLETE] Date DNR sends a letter outlining the remaining actions needed to achieve final closure. The site will not be formally closed until receipt of documentation. This action was formerly known as Conditional Closure.
99 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous action - See Action Comments
101 Continuing Obligation Modification Approval Date of DNR response letter that approves a request to modify continuing obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval.
104 Continuing Obligations Satisfied - No Longer Apply Date of DNR response letter that approves work completed to satisfy all continuing obligations imposed at the time of closure/remedial action/interim action approval. Continuing obligations no longer apply at this site.
105 CO Modification Request Not Approved [OBSOLETE] Date of DNR reponse letter that does not approve a request to modify or remove a closed (cleanup approved) site listed on the GIS Registry.
106 CO Modification Request Withdrawn Date DNR is notified that a request to modify one or more Continuing Obligations at a site has been withdrawn.
130 DNR Regulatory Reminder Sent Date DNR sent written notification to Responsible Parties and/or other interested parties reminding them of a regulatory obligation.
140 Site Investigation Report Not Approved [OBSOLETE] Date the Site Investigation Report is denied or further work is requested by DNR staff.
179 Closure Review Req Received (no fee required) [OBSOLETE] Date the closure review request is received for DNR review on a site where a fee has previously been paid or no fee is required (i.e. VPLE).
191 CO Modification Notification Received (non-fee) Date DNR received notification and plans to modify existing Continuing Obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. No fee is required for this review and a notice to proceed (NTP) will be provided
193 CO Modification Notice to Proceed (NTP) Date DNR provided a written Notice to Proceed (letter or email) to modify/remove existing Continuing Obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. DNR has determined that the proposed plan of action is acceptable but may take an undetermined amount of time to complete.
194 CO Modification Final Documentation Received Date DNR receives final documentation supporting the modification/removal to continuing obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. This may include new maintenance plan, photos, etc.
198 Request for Additional Information (Fee-Based or Closure) Date DNR requests additional information in order to make a determination on a fee-based or closure submittal.
199 Additional Information Received (Fee-Based or Closure) Date DNR received the additional information that it had requested in order to make a determination on a fee-based or closure submittal.
220 Continuing Obligation - Soil at Industrial Levels Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement that land use remain industrial. Soil standards that are appropriate for industrial land use were used for the approval.
221 Continuing Obligation Removed - Soil at Industrial Use Level The continuing obligation for industrial land use has been satisfied through subsequent response actions to allow for non-industrial land use. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
222 Continuing Obligation - Maintain Cap Over Contaminated Area Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain a cap or cover to protect against exposure to contaminated soil (direct contact) or to reduce the movement of residual contamination in soil or groundwater.
223 Continuing Obligation Removed - Maintain Cap The Continuing Obligation to maintain a cap or cover to protect against exposure has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
225 Continuing Obligation Removed - Structural Impediment [OBSOLETE] The land use control due to a structural impediment has been satisfied through a subsequent response action and the land use control has been removed.
226 Continuing Obligation - Vapor Intrusion Response Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain vapor intrusion response.
227 Continuing Obligation Removed - Vapor Intrusion Response The continuing obligation for vapor intrusion response has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
228 Continuing Obligation - Site Specific Condition Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain a site-specific response under NR 726.
229 Continuing Obligation Removed - Site Specific Condition The continuing obligation for site specific condition(s) has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
230 Continuing Obligation - Maintain Liability Exemption for LGU DNR directed a local government unit or economic development corporation to conduct an interim action to maintain their liability exemption under s. 292.11(9)(e) 4, Wis. Stats.
231 Continuing Obligation Removed - Liability Exemption for LGU The maintenance of the liability exemption under s. 292.11(9)(e) 4, Wis. Stats. has been removed.
232 Continuing Obligation - Residual Soil Contamination Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the Continuing Obligation to address residual soil contamination at or above the Residual Contamination Level (RCL) or Site Specific Residual Contaminant Level (SSRCL) per rules, when moved.
233 Continuing Obligation Removed - Residual Soil Contamination The continuing obligation for residual soil has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation no longer applies to the site.
234 Continuing Obligation - Monitoring Well Needs Abandonment Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to abandon a groundwater monitoring well, in accordance with ch. NR 141, that were not able to be located at the time of closure or have been approved for continued use.
