Lake Name:

a lake.
Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality

Wisconsin Lake Maps

County:    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
NameCountyArea (Acres)Max Depth (Feet)LocationWBIC
Lake Onalaska La Crosse839140T16N R8W S14 NW NE728100
Neshonoc Lake La Crosse60611T17N R6W S27 SE SE1653500
Round Lake La Crosse407T18N R9W S36 SW SE728500
Veterans Memorial Park Pond La Crosse47.5T16N R6W S5 NE NE1652200

Table Key

  • Area: Acres
  • Max Depth: Feet
  • WBIC: Waterbody Identification Code
  • Region: DNR Region. NE = Northeast. NO = Northern. SC = South Central. SE = Southeast. WC = West Central.