Reporting Period: 7/1/2021 - 12/31/2021
BRRTS No: 02-16-275446
Status: Remediation
Activity: Active Remediation
Comments: During this time period, Superior Water, Light & Power (SWL&P), together with Foth Infrastructure & Environment, LLC (Foth) advanced the following efforts: (1) Received DNR response to SWL&P's May 21, 2021 comment response letter on August 12, 2021; (2) Revised the remedial design (RD) deliverables based on DNR comments on the 60% RD; (3) Submitted the 90% Remedial Action Design Report; Construction Quality Assurance Plan; Operations, Maintenance, & Monitoring Plan; Field Sampling Plan; Air Management Plan; Quality Assurance Project Plan; and Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Plan and associated review fee to DNR on September 14, 2021; (4) Participated in a Site walk and in-person meeting with DNR to discuss the RD, site constraints, and path to closure for the project on September 22, 2021; (5) Received DNR comments on the 90% RD deliverables on December 23, 2021; and (6) Selected Envirocon as the remedial action (RA) contractor for implementing the upland remedy. SWL&P has also submitted draft Access Agreements and Continuing Obligations letters to the City of Superior, Graymont, Lakehead Concrete, and BNSF and actions to finalize access agreements are in progress. Due to the comment response and resolution cycle, the construction of the remedial action has been delayed with a new goal of constructing the remedial action in the summer of 2022, however if BNSF approval is not granted and/or DNR comments cannot be resolved quickly, this work may need to be pushed back into 2023. Also note that during this time period, SWL&P finalized their Project Agreement with GLNPO for acceptance into the Great Lakes Legacy Act (GLLA) program and held a kick-off meeting with DNR and GLNPO on November 19, 2021. SWL&P and Foth have begun preparing a Sediment Focused Feasibility Study/Remedial Action Options Report under EPA and DNR oversight.
Submitted by Erin Hughes on 01/26/2022