235 Continuing Obligation Removed - MW Needs Abandonment The continuing obligation to abandon a groundwater monitoring well, in accordance with ch. NR 141, has been satisfied through subsequent response actions and has been removed from the site
236 Continuing Obligation - Residual GW Contamination Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the Continuing Obligation for residual groundwater contamination in excess of ch. NR 140 groundwater enforcement standard, to obtain DNR approval before well construction or reconstruction.
237 Continuing Obligation Removed - Residual GW Contamination The continuing obligation for residual groundwater contamination has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. This continuing obligation no longer applies to the site for groundwater.
238 Continuing Obligation - Inspection Reports Required Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with one or more Continuing Obligations and this includes a requirement to submit maintenance or inspection reports.
239 Continuing Obligation Removed - Maintenance/Inspection Rpt The continuing obligation to submit maintenance or inspections reports has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
661 VPLE Application Received (fee) Date DNR received an application to the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) process and a fee was paid for review. The VPLE process is an elective environmental cleanup program implemented by DNR and described in s. 292.15 Wis. Stats.
664 VPLE Application Approved Date DNR notified applicant in writing that they are eligible to enter into the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) process.
667 VPLE Advance Deposit Received Date DNR received the advance deposit for a site that has been approved for the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) process. The amount of the deposit depends on the size of the property. This is used to cover DNR oversight costs.
673 VPLE Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment Approved Date DNR approved the Phase I and II environmental assessment of the entire property enrolled in the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) process.
674 VPLE Partial Certificate of Completion Request Received Date DNR received a request for a Partial Certificate of Completion for a portion of the property for enrolled in the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) process.
675 VPLE Partial Certificate of Completion Issued Date DNR issued a Partial Certificate of Completion (COC) to a property enrolled in the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) process. A Partial COC covers a portion of the property with an exemption from further liability for investigation and cleanup of contamination existing on this date.
676 VPLE Partial Certificate of Completion Not Issued Date DNR determined that a request for a Partial Certificate of Completion (COC) is not approved for a property enrolled in the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) process. The voluntary party is notified via written or verbal communication.
677 VPLE Continuing Obligation(s) Modification for Property Date DNR received notice that actions proposed for a property enrolled in the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) process may affect continuing obligations and the Certificate of Completion (COC). More information and DNR approvals can be found at the related activities.
678 VPLE Full Certificate of Completion Process Started Date DNR determined that all cleanup activities associated with a property enrolled in the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) process have been approved for final closure and DNR has begun to prepare the final Certificate of Completion (COC).
679 VPLE Property Environmental Investigation Complete Date DNR determined that the environmental investigation of an entire property enrolled in the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) process is complete (as defined in s. 292.15, Wis. Stats.). The voluntary party is notified via written or verbal communication.
680 VPLE Full Certificate of Completion Not Issued Date DNR determined that a request for a Certificate of Completion (COC) is not approved for a property enrolled in the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) process. The voluntary party is notified via written or verbal communication.
689 VPLE Closure [OBSOLETE] Approval of the cleanup of a property in the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption process has been granted.
691 VPLE Applicant Withdrawn Property from VPLE Process Date applicant notified DNR that they no longer wish to proceed with the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) process and withdrawn from the program. An applicant can withdraw anytime between eligibility and Certificate of Completion (COC).
693 VPLE Notice of Ineligibility Date DNR notified applicant in writing that they are not eligible to enter the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) process.
694 VPLE Environmental Insurance Fee Received Date DNR received the Environmental Insurance Form and fee for a property enrolled in the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) process. Environmental Insurance is required when requesting a Certificate of Completion (COC) at a property using natural attenuation to restore groundwater quality.
697 VPLE Applicant Inactive Date applicant enrolled in the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) process became inactive in the pursuit of a Certificate of Completion (COC) but they have not withdrawn from the VPLE process. Applicant notified DNR of their status or has not responded to DNR in a reasonable period of time.
698 VPLE Applicant Reactivated Date DNR is notified by applicant that they wish to restart their pursuit of a Certificate of Completion (COC) for property enrolled in the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) process after a period of inactivity.
699 VPLE Full Certificate of Completion Issued Date DNR issued a Certificate of Completion (COC) for a property enrolled in the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) process. The COC covers the entire property with an exemption from further liability for investigation and cleanup of contamination existing on this date.
