Reporting Period: 7/1/2021 - 12/31/2021
BRRTS No: 02-08-520157
Activity Name: MIRRO PLT #20 (FORMER)
Status: Site Investigation
Activity: Report Preparation
Comments: Basement subfloor drainage system samples (solids and water) and sump vapor samples were collected on July 7 and 8, 2021. The sump vapor results were provided to the WDNR via e-mail on July 23, 2021, followed by an August 16, 2021 NR 716.14 data transmittal letter which also included the drainage system sample results. Based on the initial sump vapor results and subsequent communications with the WDNR, additional vapor sampling was performed on August 6, 2021 which included the collection indoor air samples (basement level), sub-slab vapor samples (concrete slab on-grade occupied space), and an outdoor air sample. Baseline groundwater sampling was also conducted in August 2021 in accordance with the approved Site Investigation Work Plan (SIWP). The vapor results were provided to the WDNR via e-mail on August 13, 2021, followed by a September 3, 2021 NR 716.14 data transmittal letter that also included the baseline groundwater sample results. Based on the baseline groundwater sampling results, SIWP modifications were discussed with the WDNR and outlined in a September 16, 2021 e-mail. Soil boring and monitoring well installation activities were completed in September 2021 and the associated soil sample analytical results were provided to the WDNR in an October 12, 2021 NR 716.14 data transmittal. Groundwater samples were collected from the new and existing monitoring wells in October 2021 and the associated analytical results were provided to the WDNR in an November 18, 2021 data transmittal. The results of the additional investigation work further document that off-site source(s) have impacted the property and as such an off-site liability clarification request is currently being prepared.
Submitted by Susan Petrofske on 01/06/2022