Click the Location Name or FID below to view the Location Details
page. If additional Activities are present at this location, they may
be accessed from Location Details.
This Activity is part of the ST. LOUIS RIVER AOC
Great Lakes Area of Concern (AOC), one of the
geographically-defined rivers and harbor sites in Wisconsin that
has suffered the greatest consequences due to pollution and
habitat degradation. The goal of the AOC program is to clean up
and restore these areas so that they are comparable to similar
areas on the Great Lakes. The DNR's Office of Great Waters
provides leadership for cleaning up these areas.
Records related to the site are
documents that were available at the time the scanned paper or
electronic file was uploaded. Records withheld by the
department due to confidentiality, attorney-client privilege,
and other sensitive records, as well as lab data, may not be
included. Additional records associated with the site may or
may not be accessible through an open records request through
DNR or another state agency (see Jurisdiction above).
BRRTS data comes from various sources, both internal and external to DNR. There may be omissions and errors in the data and delays in updating new information.