700 Date Groundwater Registry Fee Received [OBSOLETE] Date Fee received for Closed Remediation Groundwater Site Registry.
710 Date Soil Registry Fee Paid [OBSOLETE] Date Fee received for Closed Remediation Soil Site Registry.
730 CO Packet created for Recorded Groundwater Use Restriction Date DNR created a Continuing Obligations (CO) Packet for a site closure where a Groundwater Use Restriction (GWUR) was required and recorded at the Register of Deeds. DNR Staff created the packet from available file material. A copy of the deed filing can be found in the CO Packet
Material Management Actions
Code Name Description
1 Materials Management Notification Date DNR received a request to review a materials management plan for this activity.
56 Continuing Obligation(s) Applied Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with one or more continuing obligations to give notice of residual contamination; require or restrict certain actions to protect the public or environment; minimize human or environmental exposures.
99 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous action - See Action Comments
101 Continuing Obligation Modification Approval Date of DNR response letter that approves a request to modify continuing obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval.
104 Continuing Obligations Satisfied - No Longer Apply Date of DNR response letter that approves work completed to satisfy all continuing obligations imposed at the time of closure/remedial action/interim action approval. Continuing obligations no longer apply at this site.
105 Continuing Obligation Request Not Approved Date of DNR response letter that does not approve a request to modify or remove Continuing Obligations from a property.
106 CO Modification Request Withdrawn Date DNR is notified that a request to modify one or more Continuing Obligations at a site has been withdrawn.
181 Continuing Obligation Modification Request Received (fee) Date DNR received a request to modify or remove continuing obligations that were imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. A fee has been paid for DNR review.
191 CO Notification Received w/o Fee Date DNR receives notification and plans to modify existing Continuing Obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. No fee is required for this review.
193 Continuing Obligation Notice to Proceed (NTP) Date DNR provides a written Notice to Proceed (letter or email) to modify/remove existing Continuing Obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. DNR has determined that the proposed plan of action is acceptable but may take an undetermined amount of time to complete.
194 Continuing Obligation Modification Final Documentation Rcvd Date DNR received final documentation supporting the modification or removal of continuing obligation(s) imposed at the time of closure or cleanup approval. This may include new maintenance plan, photos, etc.
220 Continuing Obligation - Soil at Industrial Level Ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement land use remain industrial. Soil standards that are appropriate for industrial land use were used for the approval.
221 Continuing Obligation Removed - Soil at Industrial Use Level The continuing obligation for industrial land use has been satisfied through subsequent response actions to allow for non-industrial land use. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
222 Continuing Obligation - Maintain Cap Over Contaminated Area Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain a cap or cover to protect against exposure to contaminated soil (direct contact) or to reduce the movement of residual contamination in soil or groundwater.
223 Continuing Obligation Removed - Maintain Cap The Continuing Obligation to maintain a cap or cover to protect against exposure has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
226 Continuing Obligation - Vapor Intrusion Response Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain vapor intrusion response.
227 Continuing Obligation Removed - Vapor Intrusion Response The continuing obligation for vapor intrusion response has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
228 Continuing Obligation - Site Specific Condition Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain a site-specific response under NR 726.
229 Continuing Obligation Removed - Site Specific Condition The continuing obligation for site specific condition(s) has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
230 Continuing Obligation - Maintain Liability Exemption for LGU DNR directed a local government unit or economic development corporation to conduct an interim action to maintain their liability exemption under s. 292.11(9)(e) 4, Wis. Stats.
231 Continuing Obligation Removed - Liability Exemption for LGU The maintenance of the liability exemption under s. 292.11(9)(e) 4, Wis. Stats. has been removed.
232 Continuing Obligation - Residual Soil Contamination Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the Continuing Obligation to address residual soil contamination at or above the Residual Contamination Level (RCL) or Site Specific Residual Contaminant Level (SSRCL) per rules, when moved.
233 Continuing Obligation Removed - Residual Soil Contamination The continuing obligation for residual soil has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation no longer applies to the site.
238 Continuing Obligation - Inspection Reports Required Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with one or more Continuing Obligations and this includes a requirement to submit maintenance or inspection reports.
