Reporting Period: 1/1/2018 - 6/30/2018
BRRTS No: 02-29-563550
Activity Name: SKEET RANGE #2 TS510 FORMER
Status: Site Investigation
Activity: Report Preparation
Comments: Former Skeet Range #2 (TS510): Soil samples were collected from 13 locations within TS510 to delineate locations of previous samples exceeding Wisconsin RCLs. TS510 soil samples were analyzed for PAHs by USEPA Method SW8270C SIM. PAHs were detected in most of the samples; however, only one result exceeded both the Wisconsin RCL for non-industrial soil and the site-specific background value. The PAH sampling results provide additional information to delineate locations of previous exceedances. The MHAT for TS510 was reviewed and the alternate hazard rating of “Munitions Debris Only” (Bay West, 2015) remains unchanged. The MRSPP priority for TS510 is 6. The HHRA was updated using the PAH analytical data collected in 2017. The cumulative carcinogenic risk for TS510 is 3×10-6 for the residential scenario. This value is below WDNR’s target cancer risk of 5×10-6 for cumulative cPAHs for the residential scenario and at the lower end of the USEPA risk management range of 1×10-6 to 1×10-4. The cumulative carcinogenic risk for the industrial scenario is 2×10-7. This value is less than WDNR’s target cancer risk of 1×10-5 for the industrial scenario and is below the USEPA risk management range of 1×10-6 to 1×10-4. Therefore, no unacceptable risks are anticipated due to PAHs in TS510 soil. In addition, the conclusions of the ERA (Bay West, 2015) are unchanged, and little or no population risk to wildlife is expected based on the MC concentrations present at TS510. Recommendation: NFA is recommended for TS510.
Submitted by Josh Miller on 07/02/2018