Reporting Period: 1/1/2024 - 6/30/2024
BRRTS No: 02-05-587486
Activity Name: THE SOLBERG CO - SITE 2
Status: Site Investigation
Activity: No Activity
Comments: Status Update 4 was submitted to the WDNR on February 20, 2024. The report recommended the installation on and off-site monitoring wells and installation of a piezometer along with semi-annual groundwater monitoring. A Site Investigation Work Plan was submitted to the WDNR on March 14, 2024. Two of the on-site monitoring wells and the on-site piezometer were performed on April 1, 2024. Since that time, CLSE along with the RP's attorney, have been trying to get the access agreement for the installation of the additional off-site monitoring well and the semi-annual groundwater monitoring of the off-site monitoring wells authorized. Upon receipt of the signed access agreement, the additional work will be scheduled. It should be noted that the underground storage tank system at the site was removed on June 12, 2024. A Tank System Site Assessment Report is currently being prepared by CLSE.
Submitted by Brian Youngwirth on 07/24/2024