Reporting Period: 7/1/2022 - 12/31/2022
BRRTS No: 02-41-556117
Status: Site Investigation
Activity: Field Sampling/Monitoring
Comments: Site Investigation Workplan, dated July 29, 2022 PSI completed the case closure documentation and it was submitted to the WDNR in November/December 2016. It has been reviewed by the WDNR and they requested additional information and changes to the submittal. PSI prepared these changes and resubmitted them in August 2017. Additional information for off-site retraction letters was submitted in December 2017. PSI prepared additional information to substantiate the request to retract the offsite notification letter to the UPRR property to the west. In addition and as requested by the WDNR, PSI prepared a summary letter of a comparsion of PSI's chromium test results vs Hygienetics' chromium test results and test locations in relationship to the western adjoining railroad line and submitted it to the WDNR. PSI prepared a proposal to perform additional site investigation activities on this parcel January 7, 2020. Additional groundwater monitoring well was installed on January 25, 2021 and collected soil and groundwater samples analyzed for the presence of Chromium, Hexa Chromium and Tri Chromium and Cyanide. Based upon the review of the laboratory test results and field collected data, there is no evidence that indicates the presence of Total Chromium, Hexavalent Chromium, Trivalent Chromium, or Cyanide at high levels within the soils collected from PSI’s SB-15a, which was placed in the general area around the former Hygienetics’ SB-15. The soil test results indicated no detected levels above the laboratory LODs for Hexavalent Chromium and Cyanide and levels of Total Chromium and Trivalent Chromium were well below the WDNR NR720 BTV for Chromium. In addition, the groundwater test results indicated no detected levels of dissolved Chromium, Hexavalent Chromium, Trivalent Chromium, or Cyanide above their respective laboratory LODs. PSI also evaluated for emerging contaminants. Walmart has given approval to evaluate for the presence of PFASs within the groundwater associated with the existing wells. These sampling activities were completed in August 2022. Additional groundwater sampling for the presence of PFASs was proposed and will be performed following client approval.
Submitted by Patrick J Patterson on 01/24/2023