DEER LAKE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION: Deer Lake Curly Leaf Pondweed Control
Deer Lake Improvement Association is sponsoring a 2-yr project to implement approved activities from the Deer Lake Aquatic Plant Management Plan.
Project deliverables include GIS data & maps of areas monitored, aquatic plant & turion monitoring reports, management/treatment summaries.
Specific project activities include: 1) Curly-leaf pondweed herbicide control; 2) Pre-post treatment aquatic plant monitoring; 3) Turion monitoring.
Special Conditions: 1) WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance shall be followed for aquatic plant monitoring; 2) Sponsor shall contact DNR immediately if a new AIS is found; 3) AIS monitoring and watercraft inspection personnel shall be trained and follow DNR approved protocols.
This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lakes Biologist.
Project Type
Aquatic Invasives Control
Project ID
Year Started
- APM Chemical Permit Request
- APM Chemical Permit Request
- APM Chemical Permit Request
- APM Chemical Permit Request
- APM Chemical Treatment Record
- APM Chemical Treatment Record
Final Report and Products
People/Organizations Involved
Deer Lake Improvement Association