TOWN OF SWISS: Lake Twenty Six AIS Project
The Town of Swiss is sponsoring a 1-yr. aquatic invasive species (AIS) grant on behalf of Lake 26. The project includes four components, in-lake monitoring for AIS, installation of a large permanent sign at the Lake 26 public access point, a watercraft inspection program at the landing in accordance with the Wisconsin "Clean Boats, Clean Waters" program, and education of lake residents. The project is based on 400 hours of in-kind volunteer hours including approx. 200 hours of actual watercraft inspection and additional time for volunteer in-lake monitoring, sign design, construction and installation, and volunteer project supervision & coordination. An additional 244 hours or more of watercraft inspection is provided for through incentives and available stipends built into the project.
Project Type
Aquatic Invasives Education
Project ID
Year Started
- Monitor Invasive Species
- Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters