Reporting Period: 1/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
BRRTS No: 02-28-590228
Activity Name: 600 OAK ST
Status: Remediation
Activity: No Activity
Comments: During this reporting period, an Interim Action Report (IAR), dated March 24, 2023 has been submitted to the WDNR. The interim actions completed during this reporting period, as described within the IAR, include waste profiling, in-situ treatment of soil containing lead concentrations above TCLP limits, excavation and disposal of impacted soil, and sidewall/base confirmation sampling. Approximately 285 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the site and estimates based on confirmation sampling show approximately 50% of the lead mass has been removed. The site has been backfilled and capped with clean material. Other than confirmation soil sampling results which was submitted to the WDNR in the above mentioned IAR, laboratory data for this reporting period was not collected; thus, laboratory reports are not being submitted with this site progress report. Based on WDNR feedback provided in a letter dated, August 5, 2022, the site investigation at the Oak Street site is complete. For the next steps, the City of Fort Atkinson will work diligently with the WDNR in the near future to keep the site on a path to closure.
Submitted by Lucas Chabela on 07/28/2023