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Peshtigo Wastewater: Laboratory Analytical Reports and Data Validation Reports for Tyco wastewater were submitted on January 3. Ditch A/B Monthly Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) Reports (December 2019) were submitted on January 21. A Copy of Arcadis' Database for Previously Submitted PFAS Data and FTC and Stanton Street Groundwater Plume Maps were submitted on January 31. A Data Summary Report â Heath Lane Area Site Investigation was submitted on February 4. Signed Access Agreement for WDNR Deer Tissue Sampling Events for Winter 2020 was signed on February 12. A FTC 2014 Data and Report Search was submitted on February 17. Ditch A/B Monthly WPDES Reports (January 2020) were submitted on February 21. Ditch A Semi-Annual Monitoring Report (July 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019) and Ditch B Semi-Annual Monitoring Report (July 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019) were submitted on February 25. A Draft Project Schedule for FTC and Stanton Street was submitted on March 2. A Revised Draft Project Schedule for Tyco FTC and Stanton Street was submitted on March 12. A Comprehensive Alternative Water Management Plan was submitted on March 19. A Southern Area Groundwater Evaluation Report and Ditch A/B Monthly WPDES Reports (February 2020) were submitted on March 20. A FTC Excavation Dewatering Plan was submitted on March 27. A FTC Well Survey Report was submitted on March 31. A Revised Long-Term Potable Well Sampling Plan was submitted on April 1. A Q1 2020 Project Status, Tyco FTC and Stanton Street, Marinette and Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) was submitted on April 15. Ditch A/B Monthly Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) Reports (March 2020) were submitted on April 21. A Notification of Soil Excavation for Construction â Building 105 Building Construction was submitted on May 13. A FTC Interim Site Investigation Report was submitted on May 15. Ditch A/B Monthly WPDES Reports (April 2020) was submitted on May 21. A FTC Conceptual Site Model was submitted on May 26. A FTC Potable Well Sampling Program Summary Report and Draft Project Schedule, Tyco FTC and Stanton Street, Marinette were submitted on June 1. A FTC Air Deposition Evaluation Report and Notice of Intent (NOI) and Discharge Management Plan for the Building 105 Addition Construction were submitted on June 8. Ditch A/B Monthly WPDES Reports (May 2020) were submitted on June 19. The supplemental site investigation was initiated in spring and the site investigation work is ongoing. The Long-Term Potable Well Monitoring Plan is ongoing. Bottled water and Point-of-Entry Treatment (POET) systems have been offered to affected potable well owners. The Ditch A and Ditch B Surface Water and Foam Interim Actions continued or were implemented during the reporting period. Routine communications were completed with the WDNR regarding the investigation activities.