239 Continuing Obligation Removed - Maintenance/Inspection Rpt The continuing obligation to submit maintenance or inspections reports has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
240 Continuing Obligation - Sediment Engineering Control Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain an engineering control to protect against exposure to contaminated sediment or to reduce the movement of residual contamination in a water body.
241 Continuing Obligation Removed - Sediment Engineering Control The Continuing Obligation to maintain a sediment engineering control has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
710 Database Fee Paid for Soil Continuing Obligation(s) Date fee received for residual soil contamination and related continuing obligations.
715 Database Fee Paid for Other [Obsolete] Date DNR received a fee for continuing obligations imposed under other approval authority.
860 Material Management Request Received Date DNR receives a request relating to a new or ongoing Material Management Activity.
862 Material Management Activity Completed Date DNR receives notice that a Material Management Activity at this site has been completed.
864 DNR Response to Materials Management Request Date the DNR provided a response to a request relating to a new or ongoing material management activity.
866 DNR Response to Materials Management Documentation Report Date DNR provided a response to a documentation report submitted under a related ERP or LUST case as a part of a Materials Management Activity.
868 Materials Management Activity Cancelled Date DNR received notice that this Materials Management Activity has been cancelled.
Legacy Sediment Actions
Code Name Description
1 Legacy Sediment Activity Start Date Date DNR determined a site to be part of a Legacy Sediment Site. Includes historic contamination.
7 Environmental Consultant Hired Date DNR received notification that an environmental consultant has been retained to proceed with site cleanup.
20 Potential Responsible Party (PRP) Letter Sent Date of DNR letter requesting additional information to determine who may be responsible under state law associated with the investigation and cleanup of a hazardous substance discharge to the environment.
24 Long Term Monitoring Plan Received (non-Fee) Date DNR Received a long term monitoring plan and no review was requested.
26 Long Term Monitoring Plan Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that a long term monitoring plan is not approved.
27 Long Term Monitoring Plan Approved Date DNR provided notice that a long term monitoring plan has been approved. This may include Long Term Monitoring Plans (not reports) for sites included on the EPA Superfund: National Priority List (NPL).
28 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Rpt Received Date DNR received a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) report.
29 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Rpt Received Date DNR received a Phase II (including 2.5, 3 etc.) Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) report.
30 Site Investigation Workplan (SIWP) Notice to Proceed (NTP) Date DNR provided a notice to proceed (NTP) with site investigation activities. This is not an official approval of the workplan and no fee was collected for review. An NTP may be via email or phone call.
33 Tank System Site Assessment (TSSA) Report Received Date DNR received a tank system site assessment (TSSA) regarding tank closure or change in services for an above-ground or underground tank system.
35 Site Investigation Workplan (SIWP) Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a site investigation workplan (SIWP) which states the objectives of the site investigation to determine the degree and extent of contamination.
36 Site Investigation Workplan (SIWP) Approved Date DNR provided notice that a site investigation workplan (SIWP) has been approved and site investigation activities can proceed as planned.
37 Site Investigation Report (SIR) Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a site investigation report (SIR) to determine degree & extent of contamination and form a basis for choosing the appropriate remedial action.
38 Site Investigation Report (SIR) Approved Date DNR provided notice that a site investigation report (SIR) has been approved and the degree & extent of contamination has been defined for all or part of a cleanup activity at a site.
39 Remedial Action Options Report (RAOR) Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a remedial action options report (RAOR). It identifies and evaluates options to prevent, minimize, stabilize or eliminate threats from discharged hazardous substances and to restore the environment to the extent practicable.
40 Remedial Action Options Report (RAOR) Approved Date DNR provided notice that the remedial action options report (RAOR) was approved
43 Site Activity Status Update Received Date DNR received an update regarding site activities. This may include Long Term Monitoring reports (not plans) for sites included on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
46 Impacted Right-of-Way (ROW) Notification Contamination has impacted one or more rights-of-way (ROW). The affected right-of-way (ROW) holders have been notified by the DNR.
48 Preventive Action Limit (PAL) NR140 Exemption at Closure DNR has approved site closure with an exemption under NR 140 allowing site closure with groundwater contamination above the preventive action limit (PAL).
49 Temporary Emergency Water Supply Provided Date DNR approved a temporary emergency water supply (bulk or bottled water) necessary for a responsible party and/or adjacent properties per NR 738.
