Lake Name:

a lake.
Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality

About the Local Boating Ordinance Database

Recently, the Department developed an online database of local boating ordinances. The Wisconsin Boating Ordinance data set shows waterbodies, local municipalities and counties where local boating ordinances are in effect and where the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has a copy on file. The data layer only shows water bodies, municipalities or counties, as a whole, where ordinances are in effect. It does not show the location of actual waterway markers.

By law, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources must receive a copy of each local boating ordinance. The Boating Ordinance data set is the result of a two-year effort to scan and map the ordinances on file. As new ordinances come in, they are added to the database. However, there may be some delay between the time a local boating ordinance is passed and the time it gets into the database.

Therefore, you may use this online data set for planning, but the only way to know for sure if a water body has an ordinance in effect is to look for a sign posted at a public boat landing.