Prevalence information: Prevalence is the proportion or percentage of a population that tests positive for a disease and in Wisconsin the CWD prevalence rate differs throughout the state. To learn more about prevalence of CWD in Wisconsin view the CWD prevalence page including the mapping tool at the bottom of the page.

This table shows available CWD test results for the selected year for each of DNR's four zones statewide. Results for an individual year are for the CWD year, which runs from April 1st through March 31st. For example, the results for the 2023 CWD year would be April 1st, 2023 through March 31st, 2024. Deer will not have full data until the datasheet is entered.

See data for all years

See the data for CWD Year: 

Note that the DNR data reported here only includes wild deer. For information on test results for farm-raised deer and elk, please contact the DATCP Home Farm-Raised Deer Program ( (phone 608-224-4872).

DNR Zone # Sampled # Analyzed Positive for CWD
Central Forest Zone 588 588 16
Northern Forest Zone 2055 2055 0
Central Farmland Zone 6946 6946 85
Southern Farmland Zone 7724 7724 1483
Unknown Zone 31 31 3