53 Deed Affidavit for Contamination (NR 728) Recorded Date a deed affidavit is recorded by the DNR at the Register of Deeds. Contamination exists and property owner/RP is not proceeding or is unable to proceed with investigation and cleanup. Informs public of contamination and environmental liability associated with the property.
56 Continuing Obligation(s) Applied Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with one or more continuing obligations to give notice of residual contamination; require or restrict certain actions to protect the public or environment; minimize human or environmental exposures.
62 Landspreading Request Approved Date DNR sent written approval to landspread contaminated soil under NR 718.
64 Inject/Infiltrate Request Approved Date DNR provides notice that a request to inject into soil or groundwater under NR 812 has been approved. Infiltration approval is provided under a general WPDES permit or by a DNR project manager if WPDES permit is not necessary.
65 Landspreading Request Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that the landspreading request is denied or there is a request for further work.
66 Continuing Obligations (COs) Apply at Off-site Property(ies) Closure or on-going cleanup was approved at this site with one or more continuing obligations (COs) applied to an off-site affected property(ies) as part of the approved remedy.
69 Inject/Infiltrate Request Not Approved Date DNR provides a determination that an injection and/or infiltration request has not been approved by the department
81 Site Investigation Workplan (SIWP) Not Approved Date DNR provides notice that a site investigation workplan (SIWP) is not approved and further work is requested before proceeding with additional Site Investigation activities at the site.
82 Remedial Action Options Report (RAOR) Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that the remedial action options report (RAOR) was not approved. The RAOR should be modified or another action selected.
92 Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Report Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Report (Form 4400-194). Includes O&M reports for sites on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
93 Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Report Approved Date the Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Report (Form 4400-194) is approved or conditionally approved by DNR staff. Includes O&M reports for sites on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
94 Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Report Not Approved Date DNR provides notice that an Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Report is not approved or further work is requested. Form 4400-194.
99 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous action - See Action Comments
101 Continuing Obligation Modification Approval Date of DNR response letter that approves a request to modify continuing obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval.
104 Continuing Obligations Satisfied - No Longer Apply Date of DNR response letter that approves work completed to satisfy all continuing obligations imposed at the time of closure/remedial action/interim action approval. Continuing obligations no longer apply at this site.
105 Continuing Obligation Modification Request Not Approved Date of DNR response letter that does not approve a request to modify or remove continuing obligations from a property.
106 CO Modification Request Withdrawn Date DNR is notified that a request to modify one or more Continuing Obligations at a site has been withdrawn.
114 PFAS Scoping Statement Received Date DNR received a Scoping Statement for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) related information for this Activity.
116 PFAS Sampling Required Date DNR requested a workplan for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling or the Responsible Party (RP) voluntarilly submitted a workplan.
117 Information on PFAS Use Received in Lieu of Workplan Date DNR received additional information to support reasons that a Responsible Party (RP) feels that Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling is not needed. PFAS sampling workplan was not submitted.
118 PFAS Sampling Not Required At This Time Date DNR provided response to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Information Submitted in Lieu of Workplan stating that information provided by RP is adequate to indicate that PFAS sampling is not required at the site at this time.
119 PFAS Sampling Completed - Not Detected Date DNR received Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling results that indicated that PFAS compounds were not detected at the site at this time.
120 PFAS Sampling Completed - Actionable Levels Detected Date DNR received Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling results that indicated that PFAS compounds were detected at the site that require or drive action.
121 PFAS Sampling Completed - Non-Actionable Levels Detected Date DNR received Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling results that indicated that PFAS compounds were detected at the site, but no action is required to address PFAS levels at this time.
122 Interim Action Plan Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a plan outlining a non-emergency immediate action that will be taken to halt a hazardous substance discharge and to minimize the harmful effects to public health, safety or the environment.
124 Interim Action Plan Approved Date DNR provided notice that a Interim Action Plan has been approved.
125 Interim Action Plan Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that a Interim Action Plan was not approved and may require further work.
126 Interim Action Report Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a report documenting an emergency or non-emergency immediate action taken under NR 708 to halt a hazardous substance discharge and to minimize the harmful effects to public health, safety or the environment.
128 Interim Action Report Approved Date DNR provided notice that an Interim Action Report has been approved.
129 Interim Action Report Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that an Interim Action Report is not approved and further work may be required.
