Reporting Period: 1/1/2022 - 6/30/2022
BRRTS No: 02-16-275446
Status: Remediation
Activity: RAOR Report Preparation
Comments: During this time period, Superior Water, Light & Power (SWL&P), together with Foth Infrastructure & Environment, LLC (Foth) advanced the following efforts on the Upland portion of the project: (1) Revised the Continuing Obligation Notification Packages based on WDNR comments and resubmitted to impacted property owners (the City of Superior, Graymont, Lakehead Concrete, and BNSF) on May 4, 2022; provided copies of the submittal to John Sager (WDNR); (2) Set up a Project Portal for document sharing; (3) Provided a response to WDNR comments on the 90% Remedial Action Design Report and associated deliverables to John Sager in a letter dated March 29, 2022; (4) Met with WDNR on March 31, 2022 to discuss their comments on the 90% Remedial Action Design Report (RAD) and associated deliverables; (5) Emailed John Sager (WDNR) a redline copy of the revised 90% Remedial Action Design Report text on April 11, 2022, per his request; (6) Received WDNR’s Response to SWL&P Comments letter on May 5, 2022; and (7) continued developing the Upland 100% RAD. During this time period, Superior Water, Light & Power (SWL&P), together with Foth Infrastructure & Environment, LLC (Foth) advanced the following efforts on the In-Water (Sediment) portion of the project: (1) Began amending their Project Agreement and Statement of Work (SOW) with GLNPO under the Great Lakes Legacy Act (GLLA) program; (2) Held collaborative meetings with USEPA GLNPO and WDNR on February 7, March 7, April 4, May 2, and June 6, 2022; (3) Submitted the Sediment Remedial Action Options Report (RAOR) to WDNR and USEPA on April 27, 2022, and paid the associated $1,050 review fee (which was confirmed received by WDNR on May 5, 2022); and (4) Coordinated with WDNR on their upcoming sediment sampling efforts in the “C-Street Slip”, a portion of which is adjacent to the Former MFG Plant. The current schedule anticipates conducting the upland remedial action in 2023 and the in-water sediment remedial action in 2024.
Submitted by Erin Hughes on 07/26/2022