LAC VIEUX DESERT LAKE ASSOCIATION, INC: Lac Vieux Desert AIS Prevention & Control Project (2023-2025)
Lac Vieux Desert Association project for EWM management will be strategic; recognizing that not all EWM in the waterbody will be managed. Management will be consistent with current stakeholder concerns, favoring hand removal over herbicides, either with divers alone or DASH. Proposed priority sites include newly colonized locations of low abundance and/or isolated sites with relativity little to no EWM adjacent to them.
Project final deliverables include:
(1) Maps and tables of pre and post treatment conditions of managed sites
(2) Summaries of new AIS findings, maps depicting locations, and tabulated results
(3) Maps and graphs of maximum depth of plant colonization, sediment characteristics, locations of invasive species and possible at-risk habitats based on measured parameters
(4) All CBCW data, including ISCCW data, entered into SWIMS
Specific project activities include:
(1) Improve early detection and response to new aquatic invasive species
(2) Prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species
(3) Continue to monitor and collect baseline data
(4) Generate/implement a site-specific and adaptive framework to control AIS
(5) Provide accountability for management actions - management evaluation
(6) EWM Management - Hand removal/DASH 2023-2025
(7) Plant identification 2025
Special Conditions: DNR is to receive copies of the final report prior to submission of grantee's final payment request. It is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft of the final report for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant.
It is strongly recommended that an annual management strategy meeting be held each winter with DNR to discuss EWM management for the next year before aquatic plant management permit applications are submitted.
Project Type
Aquatic Invasives Control
Project ID
Year Started