140 Site Investigation Report (SIR) Not Approved Date DNR provided notice that a site investigation report (SIR) has not been approved and further work is required to determine the degree & extent of contamination for all or part of a cleanup activity at a site.
147 Remedial Action (RA) Design Report Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a Remedial Action (RA) Design Report to document the proposed design of the remedial action or system. This includes the RA Design Report for sites included on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
149 Remedial Action (RA) Design Report Approved Date DNR approved the Remedial Action (RA) Design Report and the Responsible Party (RP) was notified via written or verbal communication. The approval may include continuing obligations. Includes RA Design reports for sites on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
150 Remedial Action (RA) Design Report Not Approved Date DNR notified the Responsible Party (RP) via written or verbal communication that the Remedial Action (RA) Design Report is not approved or further work is requested. This includes the RA Design report for sites included on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
151 Remedial Action (RA) Documentation Report Received (non-fee) Date DNR received a Remedial Action (RA) Documentation Report to document the remedial system construction or how the RA was carried out and may include documentation of effectiveness. (aka: construction documentation, as-built report in NR 724 or construction completion for the NPL).
153 Remedial Action (RA) Documentation Report Approved Date DNR approved the Remedial Action (RA) Documentation Report and the Responsible Party (RP) was notified via written or verbal communication. This includes the construction completion reports for sites included on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
154 Remedial Action (RA) Documentation Report Not Approved Date DNR notified the Responsible Party (RP) via written or verbal communication that the Remedial Action (RA) Documentation Report is not approved or further work is requested. Includes the construction completion report for sites included on the EPA Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL).
164 Voluntary Lien Acceptance Document Sent Date DNR sent property owner a letter outlining the options to file a lien on the subject property voluntarily. This document provides a sign-off acceptance process to return to DNR.
165 Voluntary Lien Acceptance Document Recieved Date DNR receives a signed acceptance from a property owner to voluntarily allow DNR to proceed with filing a lien on the subject property.
166 Voluntary Lien Acceptance Withdrawn Date DNR is notified that a property owner no longer wants to participate in the voluntary filing of a lien on their property. The owner has paid the fees or costs owed to the department. If not paid, the department may pursue further action.
167 Lien Draft Sent Date DNR sends a draft of a lien to be filed on a subject property. The property owner has (60) days to respond. The department will proceed with the filing.
185 Continuing Obligation(s) Compliance Audit Complete Date DNR completed a compliance audit of continuing obligations that were previously approved and applied to this activity to assure compliance. Audit activities include a site review and visit by DNR staff.
186 Continuing Obligation(s) Compliance Audit Follow-up Needed Date DNR provided notice to a property owner that follow-up is needed after a continuing obligations compliance audit was completed for an activity.
187 Continuing Obligation(s) Compliance Audit Follow-up Complete Date DNR determined that all follow-up needed as part of a DNR compliance audit of continuing obligations has been completed for an activity.
188 Maintenance/Inspection Rpt for Continuing Obligation Rcvd Date DNR received a maintenance or inspection report for a site where submittal of the report was a requirement for continuing obligation(s) at this site. Submittal frequency is site-specific.
191 CO Modification Notification Received (non-fee) Date DNR received notification and plans to modify existing Continuing Obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. No fee is required for this review and a notice to proceed (NTP) will be provided
193 CO Modification Notice to Proceed (NTP) Date DNR provided a written Notice to Proceed (letter or email) to modify/remove existing Continuing Obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. DNR has determined that the proposed plan of action is acceptable but may take an undetermined amount of time to complete.
194 CO Modification Final Documentation Received Date DNR receives final documentation supporting the modification/removal to continuing obligations imposed at the time of closure/cleanup approval. This may include new maintenance plan, photos, etc.
201 DNR Cost for Immediate Response Action Date that DNR incurred costs in response to a potential hazardous substance discharge where no responsible party was identified or was willing and able to respond.
203 DNR Cost Recovery Complete for Immediate Response Action Date repayment was received or DNR made a decision not to pursue cost recovery after DNR incurred costs for an immediate response action to a potential hazardous substance discharge
222 Continuing Obligation - Maintain Cap Over Contaminated Area Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain a cap or cover to protect against exposure to contaminated soil (direct contact) or to reduce the movement of residual contamination in soil or groundwater.
