Reporting Period: 7/1/2016 - 12/31/2016
BRRTS No: 02-16-563948
Activity Name: PICKLE POND
Status: Site Investigation
Activity: Report Preparation
Comments: Pursuant to discussions with WDNR, BNSF was asked to undertake a limited investigation on its property surrounding Pickle Pond to determine if there is an ongoing release that could recontaminate the pond after it is remediated. In late June 2016, Arcadis, on behalf of BNSF, collected soil samples on BNSF property around Pickle Pond in accordance with a WDNR-approved work plan. Validated soil sample analytical data and a sample location map were submitted to WDNR on August 24, 2016. BNSF is currently preparing a more detailed summary report, which will present and discuss an evaluation of recontamination potential based on the data. It is anticipated that this more detailed report will be submitted in January or February 2017. USFWS and WDNR have been collaborating to develop restoration concepts for Pickle Pond. On 7/8/16 BNSF provided comments on the 6/13/16 Restoration Feasibility Study outline from USFWS. On 8/5/16 BNSF provided limited comments on the 7/27/16 conceptual alternatives figures, outline of objectives-metrics-criteria document, and a draft alternatives evaluation matrix. On August 31 BNSF provided limited comments (BNSF opted not to provide detailed technical review comments on the FS in consideration of BNSF’s limited role in the project) regarding certain aspects of the 8/15/16 draft Restoration Feasibility Study report that was then issued as a final report by Limno Tech in September 2016 along with a response to comments received from WDNR, the City of Superior, USFWS and BNSF. USFWS and WDNR have since continued to work on developing restoration project concepts for the pond, and coordinating with BNSF on potential access needs and other aspects of the project. BNSF has participated in meetings and calls during this reporting period.
Submitted by David Bessingpas on 01/30/2017