SAND LAKE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT: Sand Lake Eurasian Water Milfoil Treatment
The Sand Lake Management District is sponsoring a three year aquatic invasive species (AIS) project for Sand Lake to control or eradicate Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) including an early season, large-scale herbicide treatment of established beds of EWM in 2006, and post-treatment monitoring through 12/31/2008 to determine the initial treatment effectiveness and its impact on target and non-target species. Included with the post monitoring is the potential for re-treatment or spot treatment of missed or reemerging EWM. Efforts at preventing new AIS infestations into Sand Lake will be addressed with an education program for lake residents via the district newsletter. Bouy markers will be placed in the lake to delineate the current boundaries of existing beds of EWM for both herbicide application and lake users.
Chemical treatment will be conducted in accordance with guidelines provided in a DNR approved Aquatic Plant Management (APM) Plan. All appropriate DNR APM protocols will be followed. Post monitoring will be completed by a professional entity with the support of Sand Lake Management District volunteers. Re-treatment, spot treatment, or other treatments will be completed as necessary provided impact on non-target species is minimal and they are approved in the APM Plan.
Project Type
Aquatic Invasives Control
Project ID
Year Started
- Monitor Invasive Species
- Control Invasive Species
- Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
- Monitor Pre and Post Treatment
Final Report and Products
People/Organizations Involved
Sand Lake Management District