223 Continuing Obligation Removed - Maintain Cap The Continuing Obligation to maintain a cap or cover to protect against exposure has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
224 Continuing Obligation - Structural Impediment to Cleanup Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to conduct further investigation and cleanup as necessary following the removal of a structural impediment that impeded the original investigation.
225 Continuing Obligation Removed - Structural Impediment The continuing obligation for a structural impediment has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site
226 Continuing Obligation - Vapor Intrusion Response Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain vapor intrusion response.
227 Continuing Obligation Removed - Vapor Intrusion Response The continuing obligation for vapor intrusion response has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
228 Continuing Obligation - Site Specific Condition Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain a site-specific response under NR 726.
229 Continuing Obligation Removed - Site Specific Condition The continuing obligation for site specific condition(s) has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
232 Continuing Obligation - Residual Soil Contamination Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the Continuing Obligation to address residual soil contamination at or above the Residual Contamination Level (RCL) or Site Specific Residual Contaminant Level (SSRCL) per rules, when moved.
233 Continuing Obligation Removed - Residual Soil Contamination The continuing obligation for residual soil has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation no longer applies to the site.
234 Continuing Obligation - Monitoring Well Needs Abandonment Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to abandon a groundwater monitoring well, in accordance with ch. NR 141, that were not able to be located at the time of closure or have been approved for continued use.
235 Continuing Obligation Removed - MW Needs Abandonment The continuing obligation to abandon a groundwater monitoring well, in accordance with ch. NR 141, has been satisfied through subsequent response actions and has been removed from the site
236 Continuing Obligation - Residual GW Contamination Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the Continuing Obligation for residual groundwater contamination in excess of ch. NR 140 groundwater enforcement standard, to obtain DNR approval before well construction or reconstruction.
237 Continuing Obligation Removed - Residual GW Contamination The continuing obligation for residual groundwater contamination has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. This continuing obligation no longer applies to the site for groundwater.
238 Continuing Obligation - Inspection Reports Required Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with one or more Continuing Obligations and this includes a requirement to submit maintenance or inspection reports.
239 Continuing Obligation Removed - Maintenance/Inspection Rpt The continuing obligation to submit maintenance or inspections reports has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
240 Continuing Obligation - Sediment Engineering Control Closure or ongoing cleanup was approved with the requirement to maintain an engineering control to protect against exposure to contaminated sediment or to reduce the movement of residual contamination in a water body.
241 Continuing Obligation Removed - Sediment Engineering Control The Continuing Obligation to maintain a sediment engineering control has been satisfied through subsequent response actions. The continuing obligation has been removed from the site.
246 Impacted Right-of-Way (ROW) Notification No Longer Applies Affected right-of-way (ROW) holders were previously notified that contamination had impacted one or more right-of-ways. Site conditions have changed and the notification(s) no longer apply.
261 CO Modification for Offsite Impacted Property Date DNR received a request to modify or remove continuing obligations that were imposed at an off-site affected property at the time of closure/cleanup approval.
262 CO Modification for Offsite Property Complete Date of DNR response letter regarding a request to modify or remove continuing obligations that were imposed at an off-site affected property at the time of closure/cleanup approval.
266 CO(s) No longer apply at Off-site Properties All Continuing Obligations that were applied to Off-site affected properties as part of the remedy for closure or on-going cleanup at this site no longer apply. Off-site affected property owner(s) have been notified.
285 CO Compliance Audit Complete - Vapor Only Date DNR completed an audit of a focused subset of vapor continuing obligations at this site.
303 Superfund Site Assessment Action Taken - Not on NPL or SAS A Superfund Site Assessment Action has been taken on this site. Site is not proposed for inclusion or on the National Priorities List (NPL) or a Superfund alternative (SAS) approach site. Superfund removal-only sites are not included in this category.
313 Superfund Site Assessment Pre-CERCLA Screening (PCS) Date DNR submits the Pre-CERCLA Screening Checklist to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
315 Superfund Site Assessment Transmittal Memos Date of transmittal memo between DNR and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding Superfund Site Assessment (SAS) actions.
316 Superfund Site Assessment DNR Planning Documentation Date DNR completes a plan regarding Superfund Site Assessment actions. This includes Quick Score (QS), sampling workplans, health and safety plans and scopes of work (SOW).
