RICE LAKE P & R DISTRICT: 2010-2012 Rice Lake APM Plan Implementation
Rice Lake P&R District is sponsoring a project implementing activities from the Rice Lake Aquatic Plant Management Plan (APMP) with emphasis on curly leaf pondweed (CLP). Funding is for the first year of implementation.
Tasks include: 1) Chemical & mechanical control of CLP; 2) Pre- & post-treatment aquatic plant surveys; 3) CLP turion density monitoring; 4) Eurasian water milfoil monitoring & Rapid Response Plan Development; 5) Purple loosestrife monitoring & control; 6) Japanese knotweed monitoring & control; 7) Purchase of dissolved oxygen meter & expanded water quality monitoring at 3 lake sites, 3 tributary sites, & 1 site at the dam; 8) Aquatic plant ID training for Lake Dist. & summer intern; 9) Restoration of emergent aquatic plant species; 10) Implement watercraft inspection program; 11) Develop Public Communications Committee; 12) Lake user education, including Lakes Fair, Barron Co. Fair booth, radio ads, & digital newsletter.
Project Type
Aquatic Invasives Control
Project ID
Year Started
- Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Final Report and Products
People/Organizations Involved
Rice Lake Protection & Rehab District