SAWYER COUNTY: Osprey Lake EWM Control
Sawyer County in cooperation with the Osprey Lake Property Owners Association (OLPOA) is sponsoring a project to control Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) in Osprey Lake and implement management actions in the approved Osprey Lake Aquatic Plant Management Plan.
Project goals: 1) EWM control will take place on 12-16 acres of EWM in Osprey Lake. The goal of the treatment is to reduce EWM to less than 3 acres or 2.5% of the littoral zone; 2) The OLPOA will develop a Clean Boats, Clean Waters program at the boat landing on Osprey Lake. In addition to a CBCW program, the OLPOA will discuss increased enforcement issues at the landing with the LCO Wardens and the LCO Tribal Police; 3) Lake residents will be educated about the lake, EWM, and native plants during a lake excursion with the Sawyer County AIS Coordinator; 4) Volunteers will be trained using Citizen Lake Monitoring Network methods to monitor EWM within the lake. Surveys will be done once/month from June through September to monitor treated areas and to look for new EWM locations.
Project Type
Aquatic Invasives Control
Project ID
Year Started
- APM Chemical Permit Request
- Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
- Monitor Pre and Post Treatment
- Educate and engage residents
- Project Deliverable
Final Report and Products