317 Superfund Site Assessment Site Reassessment (SR) Date of final Site Reassessment (SR) report to determine whether further attention is needed under the Superfund (SF) Program. New information is gathered and evaluated on a site previously assessed. May include sampling, revised Quick Score, Site Decision Form (SDF)
318 Superfund Site Assessment Integrated Assessment (IA) Date DNR and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) complete a joint Removal Assessment. Information collected as part of this effort will be used to determine if additional Superfund Site Assessment actions are needed.
319 Superfund Site Assessment HRS Scoring Package Superfund Site Assessment Action has been taken on this site and a Hazard Ranking System (HRS) Scoring Package was generated. The HRS package may have been completes by US EPA or WI DNR.
334 Monitoring Well Transferred to Another Site Date DNR approves the transfer of responsibility for filling and sealing the monitoring well(s) to another site, DNR program or agency.
335 Transferred Monitoring Well(s) Abandoned Date DNR is notified that a monitoring well(s) that was previously transferred to another site, WI DNR program or state agency at the time of closure has been properly abandoned.
350 Superfund Site Assessment Preliminary Assessment (PA) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved the preliminary assessment report based on readily available information about waste generation and disposal, hazardous substances, sample locations, etc.
351 Superfund Site Assessment Site Inspection (SI) Date Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approves final site inspection report. Report includes evaluation of sample data, review of information, development of work plans and project plans. Information is used to determine if site should move forward in the Superfund Site Assessment Program.
353 Superfund Site Assessment Expanded Site Inspection (ESI) Date the final Expanded Site Inspection (ESI) Report is approved by the EPA. Performed following Preliminary Assessment (PA) and Site Inspection (SI) activities to collect additional samples to score for the Superfund: National Priorities List (NPL) eligibility determination.
354 Superfund Site Assessment Other Cleanup Authority (OCA) Date the EPA approves Wisconsin's recommendation for other cleanup authority (OCA) when a site scores >28.5 on the federal hazard ranking system (HRS). Rather than more work through Superfund, WI will use state authority. The site may be returned to the Superfund process if necessary.
355 Superfund No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP) Date the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approves Wisconsin's recommendation for No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP), based on results of a site assessment action or a removal action.
356 Superfund Removal Action Taken The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the responsible party (under an EPA order) has taken action to remove and dispose of hazardous materials that posed an imminent and substantial endangerment to human health or the environment.
411 Sediment Legacy No Further Action Planned Date the DNR establishes that no further action is planned based on results of an assessment or remedial action
450 Sediment Plan & Compliance Schedule Submitted Date DNR receives a Plan & Compliance Schedule as part of the financial assurrance for a sediment engineering control.
451 Sediment Plan & Compliance Schedule Approval Date DNR approved the Plan & Compliance Schedule as part of the financial assurrance for a sediment engineering control.
452 Sediment Financial Assurance Received Date DNR received proof of, or request for release of, financial responsibility made payable to or established for the benefit of the department or for the maintenance and repair of a sediment engineering control.
453 Sediment Financial Assurance Approved Date DNR received proof of financial responsibility made payable to or established for the benefit of the department for the maintenance and repair of an engineering control for the remediation of sediments.
454 Sediment Financial Assurance - Release of Funds Date DNR approved a request for the release of funds for the maintenance and repair of a sediment engineering control. Includes request for partial or final release of financial assurance and approval or determination by DNR.
455 Sediment Third Party Agreement - Transfer of Responsibility Date DNR received the legally enforceable agreement between the Responsible Party (RP) and another party to comply with requirements, limitations, or conditions for maintenance of an engineering control or investigation and remediation of residual contamination if a structural impediment is removed.
458 Sediment - Project Agreement/Amendment Date DNR received a sediment project agreement or ammendment. Includes the original project agreement, attachments, appendices, exhibits, and amendments.
460 Sediment Area of Concern (AOC) De-listing Date the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officially de-listed a sediment cleanup project as an Area of Concern (AOC).
805 Historic Waste Site Any deposit of waste material, other than by homeowner on their own property, where an operating license was never issued by the DNR under Wis. Admin Code NR500. This includes, but is not limited to, foundry waste, municipal-type solid waste, coal ash, and some demolition wastes.
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