Fisheries Management Information System
Application and Registration Process
Tournament Type Screening
Done Review Application

Do I need a Permit or a Tournament Registration?

Note:These questions pertain to individual events, so if you are organizing a series of tournaments and
want to register them together, you'll want to answer for the individual events. For example, the prize value should be
the prize for a single event, not cumulative across many events.
* Required Fields
Is the estimated number of boats greater than or equal to 20?    
Is the estimated number of participants greater than or equal to 100?    
Is the tournament a Catch-Hold-Release tournament with an off-site weigh-in?    
Is the estimated prize value greater than or equal to $10,000?    
Does the target species include trout and is the waterbody a trout stream?    
Are you holding a bass tournament with fewer than 20 boats but want to allow participants to cull?    
Has this tournament been held 4 out of 5 years from 2004 to 2008 at the same location?    
Is this tournament being held before Saturday, March 29, 2025?    

The Official Internet site for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

101 S. Webster Street : PO Box 7921 : Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7921 : 1-888-936-7463