Lake Name:

a lake.

Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality
Grants Contacts

POLK COUNTY LWRD: Polk County AIS Monitoring & Management Project

Polk Co. is sponsoring an AIS project which includes: education & outreach at public events & meetings; developing educational material; monitoring & mapping of Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM), purple loosestrife, & other AIS; CBCW training & watercraft inspections; CLMN AIS training; developing prevention, rapid response & APM plans; technical support for rapid response projects; Polk Co. "illegal-to-transport" awareness campaign.

Deliverables include: 1) Report/assessment of education/outreach activities & examples of materials developed, monitoring activities, data including descriptions of extent of AIS, control measures, prevention & AIS plans, the information in 2-9; 2) Baseline data (species, GPS locations, estimated infestation size) & GIS maps of AIS populations; 3) Aquatic plant survey results (i.e. point-intercept method); 4) APM plans, if applicable; 5) Purple loosestrife release site locations & management summary; 6) CBCW & CLMN data collection summary. Data collected to include data required as part of the given program & must be entered in statewide database; 7) County-wide resource list, lake contacts, monitors, volunteers, presentations, etc.; 8) Example waterfront property owner packet; 9) "illegal-to-transport" awareness campaign summary.

Special Conditions: 1) New AIS found must be immediately reported to the Dept; 2) The Dept. may provide AIS monitoring methods; 3) For new AIS infestations the Dept. & Co. will work with the respective lake group to develop a rapid response plan and/or AIS plan that meets the requirements of NR 198.43. APM Plans for established infestations should use the Aquatic Plant Management in WI guidance & meet the NR 198.43 requirements to be AIS control grant-eligible.

This scope summarizes the grant application scope & does not supersede the application specifics. Data, records, & reports, including GIS-based maps & digital images, must be submitted to the Dept. in a format specified by the Lake Coordinator.

Project Type AIS_GRANT - Aquatic Invasives Education
Project ID AEPP-174-09
Year Started 2008


  • Train Volunteers
  • Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
  • Informational Meetings